Looking through more recent material, I found this short series. It is similar to the “ten-gallon hat” comic strip that appeared in newspapers recently. Frankly, I’d forgotten about the “lederhosen” series, although I drew it less than two years ago. I do like it, though, and I also liked the “ten-gallon hat” cartoon. I believe it was Charles Schulz who said, drawing a daily comic strip is doing the same thing over and over for years without repeating yourself.

Disaster of the Teutonic
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
341 responses to “Disaster of the Teutonic”
How about FB I shoulder holster, although I remember you explaining why those don’t work well. And they did wear suits back then.
Just looked at truck porn. King Ranch still comes in black with black interior and leather seats and butt cooling and heat. It is much nicer than last time I looked. Love the lowering rails to get in. Reference short people comment. It would trade for the 24 ft. Sailboat in cost and more practical actually but it could also haul the 24 ft. One too with weight I think. Too tired to check.
Jackie, I don’t know from boats, but I googled up a Youtube video of a Grand Banks 32, and my first impression was “floating split-level motor home”. My second impression was “you’re gonna need to hire a Captain Ron after all”. More’s the luck, it’s pretty late for me to trade in my commercial pilot’s certificate for a captain’s ticket now, even though I understand from talking to some boat captains that the requirements for each are remarkably similar.
F-150, black, and do they still make the Platinum Edition? A friend has one, I think a 2012, but I’ve resisted looking to see lately.
Yep, my dealer has a 2015 F-150 Platinum in Tuxedo Black Metallic (like my CV) on the lot for only $60,500. Wonder what kind of deal my salesman would make me.
Truck porn, indeed. 🙂
(Meg Ryan impersonation) 🙂
The Dodge 3500 is black, but seats are not. Heated seats and steering wheel, but seats are cloth. No carpet in floor so I can sweep it or hose it out. Only thing imperfect about it is not an 8′ bed. With crew cab the bed is only 6 feet. It was offered at about $20K less than the diesel with leather seats. I like Ford, too, but couldn’t find anything other than King Ranch edition in non-dual F350.
Ghost I plan to park it if I buy one and live aboard at least for extended periods. There is a used one in Madisonville right now I would like to look at. I have not seen one or else I may have washed some and forgotten. Houston in the water boat show is a blur in the past.
I bet you could learn to navigate one. I’d never know unless you hit something big. Remember that river boat in Memphis you told us about?
You must know that while I make sarcastic remarks at times, I am usually dead seious. I’ve another friend who says he will be disappointed if I don’t do something like this. While a helicopter pilot I don’t think his wife will go for the idea.
The job gets more interesting doesn’t it? Of course with a boat like that I might have to go to a central American country to afford plastic surgery!
Be sure and send photos of jeans with application form. Body guard counts for points.
Love, Jackie
I’ll furnish the jeans if you furnish the ammo.
Still got your bikinis, I hope. For in-port wear, anyway. 🙂
That’s what plastic surgery is for, but then you might also be a qualified trainer? Quite certain you can keep me on a diet.
Drinking water to try and hydrate skin, Diet Coke is terrible addiction.
It’s like my old friend from WW said. “If I die trying to get down to fit in these pants they can all say Don’t she look good in them purple hip huggers? At my funeral.
Love Jackie
Good morning Villagers…
Congrats Sandcastler….now for Thursday night 🙂 Wichita or Notre Dame……you know what I’m going to post, don’t ya know?
TR….again, nice rig (I won’t do my Meg Ryan impersonation again, it took it out of me 🙂 )
JACKIE, DRINK WATER. I should talk, I limit myself to a couple of Diet Dews a day, then tea at home, or juice then water; or if it’s Payday…well, we know what I treat myself to.
Back to work. Starting to get anxious over this cleaning business….I know I am not going to put myself out like I did when we cleaned my hen house. I told The Boss the other morning when he stepped in for a while, that Ian and Andrew have told me I think too much. The Boss said I was like him, and that is why, If he could afford it, I would be supervisor over both buildings and that is all I would do….make sure things were ‘up to par’
Well, ya’ll have a blessed Monday
Gr 😉 you and your $50 words….had to look that one up
Oh man, truck porn. Stop! I have to go to work!
