I’m back in the studio after the New England road trip, and things should begin to get back to normal. I met a lot of nice folks at the comics conventions in Boston and Burlington, Vermont, and I want to thank everyone for their hospitality. But it was hot! I traveled from the deep south expecting respite from the heat, yet Boston was as bad or worse than home! Burlington was a little better, but I dragged around several long-sleeve shirts for nothing. Still, it was a great visit, but I’m very glad to get back into harness. That also means, back to the parsonage fund-raising campaign, though you have done your part. Now it’s up to us; we expect the rewards you’ve been promised to start flowing soon. It’s good to be home!

By Jimmy Johnson
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206 responses to “Celebrate!”
Amarillo by nightfall. Nothing seems to have changed, mores the pity. Big rig pitched off ramp one down from mine. Seedy places and hotels. Maybe it will look better Amarillo, by morning. Hotel sort of OK but my senior citizen first floor room vanished, morphing onto third floor.
Dickens is in bed and if my medications weren’t down in truck I’d say to heck and forget a bag. I think I will complain they didn’t give me my elite snack treat but I will not walk to get it. That clerk could use some exercise.
Jackie, the 2 things I remember about Amarillo are the freaky highway interchanges (compared to those elsewhere) and all the trees leaning towards the south because the prevailing winds shape them that way. On your way did you (or will you) go past the giant cross at Groom, TX? I never stopped there (wasn’t sure about parking a semi in their lot), but it sure catches the eye.
Debbe 😉 What the heck, for Jackie, too…
I have seen Groom cross in past along with the Cadillac Ranch and Big Tex Steak in Amarillo. Amarillo is not my favorite place. My late husband spent so much time here I used to accuse him of having a second family here. As Amarillo doesn’t seem to have much in way of florists to sell it seemed odd.
My running joke is I have been in every town in Texas with a water tower because they probably had a florist too.
Gotta decide on stopping point tomorrow night
Thank you Sir, Ghost. I have been driving down the road to a suffit of country classics, singing along off key. This one struck me as particularly appropriate although I confess it was Kitty Wells singing it.
GM Debbe
Here’s hoping for good score.
Last year Fair did not have a poultry show because of A. Flu
Zen Wisdom with a twist
19. Generally speaking, you aren’t learning much when your lips are moving.
(Except when you are teaching a new subject.)
Perfectly calm here, pleasant temps and not a drop of rain all day. We could use a little rain actually. I put away some easily blown away items today while wife laughed but better safe. There is another storm way out there which is predicted to take a similar path. I’m supposed to be in Atlanta the middle of next week so here’s hoping for good weather. Mark, good news.
Neat trap, Ghost. And cool links, everyone. 🙂 Thanks!
Good morning Villagers….
Loving this cool weather we are having right now….high today 79 degrees.
Old Bear and Smigz, thanks. Asked the Boss yesterday what our score was, said he wasn’t told, was just told we passed.
Emb…a pet constrictor 🙂 I’ve known some people who have had pet snakes, don’t like snakes…like Indiana Jones said “I hate snakes”!
Taking tomorrow off….Amen
Mark, how did your doctor’s appointment come out?
GR 😉 neat trap…we have live bait stations at work. When we find a mouse in one, we are supposed to put trap in water and drown the mouse. The Corp is very strict on rodent control because of diseases carried by them. When I find one, I just pick it up by the tail and smash it’s head on concrete floor and throw it in the pit….it’s a quicker solution.
….and it’s Payday, with a lot of hours 🙂
GR 😉 if you like Texas swing, this group is good
This one’s for Jackie
what do you get when you merge UPS with Fed Ex? Fed Up 🙂 every body groan now!
Jackie loves Asleep At the Wheel. That song is perfect for me. I also love Waltz Across Texas (With You in My Arms)
I used to do a parody for my late husband called drive across Texas with no pee stops. He hated to stop.
Goodnight again. Mark exhausted himself. He fell asleep talking to me, he’d gone out partying with neighbor to store before dinner
Now I get to put everything back where it was. That’s ok. No wind, no damage.
Reminds me of Riders in the Sky, a great western swing group that’s been together for 35 years and I saw them last time that I was at the Opry.
Dr. visit went fine. Wants me to do some kind of cardiac rehab. Have to get authorization from VA to do that, so will be spending time on hold listening to awful music while waiting for actual human. Still tire out very easily, which is why I was yawning so much when talking to Jackie last night. Between the lengthy wait at the dr.’s office and a trip to Walmart for some things I needed I was pooped.
We could lose that dead tree w/ the great horned owl nest in it.
Why is hold music always so terrible? Not only poor song choices, but usually scratchy and distorted. Putting it on speakerphone means your hands are free, but then both ears get abused. Poor little ears.
Awake for second time and getting dressed, eating get some breakfast in room and taking off. Room turned out to be quiet and dark. Dickens down on my legs settled back in to go back to sleep!
Dropping in to say howdy. Just returned to the ranch last evening. Those who peek at my Pinterest boards will know where we’ve been and what was seen. Next week on a mini family get together in D.C..
I need to learn to navigate Pinter estate. I belong and I know you and Loon are interesting.
Someone tweeted that you can tell that it is the Friday before Labor Day. Out of office messages on emails, phone calls going to voice mail, parking lots are empty….And the amount of traffic here at A&J.com is extremely light.
For those in the path of the storm, we pray for dry homes and cars. And if you happen to see a Fruit and Vegetable stand being maned by a young couple, stop by and pick something up and say hello to Gene and family!
Smigz – Re Hold music: The almighty dollar. Good music requires licensing, and that costs money. Public domain to the resuce!
Debbe: https://scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/14199543_1012442468855083_1940342950789977298_n.jpg?oh=473423892f84642f8071f9c03a99aa17&oe=5851FEFC
Lady Mindy, perhaps someone will go on-line and compile a hold-music playlist of “Public Domain Tunes That Don’t Suck”.