I intended to be here yesterday, and I would have but for technical issues. I still prefer a desktop computer for my work. It seems to me much more suited to the graphic manipulation that is much of my effort. However, the old Dell I’d been using was about 150 years old in computer years. Loading modern Web sites was excruciatingly slow and increasingly futile, and it simply was not powerful enough to run updated versions of some of the software upon which I rely. Worst of all, I couldn’t stream HD movies to run in the background while I worked! So, I purchased a new computer, the latest incarnation of the first computer I purchased back in 1994. I love it. However, the migration has not been easy, particularly getting my scanner to work properly. That’s what I was working on yesterday about this time. For now, it’s working, but it was working once before—perfectly—then my scanner vanished from my new computer’s “friends” list. So we shall see. For now, here’s Vince. We’ll talk more about him and the cartoons next time.

Character Flaw
By Jimmy Johnson
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307 responses to “Character Flaw”
The major, tree-lined in art thoroughfare paralleling Pall Mall to the SE is The Mall, pronounced MOW, as in ‘ouch!’. ‘Enry ‘Iggins’ said/sang ‘Why cahn’t the English teach their children how to speak?’ Because it’s so bloody ‘ard.
Sorry, ‘. . . tree-lined in part . . ..’
emb, the hein is French. And since you asked so nicely, here is the thread, filtered through my sketchy command of Le Francais:
“Jackie, actually that would be “Lard confiture sur le fromage de brie et de pain grillé de le Fantôme”, ”
>>”Bacon jam on cheese brie and toast of the phantom”,<>GR6, maybe you meant to say, ‘Hit this office scum in the head with a cheese,” eh?<>Lord, have mercy on these sinful/lost souls<>And fortunately, He came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the worst.<>Continue your wicked ways and the Ghost Rider in the sky will not bombard you with cheese curds.<>Sandcastler, you said it! But the Ghost Rider on Earth seems to prefer large caliber bullets…<<
Those more adept should feel free to correct my efforts. 🙂
Oops, brackets do not play well with the comment checker software. Let me try again, without them.
“Jackie, actually that would be “Lard confiture sur le fromage de brie et de pain grillé de le Fantôme”, ”
Bacon jam on cheese brie and toast of the phantom
“GR6, peut-être vous avez voulu dire, “Frappez cette racaille de bureau dans la tête avec un fromage,” hein? ”
GR6, maybe you meant to say, ‘Hit this office scum in the head with a cheese,”eh?
“Seems GR6 and Evan are up to some stange behavior. They are going to consume toast slathered in bacon grease, then go to the head office to hit some guy with a cheese. Seigneur, ayez pitié de ces âmes pécheresses.”
Lord, have mercy on these sinful/lost souls
“Et heureusement, il est venu dans le monde pour sauver les pécheurs, dont je suis le pire.”
And fortunately, He came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the worst.
“Continuez vos mauvaises voies et le Ghost Rider dans le ciel ne vous bombarder de fromage en grains.”
Continue your wicked ways and the Ghost Rider in the sky will not bombard you with cheese curds.
“Sandcastler, vous l’avez dit! Mais le Ghost Rider sur terre semble préférer les balles de gros calibre…”
Sandcastler, you said it! But the Ghost Rider on Earth seems to prefer large caliber bullets…
And there you are.
Did anyone other than me read/watch the article about the two guys from Mississippi who started in 1980’s making their own movie of “Raiders of the Lost Ark” and raising the money this year on Kickstarter to finish it by blowing up an airplane, etc. for the finale after about 40 years?
Now that was dedication and obsession. Seems they raised $58,000 on Kickstarter to do this, more than they asked for. And less than they needed, it turns out.
The part that was fascinating was that they became underground heroes and a cult movie without realizing it!
Love, Jackie
What did they call it, “Raiders of the Lost Cedar Chest”?
Miami 23, FSU 10, we’ve got them right where we want them.
Jackie Monies # . My husband, Mike is color blind, my daughter’s husband is color blind. Will my grandson Jack also be color blind? Or will it depend on what type color blindness each male has?
Mike: hY x Jackie H? –> daughter Hh. d.husb. hy x wife H? –> Jack ?y.
I’m using H as the allele on the X-chromosome for normal vision, h as the allele for r-g color-blindness. You didn’t say any of the women were colorblind, or had colorblind fathers, hence the assumption they have at least one H. Hard to tell if a woman is HH or Hh, unless she has a colorblind son, which would tell you she’s Hh. But I don’t know the answer to, “will it depend on what type color blindness each male has?” Why? Because I don’t know which of the two sites [one for red vision, the other green] mutates from H to h to yield the allele h for RGCB. If both can, then the H/h scheme is too simple. A guy wouldn’t know which allele he has, he just cannot tell red from green. I’ve never heard of this being a problem, but I’m no geneticist. A search might yield an answer. Also, have to back and read me my long answers above.
Nobody tried the multiple choice question:
Edna, of course, had gotten a colorblindness gene from “Edward”, a fellow biology prof. He, having only one X-chromosome and a colorblind daughter, was therefore colorblind. Later, the youngest daughter, “Ethel”, also sat down front, and did not raise her hand. In addition to helping me demonstrate X-linked inheritance, the three also confirmed a common phenomenon: “A-students sit down front”. [I think Ethel got her MD or PhD in the ’90s.]
