There’s nothing like starting a series of classic cartoons on a Friday! Things still are in a bit of a holding pattern here at, but I’ve been thinking about a few things. I hope we’ll have a little fun next week. I know, I know. I say things like that all the time, but sometimes they come to pass. Meanwhile, I’m taking a few days off to visit the Gulf and eat some seafood. Happy Washington’s Birthday!

Chez Arlo
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
149 responses to “Chez Arlo”
First day in weeks I’ve been able to just sleep in. Now to get things done!
It just so happens President’s Day coincides with our monthly anniversary so I am taking my Lady to a nice restaurant that gave us a coupon for 30 percent off on President’s Day. Yes after 41 years of marriage we still celebrate our anniversary monthly.
Thanks again Jimmy for Arlo and Janis, thank you for the Village and its inhabitants and thank you for looking in our windows with such clarity.
I owe you more than I can give. Love Jackie
Just saying hi.
Not much happening here, either. I had seen the adult on the N. Decorah nest and wondered if an egg was underneath. Am wondering about the lack of eggs at the usual Decorah nest; memory tells me that pair ought to be producing eggs really soon, if not already.
Off to a church Bible study although, currently, we are looking at the Augsburg Confession rather than at a Biblical book.
Spring is trying to jump the gun. I’ve seen wild dogwoods and redbuds flowering already.
This position, in the rain, tells us something.
We celebrated a couple of times a week for at least 40 yr. Peace,
Less spread out, but raining at the MDNR nest nr. the Cities, too.
My view from my hotel room this morning. @sevans1956: @Lynn_Henning I still marvel at technology. 6000 miles apart & communicating
I’m not sure if you will be able to see the link. I hope so.
Steve from RO, I’m enjoying your account of your trip. I wish one of my uncles was still with us so that I could share them with him. His company sent him to Japan for several months in the ’80s. He had a positive experience over all, but groused about the breakfast eggs in American-style restaurants as being always extremely undercooked.
Great photo, Steve! And it opened fine. Thanks!
Steve: That’s a neat picture of Fuji. Closest Elaine and I were to volcanoes were a private flight around [not over] Mt. St. Helens, and a tour of Mauna Kea.
Smigz, I think your late uncle, can share whatever and whosever [?] experiences he likes. One continually runs into the ‘I must tell Elaine . . . she knows’ experience.
eMb, check out Decorah. It looks as if the regular nest has an egg with parent standing next to it, while the North nest has an empty cup. Yet, it certainly seemed as if the N nest had, or was about to have, an egg therein.
Could someone mess with the labeling of the pictures?
The featured poem in today’s Writer’s Almanac was “When I Am Old” by Moyra Donaldson. I suspect I am not the only one who might see a little of myself or someone I know in it 🙂
Read it here –
We had lovely weather for bird watching this weekend but saw surprisingly few birds. Perhaps the warmer than normal winter has them off their regular schedule. Usually we see dozens of nesting egrets and great blue herons at a park near us – today we saw one. The wood ducks appear to have deserted the lake down the street from us. There were several sparrows on our feeders this morning but the cardinals could only be heard, not seen. We did see a couple of ospreys (many nests in the area) and a pelican (not often seen this far inland). Today was the last day for the Bird Count so we’ll probably see all sorts of cool things tomorrow!
I agree on the eggs. Most of the time they could be cooked longer. The yolks are more red as well.
I will be much closer to Mt. Fuji on Thursday, but weather forecast is for rain. I suppose that the clouds might be too low with the rain to see much. I did see a few other volcanoes on the bullet train down. There are mountain ranges and there are volcanoes and they quite different. Much of Japan is concentrated as no one can live in the mountains.
One of the engineers that I worked extremely well with here in the US is the Sales Manager for the parent company. He and a former President of our Subsidiary told me after a meeting that I was really helpful and should come over and stay for several months. I told them that I’m a Grandpa and I really don’t want to be away from my grandson. They were in jest, but everyone is also asking me how old I am. 60 years old is mandatory retirement for executives at the parent and I just turned 60. I act like I am 6, so I don’t think they will put me out to pasture. If they do, I would make sure that they pay!! But it is nice to hear them think that I have value. Everyone at any age likes hearing that.
I worked for someone that went out west shortly after St. Helens erupted. There was a viewing center with holes in a wall that identified each of the mountains within sight. Where the viewing hole said Mt. St. Helens, there was nothing there. I remember the ash spread all across the US and even affected us in Michigan.
Hey get Debbe some internet. I want to know why the yolks are red!
I googled it and it said the chickens have a diet with more carotene content.
I guess different Yolks for different Folks.
And so on and so on…..
TIP BlogSpot, still listed as Mon.
I liked today’s A&J. I was never a coffee drinker until I met Sandy. He introduced me to coffee with chicory. That’s what we drank most of the time. NowISe drink whatever has been made. I have one cup in the morning. I’m supposed to limit my caffeine.
It is supposed to say “Now I drink…” I don’t know what happened. Don’t think I can blame it on HAL.
Time for a second cup of tea. Peace,
Funny that Jimmy ran a coffee strip today. I have just gone back from using a Keurig that my brother had given mom, to a 4 cup drip coffeemaker by Melitta. I only tend to drink coffee in the morning and while the Keurig is faster, the Melitta makes the best coffee. I had bought one of these at a yard sale several years ago for $2 but left it behind in AL in the moving hoorah. With some searching, I found one that had never been used for sale on Ebay. That cost me about $20 plus $10 shipping and it was well worth it. Those are no longer being made and the one I bought had been bought around 1990.
Just heard this on Sirius and liked it: