The title for today’s classic A&J may be the easiest title for a blog entry that I have ever had to conjure. It was pretty obvious. There is a new cat in this household, about 8 months old. She would do something like this. Her name is Shiloh. Or Scoot. Or Scoot Scoot. Or Scooter. Or Woot Woot. Or Squirt Dauber. Or Squirt Blossom. Or Squeaky. Poor thing doesn’t really know what her name is. None of us do. I’m the offending party, mainly. I try to come up with a new name every few days. The above are just the names that stuck somewhat! But everyone knows the best cats have the most names. She is the only cat among three who will come when she’s called, no matter what that is.

Cat and Mouse
By Jimmy Johnson
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136 responses to “Cat and Mouse”
Lady Mindy, you know the circus worker/”What! And give up show business?” joke?
Jackie, ref the 32, I wasn’t kidding when i said, “floating split-level motor home.” Looked pretty livable to me.
Learned several more ways to hurt someone who is trying to hurt me, at least enough to allow me to get safely away. Premise is to do whatever it takes…the only fair fight is the one you lose. As one of the instructors said, “We don’t live in Mayberry anymore.”
A funeral procession passes a golf course on the way to the cemetery. One of the golfers removes his cap, places it over his heart, and stands at attention until the procession has passed. His golfing partner remarks “That was a really nice thing to do.” “Well”, the man says, “she was a good wife for twenty years.”
Just looking for some company to drive tomorrow, Capt. Ron is no where nearer than 8000 miles. He exists, why I want to see what the heck on boat which I am not particularly familiar with. Sitting outside my hotel, clerk is holding my reservation.
You are in no danger of being stalked my friend. Besides, you’re qualified to kill me in at least 24 ways.
Love Jackie
Mindy from Indy, try looking at website
It compiles job ads from multiple sources.
Let’s try that again:
“Decision is a sharp knife that cuts clean and straight; indecision, a dull one that hacks and tears and leaves ragged edges behind it.” ? Gordon Graham
Why did a “dash” turn into that “question mark”?
too many links again
OK – it has only taken 3 hours to catch up. You guys are baaaad with all the links and songs.
Mindy F/I 3/23 @ 430 am Popcorn puts me in mind of
GR6 3/23 @ 547 The Panama hat triggered (pun intended)
Hurricanes shot down more enemy planes but the Spitfires get all the publicity.
Mark in TT
I have first edition Donald Hamilton’s –
(This is where you scroll down half a page)
Of course they are paper back and I signed them.
(cymbals and a rim shot) ( I have that somewhere on a sound file)
Prior Lake has ice pushed dunes so large they have built houses on them.
Trucker Ron 3/22 9:25
What makes my heart sing is a Duesenberg SSJ. The 2 million to own it would make
my heart sing louder.
An Auburn Cord would be OK also.
Jackie 3/23 9:54
The morning crew on MPR had a Sherpa — a truck so big it had its own weather system
Had a nice step stool to get MIL in truck – what you need is combine steps that automatically
fold up.
Charlotte NH
Fearless Leader was Boris Badenov & Natasha Fatale’s boss on the
Rocky and His Friends and The Bullwinkle Show,
Now there was comedy
Hope you all see this – will copy to tomorrows offering.
Good morning Villagers…..
“Meg’s Eggs”……eggceptional name 🙂
When driving to work, we have to get on highway off of county road. At this intersection, when looking to the left, you can see the back side of hen house #1. Yesterday morning, the lights were on the conveyor belt and truck at the back entrance. Ian asked me if I wanted to check it out….I flat out told him ‘no’, with my eyes watering. Silly, aren’t I? Over a bunch of hens.
I gotta go
Silly? No.
Empathetic? Yes.
As long as I don’t think about what I am eating, I can maintain the hypocrisy.
Sooner or later, though, I will try harder to become a vegetarian.
Definitely not silly, Debbe. I know if I ever get a a few chickens after I retire, they will all have to die of old age, because I would not be able to “get rid of them” after they stop laying.
Not silly at all, Debbe. Hugs.
I’m guessing the TIP selection, both BlogSpot and comic is The Prodigal Son. Interesting how European painters commonly put biblical scenes into contemporary settings. This is hardly dad seeing him from afar and lifting his garments to run out to him. Picturesque ghetto.
Peace, emb
Good guess, emb
GR6, and twist as extracting.
about stuff spoken of above, I as at a job once, where we all heard rumblings and we were getting feelings from the corporate giant we were a part of. I was the only one who casually took my time and found another job. I quit and started new job two weeks before the massive layoffs (which included my position) In fact, another employee there got her husband hired to replace me, who was then canned two weeks later. The best though – I was at a computer company in Houston that was bought by another company in Phoenix, they had a lot of people uproot themselves and move and resettle in Houston and the company was totally gone within a year.
Debbie, not silly. Seems a shame that commercial hens aren’t kept longer, but the key is “commercial.” We’d be paying $10 per dozen for eggs if free range was required or producers required to keep hens longer. Many activists don’t realize that backyard or hobby farm methods won’t feed the world.
Rick, I’m taking the alternate approach and rather than going vegetarian I recognize the whole process of adding animal protein to my diet. I kill and process wild game and fish including venison and feral pigs. I am raising and feeding a steer calf to be butchered, though I won’t like kill it or butcher simply because I don’t have the equipment. (A 250 pound pig is easier to manage than a 1500-1800 pound steer.) I’ve worked in a poultry processing plant, so I’ve seen that, too.
Won’t like kill it= won’t likely kill it
Edit option, where are you?
I’ve tried to post 4 times. All went into cyberspace. This is a test, with no URL. emb
Site doesn’t like several URLs / red pandas, first of which you can find by browsing R from Debbe’s site above. emb