The A&J series that is running in newspapers this week about syncing wireless technology is based on true events, as was the lizard episode a few weeks back. You are right: I’ve not been leading a very exciting life of late. As for the lizard sequence, one commenter somewhere kept coming back day after day to snort (if one can snort online) derisively something like, “What’s the big deal? It’s just a harmless lizard.” I didn’t say anything then, but I would like to say on my—I mean Arlo’s—behalf that when a skink, a rather large and aerodynamic lizard, is running loose in one’s underwear, it becomes a matter not of fear but of urgency. Anyway, ponder Felix the French space cat. There seems to be some debate about whether the first French space cat was Felix or Felicette. If you’re truly interested, it’s an easy search. Sadly, a second French space cat was sent in suborbital space flight similar to Felix, or Felicette, but did not survive the recovery. Apparently, its name is unrecorded.

Far Out Cat
By Jimmy Johnson
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299 responses to “Far Out Cat”
Good morning Villagers….
I know how Arlo feels…came home from work yesterday, and BIL had hit the wrong button to get TV and Sat on….husband said Ian had to fix the problem the last time. So I called DISH, and they walked me through the buttons…told BIL ‘don’t hit that button”
AND Squirrelly Shirley is no more…so much for rehab…first she was an hour late yesterday. She called at 6:30, said she and her boyfriend were going to town to get cigs….she asked what time she should be there at work…7:30, I told her…..(sheesh, she knew that)….she finally shows up at 8:30….strike 2. Then I went to pick her up yesterday, she’s still in bed at 7:05. they couldn’t wake her up. Strike 3. I took her shoes to her when I got off work yesterday. She understood, she just couldn’t work like that, 5 days in a row, and she said she was going to regret all of this too. Dang drug addicts.
So, I called my husband and asked him “how would you like to work with your wife today?” He did and was great….so now he knows why I come home ‘pooped’. He still even fixed supper. Salmon patties, hominy, and lima beans.
So, my other nephew-in-law, Jason, starts working with me today. I told The Boss “no more women,,,I need man power!!!” And also that I didn’t want my husband’s hours on my paycheck, could we pay him in cash….got that too! Ahhh, the value of me 🙂
Didn’t hear from Ian last night, so I don’t know if he made it to his first job offer, if he made it to the CC interview or not…yeah, I’d like to know what a $50 steak looks like too, I’d like to know what it tastes like too.
Jackie…if you are up, get ready for the storm…on radar it look red and mean.
Jerry, love your one liners.
Gal, don’t read much of the TDS’s comments…only the first few that are posted in the morning.
So…what day is it?…….somebody’s ‘hump’ day.
Old Bear…when my Grandparents celebrated their 50th, I asked Grandpa what it was like to stay married for 50 years to the same woman…he replied “it wasn’t easy, and it wasn’t easy for your Grandmother too, but we made it work.” I grew up next door to them…wonderful memories.
ya’ll have a blessed day….storms moving in today, and much cooler weather………Amen
GR 😉 keep those tunes coming…..I love the suspense of what you’re going to post. I don’t recall all the songs from that movie, and I’m not going to spoil it by Wiki’ing it.
Speaking of cats and gravity….
Must have heard the can opener 🙂
I don’t usually look at the comics page in the local fish wrapper because it does not carry A & J or much else worth viewing. I glanced at it recently and found that Dilbert, which is usually amusing, has the main character doing strange things due to a “brain stimulator” which he is visibly wearing. I think that if Scott Adams actually knew anything about DBS (deep brain stimulators) he would not find them amusing. You may find this comment to be out of place, but, following the British tradition of “speaking from the stump”, I’ll stand up in the village park and speak my piece.
A skink is not a lizard. Anoles are cute harmless lizards. A skink is a snake with legs. Empirically still harmless, but will stare you down with the foreboding look of a mafia don.
“emb, if you had visited New Orleans’ 9th Ward, or indeed any place on the Gulf Coast from there east to Ocean Springs MS in the years following Hurricane Katrina, you’d immediately understand the significance of the “steps to nowhere”, as well as the relation to “Second Line”.
Ghost and others: Thanks. I knew why the stoop was without a house, but didn’t know it was Katrina’s 10th. But “Second Line” was a puzzle so I did a search.
Katrina did not hit only New Orleans. Mom’s home town was Bay St. Louis, which [from aerial views JJ posted in ’05] was demolished more completely than Pass Christian [JJ’s home was only a lot or two east of total destruction.]
A skink is a lizard, just a bigger one than an anole. Gila monsters are lizards, and so are glass “snakes” and Komodo dragons. True dragons don’t exist, so are not lizards, though a Lady came close, decades back.
