Digital tools being as they are, this 2008 cartoon would have been an excellent opportunity to draw the first panel and reproduce it three times in the subsequent panels, pasting in dialog and the cat in the final panel. A cartoonist doesn’t want to get lazy and overly dependent on Photoshop, but it would have worked well in this case because of the “wait for it” nature of the gag. In this case, however, I did not. I diligently redrew each panel. I’d like to offer myself as a martyr for artistic integrity, but I’m not sure I qualify. I was using a felt pen which is a speedy medium, and I suspect it simply was easier to knock out each drawing than it would have been to involve a lot of computer chicanery. That can often be the case with me. Oh, that felt-tip pen thing I was going to talk more about. I have not forgotten!

Door No. 1, etc.
By Jimmy Johnson
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Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

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165 responses to “Door No. 1, etc.”
Jackie, I’m not familiar, but always interested. Do those states, like most I know, mandate insurance for all operators under penalty? If so, is insurance cheaper than fines, or how do they work that out?
At the Australia Open, 2nd event on the 3rd prestigious court, actually may be underway by now, Nº1 in world Andy Murray will likely beat the American Sam Querrey ranked 32nd, seeded 31. Meanwhile Jack Sock [really] may have a better time against a Frenchman I know less about, Jo-Wilfried Tsonga. Tsonga is favored, I’m just being patriotic.
Yes, all three mandate but enforcement is very lax. In looking that number up I found that no one knows how many thousands drive without valid drivers license, much less insurance. One article cited 10,000 tickets issued in OKC alone in a year for no license.
I would assume they don’t pay tickets or fines either.
That was probably case in girl who hit me too.
Dear c x-p, I followed your instructions and now it’s pretty much back to what I wanted! I am so thankful! You see, I was very comfortable with Windows 7 and could use Internet Options and other things that I needed. Then my computer crashed and I impatiently decided that if I bought a new computer it would solve all my problems. I asked a kind friend to go to the store for one as my son in law who is my guru was away for a while. Friend Dave brought it in and set it up; we had discussed what I wanted. But I was dismayed to find that the new PC had Windows 10! I’ve had a hard time figuring it out, it has new thing called Microsoft Edge, and everything looks different. On top of that, I acquired an iPad in a raffle and while I love it, it’s so different from Microsoft stuff.
Figuring it’s good for my brain to learn all this new information. The iPad lives on the kitchen table and I can look at it while eating (I do read books and magazines also). The desktop is in the living room and it has a better keyboard and of course a much bigger screen — good for comic strips.
I sure was glad to see old familiar Internet Options. I didn’t know how to reach it with the Edge thing! Now my favorite comics all come up on one page AND the clutter is gone too, and they update, no problem. Keep your fingers crossed that it will stay the same overnight! Cause it’s fine today. Thank you a thousand times!
Random thought:
If there’s no wifi in heaven, will people still be dying to get in?
‘Reduce reuse and recycle and all that.’ That’s what NYC did when it tore down the ‘Els’ [elevated railroads] in Manhattan* in the late ’30s. They then sold the scrap iron [or at least a good fraction of it] to Japan, which needed it for some reason.
*I believe there are still Els where subways come up out of the ground in some other boroughs.
There were still “Els” in NYCity at least into the ’60s, including some in Manhattan…and, of course, in Queens, Kings, and the Bronx.
For those unfamiliar, “Kings” is the formal county name for the region often called “Brooklyn”. Brooklyn had been a major town/city located in Kings County before Kings County became part of NYCity around 1898. Queens County also joined at that time and Queens County also has some residual town names, now just used for general areas.
In turn, “Manhattan” is the common name for the more proper “New York County”. I’ll desist and let you look up the Bronx on your own!
Charlotte, you made my day! Glad I remembered correctly on your behalf. I also have Windows 10 on this laptop and wish I didn’t.
Just got a nice box of seeds from Parks. I too love to order because by the time it arrives I have no idea what is coming and it is big surprise.
Broke them down into seeds of flowers, herbs and vegetables. This is about fourth order to arrive so I need to sort all that way. Trula is excited, I have turned her into gardener.
Tulips and bulbs are coming up in beds and I too am getting excited. Bought lilies and clematis, hydrangeas last night. We are planting vines on all the trellis in yard and putting up more so we have places for the vines to limb.