Jerry – Does Ernie’s “Rubber Ducky” song count? 🙂 Are you going for ears or factor, or solid craft? Always loved Popcorn, by Hot Butter. I remember laughing hysterically the first time my mom played that 45. Any list of one hit wonders always takes me back. I could go all day on the subject.
Hot Butter – Popcorn: https://youtu.be/YK3ZP6frAMc
Earworm factor! I know what I meant auto-correct!
a little something that we should think to ourselves:
Indy Mindy….glad you are on the mend 🙂
Indy Mindy, thanks for the music. One of my favorites too. I remember the album cover had a real popcorn cup attached to the front.
Here’s another one I like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvxwKDiJAGQ&list=PL8aTvsLIsZfP9TGRcTHHF22j0T-wyeQEe
Not too many tunes where you could practice German and Morse code, (if you know them) together.
Jackie, you mentioned foods tasting salty or too acidic. Sometimes medications can cause changes in taste perceptions. If it is a persistent problem, you could ask your pharmacist about it.
Okay, I must be the only person here not lusting after a truck! I’ve had an Oldsmobile Omega, two Ford Escorts, a Ford Taurus, and a Buick Rendezvous; and my favorite, by far, were the Escorts. I hauled furniture, building supplies, and 17 shrubs at a once (with a passenger) in those cars. They were fun to drive, great on gas, easy to park, and the police never ticketed me for over the speed limit because they probably thought I couldn’t go that fast. Ford doesn’t make Escorts anymore, but my next vehicle will be as close to one as I can get!
Debbe, that is a painful one for me. I picked up a grad degree from Wichita so I have feelings. 🙂 The big problem is the winner has to play Kentucky.
Denise and Jackie, whatever I might be looking for in a car/truck, it would not be from Ford. The one and only Ford I ever owned was a lemon from the word go. I was so glad to get rid of it, only regret was that I lost it due to accident rather than by choice, just after it was paid off. Give me Toyota or Nissan over Ford.
Good morning all I am so comfortable in this bed/room I do not want t to get up. Dark, quiet and great bed. To think I had given up hop last night!
Actually I am over on side of town with Duck family not too far away. I swear the last time I was here there was one of them everywhere I went or they had just been there. Like Elvis sightings.
Forgot to say Ghost but why would you think I might not have a Captain Ron? Although my recruitment efforts are slipping apparently. Will wait for photos.
Got youtube of sample boat. Boat porn for sure and a lot of teak decking and wood. I definitely need a skinny body and I don’t see much closet space so limited wardrobe.
Think I may have washed one in past?
Debbe: Browsed from the cheezb. you posted and got to this one,
http://cheezburger.com/8456749312?ref=rightarrow&siteId=15632 .
The mouse at the bottom is either a native deer mouse or wood mouse [both Peromyscus sp.], not the usual introduced house mouse [Mus musculus unless they’ve changed it] that we commonly expect indoors. They sometimes occur indoors here, and I’m told house mice also occur outdoors commonly in the South. Peromyscus are cuter than Mus, white bellies, bigger ears, bigger eyes. There are scads of spp. of Peromyscus native to N.A. and C.A.
Peace, emb
53 spp. / this site, most of them probably Latin American.
We have only 2 spp. in MN, but one occurs in two sspp., a woodland form and a prairie form. Woodland Peromyscus maniculatus gracilus [Woodland Deermice] are hard to tell from Wood Mice [P. leucopus]. Both occur in N.MN woods, along with P. m. bairdii in fields, which is easy to tell from either woodland ssp.
DNA analysis confirms the distinction, formerly based on difficult anatomical criteria. Also confirmed by a chemical field test for the presence of a salivary gland chemical, which came into the picture in ’80 or so. Never worked with Peromyscus taxonomy myself; strictly book-learning from the J. Mamm. and other professional lit. Not recommended for casual reading.
Peace, emb
Reporting in, I actually got to breakfast by wearing black pj bottoms and a shirt and throwing on fast.
Had eggs and a couple of things bacon slices. AND WATER. I have decided the Diet Coke is major issue I woke up craving water. I don’t use salt at all, just pepper and I already have salty taste I promise there was no salt involved in cooking those eggs!
Unloaded my case water at mom’s old house and forgot to get. Do not ask why I never ever stay there. Unlikable and trashed, will be torn down. So much for old ladies taking in young men. Believe me I have a prime example there!
Thin, thin bacon!