Yes, it’s that time of year, also. Time for a homecooked meal served en plein air, complete with a fresh baguette. By the way, the one-and-done Braves are on top of the National League East by 2.5 games, solidly on schedule for their annual date with destiny: elimination in the first round of the playoffs. I see the BoSox aren’t doing so well.

Butter, butter, butter!
By Jimmy Johnson
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108 responses to “Butter, butter, butter!”
Emb, she looks a bit like him in the face, I think.
Mark in TTown, THANK YOU!! Debbe, you should go follow the link Mark posted. It should give you a laugh.
eMb, the girl looks rather like a young Clooney, who is famously not married.
While we do not allow cell phones at the table during dinner, a while back Husband and I were at a restaurant where the noise level was almost enough to make texting necessary if we wanted to talk.
Lily, π
Trapper Jean and Debbe, here’s another good one:
Clooney’s appeal goes over my head, though I liked him in “O, Brother, Where Art Thou?” But, then, I liked that whole movie
Lily, as I’ve noted previously noted, just about any movie the Coen brothers make is worth watching.
A quick check of my thesaurus shows that possible new names for the Braves MLB team could be the Atlanta Gallants; Atlanta Valiants; Atlanta Stalwarts; or my personal favorite, the Atlanta Spunkies.
Mark, that one works, too! π
I wonder how many of the people who watched “O, Brother, Where Art Thou?” were aware that the title was a reference to a movie from 1941:
I was; and further, from the Odyssey/ “The Odyssey was not written by Homer, but by another author of the same name.” π
garcinia cambogia extract…
blog topic…
Yeah, good luck with that. While you’re add it, don’t forget to get some of that “rare mellon extract from the south of France” that will, without any makeup, make women look like Cindy Crawford.
Last time I saw a photo of her, that’s all she had on, except maybe heels. Can’t remember, and I know why not.
Debbe π When was your last day off, hon?
Good morning, Villagers!
GR, I sure don’t get one today. Medical people work every day.
Medical people gotta work every day now, Lily? Is that part of the ACA I missed? π
GR6, nope, can’t blame it on ACA. People don’t get hurt or sick on a schedule, so someone always has to be available to care for them. Hospitals are 24/7 and even when doctor’s offices are closed, the doctors are paying visits to their patients who are in hospitals.
But then, you knew that didn’t you?
At least, as a coder, I am on a regular schedule since we don’t do direct patient care.
Lilyblack, hope your day goes well and your patients do well.
Ghost I have consulted with Spunky and she has generously granted permission to use her name.
Yep, my boss and I made rounds at the hospital this morning and then saw patients till twelve thirty. She is not aon call for the ER this weekend, so unless one of ours gets sick, we are free. I really don’t mind morning rounds, i get to talk to the patients and change their dressings while my boss is talking to the nurses, so it’s kind of like I’m a junior doc. Also, I get to show off in front of my former co-workers, especially the supervisor that reported me for hanging out in the ER instead of staying in the lab. The cow.
Reminds me of my co-worker who fought like cats and dogs with his boss, they both applied for her boss’s job and he was promoted. Later he fired her, not without plenty of cause.
It is my firm belief that someone, somewhere is going to try the dodge Arlo attempts in Sunday’s real-time strip. Possibly multiple someones. π
Good morning Villagers……
I could not log into Go Comics yesterday. Kept getting ‘server not found’, all other sites came up fine…I missed my morning A&J and this blog, it’s almost like starting your day off without coffee!!!
And Jerry’s back…good for you, sounds as though you have rebounded well.
GR π today is the first day off in two weeks. I don’t work full eight hour days, I’m in there at 7:30 until sometime around two….so I try to get as many hours as possible, and besides, there are the two teenage boys I whip into constructive working habits on Saturdays. My boss says to work ’em hard.
Jean and Mark….thanks for those links…too funny. I remember one where an eagle is swooping down on a little field mouse whose arm is extended up with only the middle finger showing…the caption….”the last act of defiance!” Wish I could find that somewhere….Mark???
Lily, hadn’t heard that expression in a long time “the cow”…I work with one, my sister-in-law! She is overweight and wears her clothes too small. One of my co-workers has made a remark about her t-shirts….his young son needs his t-shirts back.
How ya doing Indy Mndy? I see where is forecasting severe weather for us, lot of red on that map, even the southern states are involved in the next couple of days.
I mentioned yesterday that we’ve never had a tornado drill…..we’re (the hen house) just a mile away from the White river and a little community that has had a few touch downs of tornadoes in the past. There’s no where to go for us, guess I’ll be like that little field mouse π
Well, we have Brooklyn this weekend, griddle cakes and a bubble bath are in store for her today. I have this big garden tub I’m going to fill up with lavender bubble bath…she’s excited.
Debbe, I kept getting that same “server not found” message yesterday. Don’t know what was going on.
Since I couldn’t read anyone’s posts nor the comics I went to the Gainesville Chicken Festival. Yes, the Chicken Festival! There was a little parade with the usual politicians, a Boy Scout troop, the marching band from the high school with cheerleaders, several cars decorated as chickens, the Miss Georgia Poultry Queen, and-since the whole thing is sponsored by the Keep Hall County Beautiful committee-a garbage truck and a recycling truck. The big thing though is the wings competition. There were a dozen or so groups from the fire brigade to the Walgreens Drugs and a local Honda dealership and a group called The Ninja Pig with chicken wings smoked, fried, grilled, or baked with all kinds of sauces, and for $5 you get a ticket that allows you to ten samples. At the end of it you vote on your favorite, and the winner gets a plaque. And since they aren’t stingy with the samples nobody goes home hungry. Covered in sauce maybe, but not hungry! It was great fun! π
Griddle cakes done and served….Andrew and Ian need to go in and patch a hole in the ceiling before the 1 to 2 inches of rain that is to fall through tomorrow…..
Jean…that sounds like so much fun…love chicken wings, it’s good to have fun, glad you did π A Miss Georgia Poultry Queen…can I be the Ms Indiana Poultry Queen??? I would have loved to seen the cars decorated as chickens….bet I could pull up the local newspaper and see some pics….think so?
We had stopped by the feed mill on Friday, (the Boss also owns two feed mills) and Davey (the one who wants his son’s T-shirts back) keeps ribbing my son on his hair length (Ian’s hair is a naturally wavy golden/reddish color)…..I said “it gets any longer, we’re going to call him Sister Golden Hair… one could remember that song. So I played it just now, and my nephew remembers it….so here goes..
Good morning, Villagers. It is getting all cloudy here, with rain in the forecast. Pooh
Debbe. I got that one from reading Jonathan Gash’s wonderful Lovejoy novels
GR π this one’s for you
Da ya think NSA would appreciate this link? Since our Commander in Chief can’t spell RESPECT????