Next I put on work clothes and go help her clean pots and refill the big planters with potting soil. It was her idiot druggie cousin who dumped my potting soil into Creek to wash down into Lake, along with the bulbs and perennials in the pots.
This one is a cool kid I really like. She loves to cook and I have big pantry and kitchen and encourage her.
emb, I’ve forgotten where, but in last two years I’ve seen wonderful pictorials of an elevated, rails to park style conversion on Manhattan. Not good with all the neighborhoods, what lies west of SoHo? Or am I entirely lost?
Sorry, anon was me. Don’t remember dumping this time though?
Curmudgeonly, may be replacing this unit soon. Have been happy I’ve made it this long. Still doing the Windows 10 or Linux debate. What have you disliked in 10? Did you convert from 7 or 8, or is this new and original?
Understand if you’d rather not, they can be hard to describe. But you had so well I thought you may.
TruckerRon, If they have fiber optic, I might do something that would actually probably keep me out, to get in.
Would love to try fiber.
Morphy, here is what you were thinking of:
I love trains too. Lived near Southern Rail mainline most of my life and watched/listened to trains constantly. Thanks to my service in the Navy, I got to ride trains and trolleys in Japan, Taiwan and Hong Kong. Also saw steam engines at work in railyard in Taiwan as switchers.
Excellent railroad museum with working equipment in Chattanooga, TN called the Tennessee Valley Railroad.
I was able to keep my mechanical watches on the correct time (close enough in 1976-8) by the trains in Osaka and Kobe. During my 2 years there we never had to wait more than a minute past the scheduled time for a train. We never tried to board one during their rush hours, though… I’ve always hated big crowds… and the thought of being forcefully pushed aboard a train never had any appeal for me.
I believe National Model Railroad Assc. is there also.
Was strange to hear Norwegians speak with 1) British accent – English (not BBC) learned in England.
2) Texas accent – learned on the oil rigs.
My dad lost his accent but then he was about 12 and was picked on because of it.
Grandparents never did loose theirs.
I know of the B&O Museum but never been there.
WW&F is a dynamic group of guys
on left side go to – Online Discussion Forum – get hooked and join us, there are members all over the world.
Thank you, Mark, I think that is what I must have seen. Though a glossy magazine can sure make it look nicer than Wikipedia did. Probably had a little more cooperation from City Hall. While away I had found the same thing and
To help with my neighborhoods. Realized Chelsea is a bit further Midtown than SoHo. And I still know if you didn’t live there you’re probably not giving directions right. Learned it had been a sixteen year project and opened in stages from 2009-2015.
Fascinated by trains, haven’t lived near a line. Well I guess I’m splitting hairs, growing up I certainly remember hearing trains. But what springs to mind was the first real house *buying* search. Married a few years, expecting our son, wife thought she’d found a good one to show me, isolated lot with easy arterial access. Now granted the house was interesting. If it wasn’t new construction it was really recent, interesting use of space to avoid looking out at the road and highlight the ‘lake’ out back. She didn’t take it well when I explained I hated mosquitoes as a kid, and that lake looked a little too pondish to me. Then asked what she thought of the rail crossing less than 100 yds down the road, with small children. She demurred, and I said we may want to ask why the light posts are so big and the gates seem so heavy. Was told that far out of town freight ran ‘at speed’. What does that mean? Oh, fifty to sixty miles an hour. I didn’t bother to ask how many times a day. I’d seen Joe Pesci suffer in My Cousin Vinny. Even if I hadn’t worried about kids, I didn’t want to wake up like that. They blow horns at marked crossings, right?
We bought in a bedroom community subdivision. Still lost, hadn’t asked enough questions, Phase Three included multi-family dwellings. Three, eight unit ‘condominium’ style buildings wedged in the back corner with cheap covered parking. All right in their way, but drove down prices on all the single-family ¼ acre lots. But at least the divorce was long before 2007. It’s not easy finding the silver lining sometimes, but I got there.
Morphy: From my not necessarily great recall: Had 7 on this laptop as purchased and finally gave in to the blandishments for 10…that much I know is so. It strikes me that some things to which I had access with 7 were no longer there or were not easily operable on 10. I cannot give the particulars, but remember being rather displeased.