Peace, emb
Debbe, I actually went to bed, fell asleep, only to be awakened by the storm I did not know was coming. Remember, I haven’t turned television on in eight months? Not even weather.
So I realized poor old Blue, my mom’s elderly dog was out sleeping in the potting shed which is partially open and I ran outside to bring her into house. I woke up just now with still wet hair, so I seemed to have gone back to sleep more than damp! Love, Jackie
“Steps to nowhere”. We still have many empty lots, 4 years after our massive tornado. But we have the steps without a house in places that the tornado did not hit. When I see those, I wonder what happened to the house that once was there, and what it looked like. Now it makes me think of the A&J strip about the flowers surviving the owners who planted them.
Have a great day, everybody.
Ghost, you lost your home in Katrina didn’t you? Love, Jackie
I can relate to your grandfather’s statement about 50 years of marriage having passed 51 in June. It wasn’t easy for either of us but we made it work and have three grown kids with families now numbering my little family to 14 total members. Since they all live in our home town, we see all of them often. It is a real blessing. Everyone should be so lucky. Blessings on everyone.
P.S. I’ve been here every day, just haven’t been commenting. The Village is usually my first stop in the morning.
Dom, I hesitated to say anything because I was saddened but I was married to Mike for 48 years, engaged to him and “pinned” for another two, so 50 together. This week would have been our 49th wedding anniversary, six days ago. Yes, staying together isn’t easy, that is why so few people do it. Love, Jackie
Today’s TIP BlogSpot is more serious than not winning the church raffle. He’s just been excommunicated by the clergy who are leaving, He and his queen[?] probably think he’s therefore going to Hell. I doubt it.
Peace, Evan
Forgot this:
Peace, emb [not the Evan who goes by his first name here.]
Well, Jackie, let’s just say that it’s never a good sign when one picks up a post-storm edition of a newspaper and finds a front page color photo of a crew removing a 100-year-old oak tree from the middle of one’s house. 🙂
But thanks to good insurance coverage and a reasonable and helpful adjuster (from Oklahoma, btw), I fared better than many.
In my church are a couple who’ll celebrate their 75th wedding anniversary this year! I believe he’ll also attain the age of 100, while the wife is several years younger.
From the Department of Cheesecake of the Day: Per our discussion of Tina Turner and great legs, perhaps this young lady is aspiring to be the Tina of the 21st Century. (Is it true she insured her legs for $40 million?) Pretty impressive gams, in any case, for a 13-year-old, or however old Ms. Swift is now.
Although, true be told, I believe that Ms. Underwood has her beat.
Some months (or maybe years) after Katrina, Jimmy described different levels of “gone” pertaining to homes lost. I’m not sure how many (3?) or what the lowest level might have been but as I recall the last two were “stairs to nowhere” and an empty lot with no trace of what might have been there. I’m reminded of this every time I see coverage of damage caused by tornadoes, fires, etc.
On a happier note, congratulations to all here whose marriages have survived multiple decades. My husband Bob would not fit the conventional definition of “romantic”, although he has his moments. When he proposed back in 1977, he simply, silently placed in my hand a diamond that had come from his grandmother’s ring. After a moment or two I asked him what he meant and his answer was “If you can put up with me, I can put up with you.” Not exactly eloquent, but I think that it speaks to the give and take necessary for a lasting relationship between imperfect people.
Ghost: In addition to the opinion regarding Ms. Underwood’s legs, I am of the opinion that she also has the better voice.
We have an adorable couple that when I not singing or proclaiming the word, sat a row or two in front of me. They celebrated their 74th anniversary last year and we were really were looking forward to 75. I did not see the wife at church for a few weeks and finally asked Bernie and he smiled and said “She died in March” I am not a hugger but I immediately gave him a hug and expressed my sorrow. The amazing thing is that he greets everyone with a handshake and a smile. He tells me how much he loves hearing me sing, especially when I am sitting behind him. He is a great man and I want to grow up and be like him someday. I am trying.
OF due 1457-1517 CDT.
Peace, emb
Both girls have nice legs, but there are lots around. I prefer to judge, and therefore to see, them in flats or very low heels. Often do, where I volunteer [2 places] and where I work out. Also see many, everywhere, that I’d prefer in burkas. And why must all female classical soloists, no matter their weight or age, appear in sleeveless evening gowns? Rant over.
Peace, emb
Nice reference to the Lady with the tight gowns and long fingernails.
Try this for size – When instrumentals were popular
Sometimes it is difficult –
How would you like to live with an adolescent for 46 years who was so tight
they invented copper wire when someone tried to take a penny away — oh wait
that’s me not her.