Looking through more recent material, I found this short series. It is similar to the “ten-gallon hat” comic strip that appeared in newspapers recently. Frankly, I’d forgotten about the “lederhosen” series, although I drew it less than two years ago. I do like it, though, and I also liked the “ten-gallon hat” cartoon. I believe it was Charles Schulz who said, drawing a daily comic strip is doing the same thing over and over for years without repeating yourself.

Disaster of the Teutonic
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
341 responses to “Disaster of the Teutonic”
Have not read today yet, but Debbe I didn’t see any name for the cat. My funeral song will be “The Dance” by Garth Brooks.
^°^°^°^°^°^ is much happier not knowing how to reach TDS.
Gee, I think Sandcastler is right. I won’t tell him how I get there. I am happier too when I stay away from it.
Wow, it’s still very cold here in New Hampshire. Snow on ground all around the house although some bare spots… a little hill in our back yard is showing ledge and pine needles on ground; that’s cheering.
I’m thinking of Jackie today, too. I wish she had some nice friend along to help with driving and stop at great restaurants for yummy, healthy food. Debbe is so very right, as she usually is.
OF: Foreplay?
Total Debt Service?
Technical DifficultieS?
Too Durned Slippery?
GoogleTranslate appears to be stumped. Just how exactly is TDS affecting Meg?
The Dark Side.
OF is not doing much; thought I’d cc’d. the OF website, but obviously had not.
Charlotte, 77°, overcast, raining on and off. Roses and daffodils all a bloom.
Evan, TDS is non artist sponsored Village. From all I’ve heard, it is populated with evil spirits and located on the edge of an inferno. Only the most brave or foolish set out on the dark pathway to this Village.
The only comment I’ll make about Meg is that the colorist seems to have given her a dark blue yarmulke, and I don’t understand why. Other than that she looks as cute as ever.
Jackie, I’m with the rest of the Village–don’t make us have to come after you! Do take care of yourself.
I’m always careful not to read comments on TDS because those people are just mean-spirited sons of guns.
Ghost Sweetie, I’d be happy to accompany you to a redneck beer bar any time!
Yay! Now I’ll have someone to watch my six if I have to launch another recovery mission into a redneck beer bar.
I have seen a few of the regulars from this Village comment on TDS occasionally (you know who you are 🙂 ), and I have, too. But I will say that I’ve never seen any of our folks embarrass themselves over there.
Evan, now I have to tell you the family story about Myron Floren: back during WWll my Mom’s older brother met a lovely lady from South Dakota, and married her. Fast forward 15 or so years, and Uncle Jim and Aunt Helene are sitting with his parents (now my grandparents) and my Mom, watching the Lawrence Welk Show one Saturday night when Myron and his accordion are playing. Helene pops up and says “You know, I used to date Myron Floren when he was living in Sioux Falls. Just think, if I had married him he would have been Jeanie’s uncle!” She just didn’t understand why everybody laughed at that. No, Daddy wasn’t there that night. Uncle Sam had him stationed elsewhere that year.
Did TJ just tell a Dakota hillbilly joke?
Sand, I’m going to do it…. Tell you mobile browser to request desktop site at GoComics.com. TDS is below the strip. (I almost always use my mobile browser, since it doesn’t display as many annoying ads and there’s no TDS on the mobile site.
Where is that edit option? You mobile = your mobile
Ref the discussion on Comic Strip of the Day: Yes, the hard truth is that farming is hard work, as well as risky business. Little wonder then that there is now a farm tractor model that has no seat or steering wheel, built for farmers who have lost their asses and don’t know which way to turn.
I was just watching some of a re-run of Kenny Chesney’s Flora-Bama concert from last year. In some of the long shots, I could see a friend’s condo building. In all of the closeup shots, the camera always seemed to be pointed at some babe with an awesome bikini bod. What are the odds? 🙂
Thanks David. I am passing, I like my Chrome clean, bright, and speedy.
GR6, about a one hundered sigma event. 🙂
Loon, check out Google maps. The Dakotas are not located in hillbilly alley.
Now back to the Big Dance. Only four games left to finish out day one.
Funeral music: Don’t recognize most of the tunes suggested, and have listened to none of the youtube ones.
Another kind of funeral music is often provided by soloists or small groups [often from the church choir, or noted singers/instrumentalists available locally]. Sometimes the family of the deceased are musically gifted, or so consider themselves.