Currently, I have several icons at the bottom of the screen. Is it sensible that one is still for 7 and another is for 10? I do know I always select the one particular icon, and I believe that was the reason.
As a result of that displeasure I took to signing in as the superuser instead of merely a user. I still do that, although for some sites on my favorites list, I go back to ordinary user because I have not placed them onto the superuser favorites list. Earlier, I had just left all the superuser stuff to my son, who actually knows computers [he’s been a fulltime pro for 25 years, and part-time pro for a few more years].
Arlo would not be so cavalier were Ludwig not an only cat. You do not want to be defending your food against some intrusive cats used to stealing their dinners from under pit Bulls noses. Some of my rescued cats had very hard lives before they moved in to the Endless Kitty Buffet.
I am cooking ham and black beans soup tomorrow with Hatch green chile’s and corn bread and salad. I haven’t been cooking much lately.
Grandmother lived 1/2 block from 3 Ave. EL – trains running all hours, pretty soon you did not hear them.
Used to take the Trolley (under the street 3rd rail) down Broadway to 181st St.
Transfer and go across Washington Bridge to Bronx (over head wire) to dentist.
At 181st St. were Movie Theaters and a Horn & Hardart – lots of nickles.
David in Austin:
Men walked on outside also because of “gardyloo”.
Windows 10 installed at work – nothing works the way it is supposed to, ALL
actions are complicated – more strokes, more looking, more rebooting.
And no way to get rid of it (W 10)
A short history of the WW&F for the ferroequinologists, and everyone else.
1930 or 2017
Sorry you may have to be a member to view the 1930-2017 pic.
c x-p, sounds like you have had an OK time with it. Or like me, you found it hard to describe. My original question was on it’s third paragraph when I went back and asked short like that. If your machine was up for it you probably did well to change. Mine was ‘passed’ by Microsoft’s test, but was old enough that I was concerned.
My only hands on with Windows 10 was helping a friend over the shoulder style. He had used Win 8.1 so was much more comfortable finding things than I was. His problem though, being extremely frugal. And for me to say that is saying something. Never wanting to pay for MSOffice, but not adventurous enough to try LibreOffice several years ago when I told him to. He has several budgets and lists and things in a database format created in an old Microsoft Works. Windows 10 finally made that not work anymore.
Aging, for him, has made him less adaptable in a field he used to excel in. That creates a hurdle to work with besides just a new system. If I had worked with him back then, converting these things would have been received better.
The story is not to say someone has it worse. I just mean that yes, I have seen Windows took some things away. That is definitely true. But there are options to replace and many are free. They will look different, but they will work. Your son sounds like the perfect goto guy if you have things giving you that ‘doink’ sound of failure.
For your direct question on blend of icons, the best I can say, unseen: Microsoft did not do a smooth job for 7 to 10. And there are things that look old and/or new. But stay with it now, because to go back to 7 is much, much worse. That is hearsay from reading at Some really good people there, with lots of patience.
When you have your next machine it will be better. Or your son can help decide if saving all your stuff on his machine, and doing a Clean Installation of Win10 would be worth it.
Old Bear, Gardyloo? I seriously thought you made that up. Loo is a bit of a give away. I had heard of the danger involved. A good toss to clear the wall was more likely to fall to the street half of the sidewalk. Though I always thought the splash would still be a gotcha.
I thought Guard – ya – loo a little to ‘on the nose’ as they say. But low and behold, wiktionary says I’m a sheltered lad.
Specific to Edinburgh, not just Scots. Though they don’t like my false etymology and claim the French more likely ‘gare l’eau’ as mind the water. (?)
Note to Ghost. I hope your friend is doing well.with your nursing.
You are a sweetheart. Really.
Old Bear, I reread yours, still chuckling over Gardyloo. Now saw rebooting.
At risk of extending a tedious subject, I had heard complaints of adjustment, loss of media player, loss of obscure things, and Edge not quite ready for prime time.
But rebooting is news to me. Again, I haven’t suffered the change myself. But wonder if I’m being too supportive of MS’s new big thing. Rebooting is major enough for me to stay away.
Were these machines converted, or purchased installed? Have you been advised if there is a difference? Or both fail to satisfy?