Well, maybe not a new family, exactly. This old classic is from the spring of 1997, not long before Arlo had his hair cut. Obviously, this site has been limping along, lately. I’ve been very busy with other things, but I haven’t forgotten about you, appearances to the contrary. Actually, I am traveling this week. I am in Memphis, and I have a good excuse! Yesterday, I was privileged to be among several cartoonists assembled at St. Jude’s Research Hospital to draw for some of the young patients there. It was a great day, but I’m looking forward to getting back to work.

By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
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Dark Passage
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What’s old is old, again
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Back to the ol’ drawing board
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Thursday’s Child
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297 responses to “Busted!”
“Why were you up so late, sand?” Ghost asked innocently.
I can tell that at least a chunk of my afternoon is going to be spent being sessile in front of the TV while the Braves play. Yesterday was indeed a long day. So, no garden planting for me today.
Although I of course admire those of you who are involved in horticultural adventures. Plant something pretty, Jackie. Or at least prettier than a Joshua tree.
GR6, let the music say it, https://youtu.be/bgOA24hAe60
One of my favorites, Sand! Of course, I love all of Seger’s songs.
My anthem…
Perhaps not coincidentally, the nickname “The Rock” was bestowed on me many years ago.
Jackie – just for you 8:41 post
Not sit – squat and if it is not cold – time to plant.
most fields planted here now. Not like last year.
As I said before they do in hour what we did in weeks.
A good car or (I am told fighter plane) SHOULD feel like you are wearing it – you think and it moves. I mean well fitting not ill fitting – and I have had those.
I was a lot younger and quicker when I stripped out at -20. Out of the wind it is not too bad.
Brother was in Chelyabinsk in 1980 for May Day and October Revolution Day which is in
Jackie need a dash after you
You made me cry and smile too at the same time, Old Bear. I love Cat Stevens and I love that song more than any other he sang. Thank you and for the beautiful video as well.
Love, Jackie
Old Bear, is your brother in the tractor, pasta, or shoe business?
Induction Furnaces – Was
Ahhh, thawing the Urals.
OF due 1727-1747 CDT. Just back from a splendid performance of Mozart’s Requiem. nap emb
Sorry, Old Bear was so touching I almost could not bring myself to put this song on here for my friend, Ghost: But the devil made me do it.
If I didn’t get that one right, Mark or Sand, please correct me, I don’t speak computer. It is Mississippi Queen.
Love, Jackie
I would try to get Bro to explain but we would be so deep in technical jargon that
Debbe would have to bring the pit cleaning tractor and Jackie would never have to buy
fertilizer. It would all be true & correct but Gal would never have a sleepless night.:)
If you want I would see if he would pop in.
See you tomorrow sometime
OK, Jackie, and the devil made me do this…
I have noticed, though, that you are getting much better at posting YouTube links.
Good night, Old Bear, I am listening to music and waiting for the honey dew melon to kick in, then go out and weed some more. Had a great vegetarian rice bowl, brown rice, black eyed peas, broccoli and carrots in ginger sauce. Feeling virtuous and want to go dig in the dirt. Yes, I do buy a lot of that cow stuff. The snow peas, potatoes and green onions look good. I like rich dirt, that black gumbo I grew up with weighed ten pounds per foot, your foot when you got it muddy!
Cotton seed compost is my favorite soil additive, right along with cow manure. My grandmother liked chicken poop, however! Well aged.
Love, Jackie
Jackie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ei5EmN2HmVI
Still laughing at you all. We have to behave, we will upset the correct ones among us again.
But who wants to be “correct”? Speak now.
Seriously, I am going back to weeding. yeah, I am listening to a lot more music nowadays and I guess my musical memory has kicked back in. Don’t know about the computer skills, however.
EMB, so you don’t feel left out, I listen to classical music now all night, just leave it running. Mozart is a great favorite of mine, among many composers I love. I often put on eight hours of a favorite, like Mozart and just let it stream. If I wake up, it is to great beauty and it is comforting, just go right back to sleep. Solved the sleep problems somehow.
Love, jackie
The proper song for this past April: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddpl1zl5sYg
sandcastler ™, for some reason my computer is no longer streaming youtube smoothly. It doesn’t matter whether I try it in Chrome or Explorer, it stutters. Spotify and Pandora are ok, but I just can’t stand to listen to YouTube now. Any ideas?
Mark, mine isn’t either! I figured I had done something wrong, what with my ineptitude with a computer and just learning what youtube was from y’all. Internet Explorer isn’t much working on mine, so I went to Chrome and mine is stuttering, just like Mark said. I was going to sign up for Spotify and Amazon but haven’t gotten around to it yet.
Oh, and thank you, I loved the Grateful Dead and had not heard that song, beautiful actually.
Love, Jackie
YouTube update.
It is nothing on your end, YouTube has been experiencing problems this afternoon. It is being worked on.
Back to regular chat.
When computers slow down and things quit working well, you have to figure out where the bottleneck is. Often it’s in the WiFi or whatever source you have for YouTube, as in too many people downloading things at the same time. (I had a long argument with Comcast about 2 years ago… when they replaced the hub upstream from our house things suddenly got a LOT better.) Sometimes it’s your computer’s processor being overburdened by software demands. Even a program that you left ‘running’ in the background, though it’s not actively doing anything, is taking up space in the active memory (RAM) and leaving the CPU short on resources. So, if you’re using a laptop, take it to another WiFi and see if things run better. Or try quitting everything except your browser.
Good luck!
My “gas guzzler” Crown Vic averaged 24.2 mpg on my 400+ mile trip yesterday. Not bad, considering my route included a 25 mile stretch of urban four-lane (each way) Interstate highway. I call the lanes Fast, Faster, Too Fast and OMG. I drive in the OMG lane just to keep from getting run over. I did see one driver maintaining the 65 mph posted limit, but he was changing a tire.
Jackie, anyone who loves music must get Spotify. You will be like a kid in a candy store. Be sure to get the mobile version (if it is still separate) so you can stream music when you travel. I have set up at “Drive” playlist on mine that I listened to yesterday while traveling. Really makes the miles click off.
I was gone longer than I expected, but I’m back. It happens that I am 66 years old today. My wife has made a cake and is cooking a ribeye so I won’t try to read everything that I missed, but I read JJ’s note and there have apparently been some problems. A pat on the back for his attending St. Jude’s. In my mind I have pledged to them a million dollars if I should win the lottery, but I don’t think that I could ever visit because I would break down when I saw those poor kids.