Sometimes the presiding pastor provides music. Recently attended a funeral at a funeral home, presided over by the pastor of a rural church: guitarist who also writes some of his own stuff. Don’t plan on attending any more of his. BTW, he thinks the John of the 4th Gospel also wrote The Book of Revelation “in his old age.” Apparently doesn’t know that all 4 were originally anonymous, and that church fathers assigned Matthew, Mark, Luke,* and John to them later, perhaps after John of Patmos had written Revelation. *There may be internal evidence that Luke “the physician” wrote that gospel as well as Acts.
Surprised nobody has suggested hymns for funerals. Some work well, some are popular despite questionable theology [should we really believe that the solitary writer of “In the Garden” [UMH 314] has experienced communion with the “Son of God” that “none other has ever known”?]
If you can count on a congregation that can sing and carry visitors along [we can], certain rousers work really well. We did “Lord of the Dance” [UMH 261] as the recessional hymn at wife’s funeral. Attended a friend’s funeral near the Twin Cities at Centennial UMC last spring. The deceased had been assigned there after pastoring here, and gone on to prominent roles in the TC area, including some after retirement. Wonderful person. Apparently it is customary, in MN at least, to close the funeral of a distinguished clergy which many clergy can be expected to attend with “For all the Saints” [UMH 711]: the attending clergy rise and sing the first two verses [making the rafters roar], then the laity stand and join in on the remaining verses. Fortunately, the church is well built.
I was sitting up front, across the aisle from the family. The deceased’s older daughter, also a pastor, stood with the open UMH in her hands, but never looked at it, singing it all from memory. Apologies if I’ve told this here before. I know I have to other folks.
Peace, emb
Hi from Marianne, FL it’s not going to reassure anyone to hear my adventures today. I am still about two hours from stopping because I want to try to make Monroe LA during business hours, probably will have to stay and don’t want to.
Funny thing Ghost, I have been listening to Kenny Chesney too and decided “French Kissing Life ” should be my song. Not too depressed, singing along with my friend Kelly McGuire to “Boat in Belize”.
I-10 to Gulfport, US 49 to Jackson, I-20 to Monroe, Jackie?
Dear Jackie, it’s reassuring to hear from you. Take care, lots of good wishes are surrounding you.
Dear emb, excellent essay, and most interesting, on funeral music. Although I am not religious, I grew up in the Congregational Church and have always greatly enjoyed singing hymns. My mother played the piano and the organ and would fill in at times for the regular church organist, and she loved playing and singing the old hymns too. She and I would sit side by side on the piano bench at home, she would play and we would both sing, and have a very pleasant time. Planning the hymns for a funeral can be a great comfort, as you know. My mother and I felt very good about the ones we chose for my father’s funeral service, and when my mother died I had the comfort of choosing the ones she would have liked. Oh, we included the Navy Hymn for my father for he had served in the Marine Corps. I have always loved it, the words are so moving.
The Lord of The Dance must have been perfect for your wife. For All The Saints is a great song and always makes me cry, even if I’m not a believer.
Charlotte: Churchgoing, believing, faith, devotion, and such overlap, but are not all the same thing. I am a person of faith, am certain of very little, not much of a believer, and a dedicated UM. I am not a Trinitarian [speelczech just capitalized that], but not a Unitarian [again] either. I am willing to live with lots of unanswered questions, and to converse at length with lay or ordained theologs who are civil. I do not reconcile science and religion, I integrate science and faith, with plenty of unanswered questions.
Wife and I had little time after her terminal diagnosis [17-28 Dec. 2010, the 12 days of Christmas], but we had time to plan a good funeral and chose wisely the two pastors to involve [UMC, our pastor [male], and ELCA pastor [female] who was then part-time chaplain at hospital rehab unit [where wife volunteered], is now assoc. pastor at large ELCA church. Still close friends with her and her husband, also ELCA-ordained. Funeral went well, I am in good hands in community, partly / wife’s role in this town.
Peace, emb
Exactly the route, Ghost. Trying to decide how far to drive before I quit.
Need my “I’ve Got Friends in Low Places” or something suitably rowdy.
Debbe & all
On the road is a hard place to eat right – from your descriptions you were. So keep it up.
It may sound selfish but do it for us if not you.
No funeral, no memorial service. Simple cremation and ship me off to the National Cemetery at the Punchbowl in Hawaii. Anyone wanting to pay their respects then, will get a nice Hawaiian trip out of it. And my physical remains will be in the prettiest place I’ve ever lived.
Night, all
Dear emb, thanks for your nice response. Yes, you are in good hands in your community. And you still think of your wife all the time. She must have been such a very fine woman.
I meant to say, no, you haven’t told that story before, here. About For All The Saints — who from their labors rest …
Mark, great choice for eternity.