I’m back in the studio after the New England road trip, and things should begin to get back to normal. I met a lot of nice folks at the comics conventions in Boston and Burlington, Vermont, and I want to thank everyone for their hospitality. But it was hot! I traveled from the deep south expecting respite from the heat, yet Boston was as bad or worse than home! Burlington was a little better, but I dragged around several long-sleeve shirts for nothing. Still, it was a great visit, but I’m very glad to get back into harness. That also means, back to the parsonage fund-raising campaign, though you have done your part. Now it’s up to us; we expect the rewards you’ve been promised to start flowing soon. It’s good to be home!

By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
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What’s old is old, again
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Back to the ol’ drawing board
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206 responses to “Celebrate!”
Thanks for saying that it was HOT in the northern part of the USA. Granted, we do not have the prolonged heat of our neighbors down your way, but we do sometimes get the hot and sticky. Kind of wondering if anything on the trip inspired you for A&J? Did you drive or fly? Anyway, here’s to looking for a road trip to see Gene and family.
It has a reputation as the worst in the country, but I never had a problem, although I was only there 2 or 3 times.
Gatlinberg, TN in midsummer is the pits.
I remember from a visit years ago Boston has very aggresive drivers. Robert B. Parker writes novels set in Boston, his protaginist Spenser reads Arlo and Janis.
When I flew into Logan (kind of a pit) in April, we took a bus to the city and then used the train everywhere. When we recently went to Chicago, we used Uber. I recommend it.
Welcome home Jimmy! It is low 40s to mid 60s where I am heading in Puget Sound to the PT Wooden Boat Show. Want to come along? You’d love it. Can’t get Ghost to come over to that wind side.
Today’s A&J: The details were different, but it was like that, in both directions. Peace,
I’ve mentioned the OR coast in summer ’62 here. This video is from farther s. and a bit corny, but it does give some insight into the intertidal rocky coast. Don’t know if this sp. of sea slug occurs that far n., but at least a half dozen prettier ones do. Do a search for Janolus fuscus or Hermissenda crassicornis, the only two names that come to mind at the moment. Peace,
Welcome home, Jimmy. I feel for you. I was in Philadelphia the 14th-17th. Hot, humid, and muggy.
Jimmy, another author I follow says he is on the way to the Salt Lake City ComicCon where 120,000 nerds, ah, fans are expected. You do realize you could have a second career just attending all the ComicCons, don’t you?
Ghost, from the conventions I have attended, comic book artists are more prevalent than comic strip artists. Too bad, because it would stimulate more interest in the daily strips if more would attend.
Welcome back, Jimmy!
Welcome home, Jimmy – we missed you!
By the way, update on my condition. Saw the thoracic surgeon yesterday. They pulled the staples and external stitches, told me I could go back to driving. I see the cardiology doc tomorrow. Thanks for all the prayers and good wishes from you here. Wish I could meet you and shake hands, you are good people.
good evening villagers….
The Boss just called……………………………………………………………………………..we passed, We Passed, WE PASSED.
Thanks all of you for the prayers and encouragement…we still remain a 5 Star Layer House with EUP.
….next…the FDA!!!!
Isn’t it nice to know that the federal government and animal rights have your best interest at heart….and it’s a 20 year old building 🙂
Have a deviled egg on me….
love to all……………………………………
will read the comments in the morning…..it brightens my day to come here…
I am finally on road, got 25 miles from home, called Lezlie whom I am meeting north of Dallas and found out I had left rudder in boat shop. Sitting here waiting for rudder to magically appear.
Here is song one of my friends posted for me and my road trip. Boy does he know me.
My favorite ride was a 2008 Volvo VN 670. It didn’t have the greatest acceleration and was governed at 65 mph, but it could haul more than any of your favorites! It was red, unlike the one in the ad below:
Finally remembered to tell Bob about the old car discussion and show him the pictures in Jackie’s FB thread. That brought on memories of his great-grandfather’s Packard. Bob remembers the family cruising down the beach at Daytona with him, no older than 5, riding on the running board waving at people.
The car looked a lot like this but was a pale beige or some other light color – it was a long time ago and he was a little kid!
Wow Ruth Anne! That car is COOL!!
Cool car, yes, but equally cool is that he knew his great-grandparents. There were four generations living together in a big house next to his grandparents’ flower shop in Daytona in the late 40s/early 50s- Bob, his parents, his mom’s parents, and her father’s parents. He remembers his great-grandfather teaching him to play chess – one of those situations where it might be debatable which generation was watching out for the other.
My mother told me that when I was born all 8 of my great-grandparents were still alive. I can remember meeting only two of them (my mom’s mom’s mom and my dad’s mom’s mom). Only one of my grandparents made it past 80 and my parents only to 56 and 71. I intend to set the record!
Don’t know what happened there – they let me post more that one link. 🙂
Ron: That’s the first time in ages that I’ve seen a ‘pre-owned’ vehicle that’s also admittedly ‘used’.
Ruth Anne: ‘Ask the man who owns one.’