If either Mabel or Ethel bear a son who can see, what is the probability that he will be red-green colorblind? a. 0 b. 25% c. 50% d. 100% e. Cannot tell, because we don’t know if his father could tell red from green.
Debbe 😉 I just thought of you. I was watching the Auburn-Georgia football game when they played the Carhartt commercial, “Weatherman”, showing various people working in various Carhartt garments in various cold, wet, snowy and blustery conditions. The tag line was “For Those Outwork Them All”.
Now you know why I thought of you. Stay warm, hon. 🙂
emb – I *was* going to wait until Monday 🙂 , but my gut is leaning towards 25%
Jackie, correct on location. The language of commerce here is Babel. Spanish is a second tongue eveywhere you go. Chinese, Vietnamese, French, Russian, Arabic, Japanese, and dozens of English dialects are commonly heard on the street.
Loon and I have varying levels of linguistic skills in: French, German, Russian, Vietnamese, Slovak, and Farsi; but none in Spanish other than ordering off the menu. When in Europe we usually get mistaken for German or Dutch.
Red Green, blast from the past time. For those who have never lived in or near Canada, meet Red Green http://www.redgreen.com
Or 50%. But gut still says 25%.
sand, you make Your Fair City sound like the LA street scene in “Blade Runner”. 🙂
GR6, if the film fits, screen it. 😉
Ghost, and then there’s the sequel: The Search for the Lost Sofa Change.
Speaking of Blade Runner, did you know there is a Final Director’s Cut on the way? Story in the Daily Telegraph quoted Ridley Scott as saying the studio made him soften things in the first release and now he finally has it the way he wanted it.
I just spent a LARGE amount of time reading about the kids from Mississippi (from coast near where JJ used to live about that time) who made “Raiders of the Lost Ark” recreation during summer vacations between 1982-1989. The Vanity Fair article alone took forever to read and was excellent writing.
There are Youtube clips of the movie and you can buy copies of the video/movie. A potential movie is being promoted about the kids/filmmakers and the making of the movie.
But to me the fascination is the obsession of a bunch of kids to do something like this for years and years, the great potential shown by the three and the reality of what happens to them as adults.
Their movie gets “discovered” and shown at an Austin, TX Indie Festival or at least festival, they meet Steven Spielberg and become cult underground film makers.
Up until this point, their adult lives just weren’t showing much potential or “real” success.
And since I am fairly familiar with the Mississippi Gulf Coast, it was interesting to read the locales and people involved. And I bet JJ is totally familiar with it all?
Love, Jackie
FSU 30, Miami 26.
Here is where a weird kind of coincidence occurs. I have always thought that JJ borrowed his character Gus and the seafood restaurant, Mary Lou the daughter perhaps from a REAL restaurant on the Gulf Coast called Gus Stevens. Real name Gus Stevens Kouvarakis, who was a real coastal wheeler dealer and character. His claims to fame are many but among them the fact it was his restaurant where Jayne Mansfield performed for the last time the night she was killed in a car wreck. Her driver was an employee of the restaurant and boyfriend of Gus’ daughter who was pregnant unknown to parents. He was also killed in wreck and it was Gus’ car they were all in.
But that Raiders of the Lost Ark tribute film was made by Gus’ grandson and mentions the restaurant, his grandfather, talks about his Greek mother and father, whom divorce and then she becomes a local television newscaster and marries the station owner, becoming wealthy before divorcing again apparently.
This intrigued me more because I always have thought this was who JJ based Gus, Mary Lou and the Dock on. But it may just be coincidence. Everything is gone now, Gus, the restaurant, the mob, the gambling, the wheeling and dealing.
The real Gus had two daughters also. And JJ’s Gus is more likeable and benign, cleaner wheeler dealer too.
Love, Jackie
Jackie, you didn’t mention that Jayne’s three children were in the back seat of the Buick Deuce-and-a-Quarter when it ran underneath the rear of a tractor trailer in the early morning fog. The children, asleep on the seat, survived. One of them was her then 3-year-old daughter, Mariska Hargitay, the actress.
In the late ’60s, my Dad managed a nearby business, and he and his boss often stopped in at Gus Stevens Supper Club after work for happy hour and to watch the topless go-go girls. Small world.
Good morning Villagers….
Checked out Whether.com and we are under a winter advisory….yeah!!!!!!! We right on the line, didn’t notice the name of the storm though…up to 5 inches with wind chill factors below zero tomorrow night…..yeah!!!!!! Got my Carharts ready 🙂
GR 😉 I will be working with Dakota today, and will ask him, but I doubt if he knows what he actually bought. As I was wondering if he really knew what he had. The pic is almost, if not, identical, and I did notice the bolt on the gun. I’m not very savy when it comes to guns and rifles, but this one did catch my attention.
Gotta go….running late.
ya’ll have a blessed Sunday
Important List
20. The most beautiful attire. A Smile
Mark….I thought they had already released the Director’s Cut of Blade Runner….I love that movie…….
You’ve got to be kidding me……this winter storm is called “Bozeman”???????
Letting the car warm up…..thought I’d check on BC
…and we found a rooster in a bottom cage on Friday….Ian came packing him in, and his comb is so red…big boy. Ian named him George….cause he wants to ‘hold him, and squeeze him, and I want to call him George”….anyone remember that one from Bugs Bunny and the Abominable Snowman holding Daffy?
But George is now on top…crowing away….