The title for today’s classic A&J may be the easiest title for a blog entry that I have ever had to conjure. It was pretty obvious. There is a new cat in this household, about 8 months old. She would do something like this. Her name is Shiloh. Or Scoot. Or Scoot Scoot. Or Scooter. Or Woot Woot. Or Squirt Dauber. Or Squirt Blossom. Or Squeaky. Poor thing doesn’t really know what her name is. None of us do. I’m the offending party, mainly. I try to come up with a new name every few days. The above are just the names that stuck somewhat! But everyone knows the best cats have the most names. She is the only cat among three who will come when she’s called, no matter what that is.

Cat and Mouse
By Jimmy Johnson
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136 responses to “Cat and Mouse”
Llee, I’ve been using Chrome (and sometimes IE still) for several months. It was either that or have sandcastler™ harass me unmercifully. 🙂
Seriously, it works pretty well, other than the occasional but easily recovered from crash that may be the fault of my computer rather than of Chrome. Most of what you need is in Customize and Control (the three parallel bars icon at the top right of the screen). Bookmarks are different but actually pretty handy when you get used to them.
Thanks to everyone for the encouragement and good wishes about my eye procedure. I too am expecting some good results from it.
I hope so, sand. You’d be surprised at the language elderly church ladies can use when I almost clip another vehicle at night.
And Ruth Anne, mine is a cute little thing, too, and has a lovely Southern drawl. This is for your husband Bob who plays in a band.
Thanks for the link, Ghost! Now I am on a Jimmy Buffet kick…
Best wishes tomorrow. Everyone that I know who has had the surgery have been extremely happy with the results. I am sure you will be also.
” …or have sandcastler™ harass me unmercifully. ”
GR6, I have never harassed, just encouraged.
From our [twice] retired pastor:
Researchers for the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority found over 200 dead crows near greater Boston recently, and there was concern that they may have died from Avian Flu.
A Bird Pathologist examined the remains of all the crows, and, to everyone’s relief, confirmed the problem was definitely NOT Avian Flu. The cause of death appeared to be vehicular impacts.
However, during the detailed analysis it was noted that varying colors of paints appeared on the bird’s beaks and claws.
By analyzing these paint residues it was determined that 98% of the crows had been killed by impact with trucks, while only 2% were killed by an impact with a car.
MTA then hired an Ornithological Behaviorist to determine if there was a cause for the disproportionate percentages of truck kills versus car kills. He very quickly concluded the cause: When crows eat road kill, they always have a look-out crow in a nearby tree to warn of impending danger.
They discovered that while all the lookout crows could shout “Cah”, not a single crow could shout “Truck.”
Peace, emb
You’re welcome, Gal. Be sure to listen to “A Love Song (From A Different Point Of View)”. 😉
Yeah, OK, “vigorous encouragement” does sound better that, “harassment”, doesn’t it? 🙂
Didn’t see that coming! Cah, indeed! 😀
So that’s why I hit so many birds!!!
emb, that is a very good joke! Thanks.
No robins here yet, but the mockingbirds are calling. No nestlings yet, so they aren’t harassing the cats. It took me a while to realize they had a special call for whenever they spot one of the cats. Next realization was that they were also using it when I went out in the yard. Be careful who you associate with, people(birds) will talk.
Llee, one of the features I particularly like in Chrome is that it will put icons for your most frequently visited pages on the home page. That way you can go straight to what you like best.
GR6, one must promote what is in the best interest of one’s stock options. 😉
Mark – Yes, is a great site.
Old Bear – Love Tan Shoes as well. How about this one? The Flying Saucer Part 1 and 2 – Buchanan and Goodman (Luniverse):
emb – I did not see that coming. Ha!
Ghost – Best of luck.
Charlotte – Glad you are progressing well.
Jackie – Sorry! I don’t know too many songs about fresh veggies. Alvin and the Chipmunks have one about bananas if that will help.
Early am wake up. Must shower and go back to bed. Night!
David in Austin:
You’re not a hypocrite.
I like that.
Mindy from Indy, thanks for the music. I had an LP that collected most of their work up to about 1974. Here’s one of my favorites that they did:
Debbe 😉 Silly to care about God’s creatures, hon? I think not.
