There’s nothing like starting a series of classic cartoons on a Friday! Things still are in a bit of a holding pattern here at, but I’ve been thinking about a few things. I hope we’ll have a little fun next week. I know, I know. I say things like that all the time, but sometimes they come to pass. Meanwhile, I’m taking a few days off to visit the Gulf and eat some seafood. Happy Washington’s Birthday!

Chez Arlo
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
149 responses to “Chez Arlo”
Morning! An english friend of mine loves old trains. I sent him the links folks here have shared. He sent this one today:
If you like trains and odd cartoons, look up Rowland Emett.
First song that came up was Werewolves of London which made me think of Debbe who I need to call. I will. She needs love.
This has been an uneventful day. In other words, a near perfect Sunday.
Hi, Llee. I hope you are having a good day. ?
This blog didn’ t like my tablet’s smiley
Mark: So I searched, found Rowland Emett, and one site led to another, and I found
Then, of course, went R-arrow from one example to another, finding that I’d actually been to several of them [Paris, London, USA] and seen loads of others, from workers’ lodgings through gentry. I recommend the site, especially if you have a spare half hour.
The webnet is much like a library, where one book leads to another, often in a very different LC catalog #.
I’m a day late, but not a dollar short… my first car was a 1968 Chevy half-ton. It had the 327 motor with dual Holley 4-barrel carbs. I burned the engine up hauling hay, usually stacks of fifty 60-80 pound bales (that’s one layer on edge in the bed & tailgate, then four layers on top. My dad and I rebuilt the engine then sold the truck. The next car was a shared ’77 Gran Torino coupe. Unfortunately, I totaled it when I fell asleep and drove off the side of a hill on the way home after a basketball game. Luckily, the car was built tough. It snapped off a progression of 8-10″ pine trees that cushioned me down the steep slope of the hill to a stop. It took a jumbo wrecker to get the car back up the slope… upper body was good, but under carriage totaled.
Thanks emb. I will have to check it out tomorrow after work. Going to bed soon. Way I heard of Mr. Emett was through buying a book of his train cartoons called The Early Morning Milk Train. I found it to be a very entertaining book, but then people say I have a strange sense of humor, too!
Someone had posted a Sunday Baby Blues strip on FB. I don’t feel like trying to link it here, but it sure fits my weekends. Except instead of a baby it’s cats I am caring for.
Baby Blues is a good strip, on a par w/ Zits. Bemidji Pioneer gets both. Peace,
It’s what time!
Time flys when you’re having fun.
Or, as Kemit says, “Time’s fun when you’re having flies!”
Here’s a great, fun training video from McDonald’s in 1984 that features a Michael Jackson parody, “Just Clean It!”:
My younger brother was in Las Vegas for an Ultramarathon. His goal was 100 miles, but he had to stop at 82 miles. I was following his quest on line as I traveled. I have another brother who works midnights as well. So my Dad must have working Or in heaven keeping his boys awake!
Not a lot of traffic here at A& I am doing remarkably well considering that my sleep schedule is so messed up. I went to bed shortly after I posted and then got almost exactly 8 hours of sleep and woke up at about 8:15. I stayed in bed and tried to fall back to sleep, but looked at my phone and glanced at the headlines, my social media and email. Got up at six and the clouds rolled in, covering up Mt. Fuji. I could just make out the edge of it, but then the weather deteriorated
Since today (or is it yesterday?) is President’s Day, my wife will be home so I can video chat with her when I wake up and before she eats dinner. I also did a Facebook Live, so hopefully tomorrow morning (or later this afternoon) I can show everyone Mt. Fuji as the forecast calls for clear skies. We have a plant within a few miles of it, but on Thursday there is a 100% chance of rain. It still has it’s snow cap on it, so we might see some interesting cloud formations.
I bought my dinner last night (or was it morning) at a 7-11 as they have some very tasty sandwiches there. Of course all I can think of is Clark W. Griswold saying “I’m so hungry I could eat sandwiches from a gas station”. I walked by a Pizza /Italian place, so I think that I will try them out tonight. Breakfast was a nice buffet with a mix of western and Japanese food. I ate a traditional dish (Breaded Pork with egg on rice) for lunch that I love and we will be eating Japanese food when our customers arrive on Wednesday and Thursday, so I don’t mind eating Western food on days like today.
Back before the current version of this blog, we would send email to Jimmy and he would comment on it. During one of my trips, I must have sent him 4-5 emails. Being a good sport, he said that he didn’t mind. So sorry about the travelogue.
41F out, did not freeze last night, pred. hi 46F, 80% rain. That should get rid of some of the snow, which is good. There will be more snow in the next month or two, but anything melted now lessens the snow pack. The last two ‘floods of the century’ in the Red R. [of the North] Valley occurred w/in less than 20 of ea. other. In ’97, Fargo/Moorhead was flooded and Grand Forks/E.G.F. was devastated.
I must be getting suggestible. Jimmy runs a story arc about Arlo getting sick with “the crud” and I wake up Saturday with a sore throat. By Sunday morning I had clogged sinuses with that and by the evening I had cough/sneeze and dizzy spells. Make him well, Jimmy so I can recover!
‘… w/in less than 20 years of …’, but you knew that.
Can no longer get the current A&J by clicking above, but go daily to gocomics site for daily dose, esp. on Mon., when there is no Bemidji Pioneer. Today’s strip settles a political issue that arose here of late. Now all proponents have to do is persuade everyone, incl. calendar makers, to use the proper name for 22 Feb.
I’d have about the same chance of persuading all to recognize 12 Feb. as Lincoln/Darwin Day [which is not a day off either here or in the UK]. These two noted men were born w/in hrs. of each other on 12 Feb. 1809. Under somewhat different circumstances, one in a log cabin, the other on a country estate.
BTW, it’s a matter of simple fact that Darwin Day is celebrated here in many churches. We won’t ID denominations. I get emails every year from Biologos.
Adult on nest, possibly incubating:
Looks like the ospreys that built a late and unused nest atop the GH Owl nest are now going to nest there.
The Village apparently takes the Father of Our Country’s birthday seriously. Sleepyheads! No critters by Hanson Island, but a spectacular sunrise.
Wo sind alles?