Looking through more recent material, I found this short series. It is similar to the “ten-gallon hat” comic strip that appeared in newspapers recently. Frankly, I’d forgotten about the “lederhosen” series, although I drew it less than two years ago. I do like it, though, and I also liked the “ten-gallon hat” cartoon. I believe it was Charles Schulz who said, drawing a daily comic strip is doing the same thing over and over for years without repeating yourself.

Disaster of the Teutonic
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
341 responses to “Disaster of the Teutonic”
Impulse buying has always been an issue, but the internet certainly makes it more dangerous. I have found that I will read an article and see a book that I want to purchase. Before I may or may not write it down so that the next time that I went to the bookstore, I would purchase it. Now, however, if I really want it, I will either send it to my kindle or if the book is older, purchase it used very cheaply and have Amazon Prime send it.
Yes, Sparky had many pearls of wisdom. It is hard to be original, you can only hope to stay fresh.
Impulse buying has always been an issue, but the internet certainly makes it more dangerous. I have found that I will read an article and see a book that I want to purchase. Before I may or may not write it down so that the next time that I went to the bookstore, I would purchase it. Now, however, if I really want it, I will either send it to my kindle or if the book is older, purchase it used very cheaply and have Amazon Prime send it.
Yes, Sparky had many pearls of wisdom. It is hard to be original, you can only hope to stay fresh.
Steve, I add the books to my wishlist. Amazing how many never leave the wishlist, great filter for the impulsive book buyer. Always wonder if Amazon realizes how this feature works. 😉
I also remember the strip where Arlo is sitting at the computer, concentrating on something, and knocks his coffee cup over. In the last panel he is sitting next to Janis with a shocked look and she is saying, “what do you mean, you bought an elephant?”.
If you don’t remember the lederhosen series, don’t worry. It has a happy ending.
Never having been an impulse buyer, the greatest problem online shopping causes me is that I will sometimes purchase an actually needed item without regard as to whether or not the spondulicks to cover it is currently in the budget.
But, like sand, I make liberal use of the wish list…where many wishes go to die.
I never had much of a problem with impulse spending until there was Amazon.
One of my favorite songs got left off the list from yesterday: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vMiEFyTuuh8
Ghost Sweetie, I know you’re too much the gentleman for me to have to use karate on you when a stern look will do the job. 🙂
That’s good to know, Jean dear. Also, based on your training and taste in music, I may ask you to accompany me the next time I go to to a redneck beer bar, in case a fight breaks out.
GR6, dropped spondulicks on us this AM. Per dictionary. com:
1856, American English slang, “money, cash,” of unknown origin, said to be from Greek spondylikos, from spondylos, a seashell used as currency (the Greek word means literally “vertebra”). Used by Mark Twain and O. Henry and adopted into British English, where it survives despite having faded in American English.
It’s amazing how many more things I “need” with Amazon. I have found that it saves a substantial amount of time for less common items. Most recently I bought a 10″ drop hitch for my truck receiver. The largest available locally at the stores I frequent was 6″. Easier to order it online rather than search all over the metro area.
Jackie, for your sake and ours, take care of yourself. Something I heard some time ago was, “don’t eat your feelings.” That applies to not eating too!
With all the talk about food and eating recently we get this. http://www.gocomics.com/arloandjanis/2013/11/15 GR6 yes happy ending.
Every year in New Braunfels, Texas there is a Wurstfest during October. For many years, Myron Floren and his accordion made appearances. Myron always wore lederhosen. Apparently working that accordion is pretty tough work, because Myron was also as ripped as Arnold Swartzenegger. NOBODY made fun of Myron in his lederhosen.
Ghost, I concur with your assessment of this series, and hopefully it was not a spoiler as such, but that was surely a happy ending.
One of my favorite short series. Thanks for the ingermination.
Well I now know the origin of the word, spondylosis. Of course, almost all medical terms have Greek or Latin origins. I’m sure many of you here may also suffer from spondylosis as it happens to all of us as we age. Spinal stenosis is the culprit for me.
Jackie, no criticism here, just love. We want as much health and happiness in your life as there can be.
oh yeah, I’ll clean out my wishlist periodically of stuff that was dumb to add, but it sometimes pays off if one of the kids buys me stuff off of it and it’s something that was fun or interesting enough to have but not enough for me to have spent money on it myself
what y’all were talking about yesterday and this morning, time to ban anorexic models http://www.freep.com/story/news/world/2015/03/18/france-anorexic-advertising-models/24958527/
GC, an RN once told me that if one cannot come up with a medical term on the spur of the moment, just add “-age” to the nearest approximate word. Examples are “armage”, “legage”, “crotchage”, “buttage” and “stuffage”.
Think I will check in awhile and not say anything guys. I am not good company right now. When I look like that senior citizen centerfold again I’ll let Ghost know . It was a pretty good gig for The Most Interesting Man I the World! Unless I find another good looking sailor who likes women with money like the first one.
Love Jackie
“Redneck beer bar” reminds me of a time when I was young and feisty and in the military and thought I could do anything and a buddy’s wife called me. He was on TDY, and she was bored and somehow thought it would be a good idea one afternoon to visit a prime example of a neighborhood RBB to listen to some C&W music, alone. (She was a Texan, and I guess that might have passed for a good idea back home.) She had got herself cornered by a couple of good ol’ boys who insisted she stay and drink beer and dance with them. So Ghost cheerfully goes and finds her, extracts her from the bar after a few words with the would-be Lotharios, and follows her safely home.
Remember the time I observed you could get away with a lot if you just act confident and like you know what you are doing? Case in point. Or perhaps my aura is sometimes not as sweet as I am, Jackie. 🙂
We’ll be here when you need us, Jackie. Be safe, darlin’.
Ghost I skipped over reading the word “alone” and was afraid to read was going to happen next. Glad that you did the honorable thing.
Y’all might be interested in http://comicstripoftheday.com/ today, which discusses the current thread on A&J.
Leg me tell you what is really ticking me off…..TDS. Poor Meg is getting ‘hit’ hard. I think everyone should go back and look at their 3rd of 4th grade school pics….they’ll find they aren’t that much different in that awkward age.
Scanned the above comments and read the last of yesterday’s…….Jackie…don’t make me come looking for you…….you are making me worry, really worry about you. You said you are going to see some old friends…get there. You don’t need to be alone now.
love to all
Debbe 😉 Yeah, that’s stupid stupid, isn’t it? The only remark I saw over there with which I agreed was to the effect that if one objects to the way Meg looks, one is free to draw one’s own cartoon.
Barista: “Would you like some discussion about race with your Chai Tea Latte, sir?”
Me: “Ah…what?”