Good one, emb, I didn’t see it coming either. I did wonder why our Minnesotan correspondants chose to place a long anecdote in Massachusetts, but the punchline told me why! Cah, indeed! Southern NH is definitely in the Boston orbit, and there’s a great lack of “Rs” among the natives here, which I’m one of. Sometimes I pronounce the Rs and sometimes I don’t, I guess.
Knew a guy from Boston who always joked about having left his khakis in his car keys.
When we last saw Jackie, about twelve hours ago, she was about to be enroute to see a man about a boat. Could she have possibly found Captain Right? Or even Captain Ron, perhaps?
Surely her rental truck didn’t break down.
She said the rental didn’t have navigation. Should have taken a compass and sextant.
Speaking of expensive machinery, here is what I was guarding as a rookie security guard:
Every Saturday night, from 9pm to 9am, while it was parked in the coal strip pit. The crew shut off the machinery, but left the lights on. As a guard, you sat in the crew cab, making rounds through it periodically to make sure it didn’t catch fire or something. We had to carry a pistol on this assignment. I said I could see why, because anybody that would go to the trouble to get to this thing was going to be desperate!
Mark,that’s one big motha.
Takes me back to going out on the flightline and walking by the ready alert aircraft. They were under 24/7 armed guard. Cross the yellow line without proper clearance / escort and you were dead. The only saving feature was we moved slow and had approximately 200 pounds of protection. Besides, I never met a crack shot in the Air Force.
I saw it coming for two reasons. 1. I’m always suspicious of the much beloved sender. 2. [And this may be why other Villagers saw it coming], crows are abundant on our highways, often picking at roadkills, yet most of us probably rarely see them as roadkills themselves. That made it fishy to start with.
Paintings: sometimes an interest in a particular painting, painter, or genre of paintings arises when the right circumstances come together. Wife and I were in a museum in Germany [probably the Alte Pinakothek in Munchen in ’85]. I’d never been much interested in still lifes, though many of my drawings from drawing courses at Cornell U. in the late ’40s through Spr. ’51 were in effect still lifes. But I noticed a sparkle on a jar in a Dutch SL, maybe 18th C., so took my glasses off and got up close. [Before cataract removal, both she and I [and therefore our 3 kids] were extremely myopic; removal of specs made our eyes low power microscopes.] The sparkle was a simple dab of thick white paint. The whole painting was done w/ similar techniques. I was enthralled and became a SL fan.
The optical migraine blossomed and was fading as I was off to la-la land: 3.5 hr.
Peace, emb
I returned to this site from some other interesting stuff to see if Jackie had checked in yet. Rather dismayed to see that she has been silent for so long. This isn’t like you, Jackie! I sure hope you are okay. Could well be some kind of computer glitch, or no access; or the Smartphone got dropped … imagination is running away with me. Best would be if you are in a friendly restaurant eating yummy Southern food.
Dear emb, the “aha moment” can draw people in and change perception that lasts a lifetime. Funny how that happens, isn’t it? A good thing that it does.
I’ve read about migraine headaches; glad to say that neither Chris or I ever had them. Our dearly loved son-in-law is a sufferer; thank goodness he has found an effective medication, forget the name, it has to be taken when he feels the headache coming on; RX of course. But I didn’t know you could get these optical effects without the headache pain.
P.S. I like your explanation of myopia and naked eyes being low power microscopes. Not having myopia myself (Chris obviously did) I failed to appreciate what was going on when he and other … near sighted, or far sighted people … I swear, I never can remember which is which! took their glasses off and squinted at things up close.
Charlotte in NH, Imitrex, perhaps? While in Hawaii visited the Bishop Museum, fascinating place full of the relics of old Hawaiian culture. In Taiwan, went to National Palace Museum where the Nationalists exhibit what they evacuated when they fled the Communists. Also a great collection. Birmingham has a nice art museum too, worth a visit if you are in town.
Here’s the one in Taiwan:
Yes, Mark, Imitrex rings a bell. Those museums sound wonderful … tomorrow I will look at the links you sent. It’s midnight now in NH and I must go to bed. Thank you!