Digital tools being as they are, this 2008 cartoon would have been an excellent opportunity to draw the first panel and reproduce it three times in the subsequent panels, pasting in dialog and the cat in the final panel. A cartoonist doesn’t want to get lazy and overly dependent on Photoshop, but it would have worked well in this case because of the “wait for it” nature of the gag. In this case, however, I did not. I diligently redrew each panel. I’d like to offer myself as a martyr for artistic integrity, but I’m not sure I qualify. I was using a felt pen which is a speedy medium, and I suspect it simply was easier to knock out each drawing than it would have been to involve a lot of computer chicanery. That can often be the case with me. Oh, that felt-tip pen thing I was going to talk more about. I have not forgotten!

Door No. 1, etc.
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
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What’s old is old, again
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Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
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165 responses to “Door No. 1, etc.”
Well, good morning again. I am actually in a decent mood despite things. Must have been the exercise.
The “wait for it” gag would only work on a 4 panel. Obviously not a one panel and really difficult if you waited for 5 or 6 panels on a Sunday Strip.
Oops, keep posting behind emb and his painting.
Cats go in and out here like revolving doors.
Getting dressed to go back to gym but have to ge get gas and car wash so might as well go look at the Mustang too.
Today’s Word of the Day is “katzenjammer”. I thought that might be of some interest to a cartoon-based community such as The Village.
1. the discomfort and illness experienced as the aftereffects of excessive drinking; hangover.
2. uneasiness; anguish; distress.
3. uproar; clamor: His speech produced a public katzenjammer.
I’ll admit that, had this been multiple choice, I’d have chosen 3, possibly 2, but probably not 1 above.
Thought of another reason to buy a Mustang. Low point of entry vs. Trigger size truck. I still plan to get my knee/knees replaced. It was sometimes hard to swing up on Trigger given my short legs and bad knees. The Mustang is easier.
The Mustang will fit Ghost, especially with top down. It also fits short people, reason I bought one for my very short daughter. Her short husband also bought a second for him. One size car.
Third reason, I was on my way to look at buying a Mustang when I rashly bought that last boat. That was mistake. Not keeping boat.
Fourth reason reminds me of anecdote Ghost told. Something I have never done, hard as that is to believe.
Fifth reason, the largest commission I ever made selling cars was selling a used Mustang.
Think I could come up with a hundred if I tried.
One of my favorite mountain passes, even in winter, has closed today because, well, it’s winter up there!
What a coincidence! Zorro’s horse was mentioned here yesterday; before seeing that, I began reading “The Mark of Zorro” yesterday. (Also, my husband texted me that katzenjammer link about 90 minites ago…curiouser and curiouser.)
Jimmy, another strip which I enjoy seems, to my unskilled eye, to use cut-and-paste from previous strips sometimes. I probably wouldn’t notice, except that it seems to repeat the same dozen or so images of a couple of the main characters. Since the way the characters are drawn has changed over the last several years, and the images chosen are older ones, the effect is pretty visually jarring. Thank you for sharing how and why you do things. I enjoy learning about your process as much as I enjoy the product!
Oops! Minutes, not minites!
Jackie I agree getting in and out of large trucks can be hard to do. My better half even fell out of our truck once while trying to get in. A big ouchie, no I help boost her in. It doesn’t help that the passenger grab handle is broken. Still we love our truck and it has been faithful even when our beloved Subaru had to take a hiatus for repairs.
The word I wanted was now not no, yay spell correct.
Wondering why comments since TruckerRon’s link are in italic?
If anyone doubts the originality of all three of the same frames, above, look for small details… lots of tiny differences, while the overall scene is clearly the same.
When I see comics with the same panel repeated I wonder if the artist did some type of cut and paste or redrew the panel(s). So I look for discrepancies in the panels- in this case the back of Arlo’s hair and the wrinkle in the pant leg tells me each panel was drawn individually.
Let’s try an experiment. If this works, the italics are gone, and that means that TruckerRon failed to close his italics. (And, if it works, that means that there’s a bug in the software running this site; it shouldn’t let an open tag go past the end of the post it’s in.
JJ, it wouldn’t have occurred to me that you might have used copy and paste, because I’m not an artist, and I don’t think that way. However, once you mentioned it, I saw that the wrinkles don’t quite match, and the lines showing Arlo’s hair are a little different. Still, a good job of copying.
Argg! Not only didn’t my experiment work, I failed to close a parenthesis. I hate doing that! Please assume that it ends when the paragraph does.
The problem is that TruckerRon’s post contains a “<i />” which is read as a different open and is never closed. (his normal open did have a close.) Hopefully, it let me close it.
I kinda miss my convertible, too. Which of course has nothing to do with no longer driving in parades with short-skirted beauty queens sitting on top of back seat.
Well, at least the font didn’t get changed to ALL-CAPS BOLD.
Good morning, Villagers. Interesting about the italics. We’ll see if it continues with this.
Re “duplicate” panels, I noticed a difference in the feet/shoes.
Re Jackie’s post yesterday “I am on weigh to fitness center.” Was that a Hal pun???!!!
No that was a Jackie pun Nancy. Remember, I love words and puns. One reason I admire JJ so much. He’s a master.
I once saw these ladies riding in a Christmas parade in an emerald green ’59 Caddie convertible rather than on a float. There was no placard on the car’s doors, and they seemed pleased when I called out, “Hey, Sweet Potato Queens!” Nice smiles in the photo of them I took.
Greg, I’d tried the same trick but it didn’t work. Also, I note that our names aren’t in italics. Weird.
I blame the snow gods!
Aren’t the Sweet Potato Queens rather large “girls”?
Sideburns, I couldn’t tell if you’d tried to close the regular italics or the funky one (as it was stripped out of your post). I wish I knew how to inject html into the wordpress comment, adding a “</i >” to a later post works properly if I edit the page[/i ], but it strips it out when I try to post.