The A&J series that is running in newspapers this week about syncing wireless technology is based on true events, as was the lizard episode a few weeks back. You are right: I’ve not been leading a very exciting life of late. As for the lizard sequence, one commenter somewhere kept coming back day after day to snort (if one can snort online) derisively something like, “What’s the big deal? It’s just a harmless lizard.” I didn’t say anything then, but I would like to say on my—I mean Arlo’s—behalf that when a skink, a rather large and aerodynamic lizard, is running loose in one’s underwear, it becomes a matter not of fear but of urgency. Anyway, ponder Felix the French space cat. There seems to be some debate about whether the first French space cat was Felix or Felicette. If you’re truly interested, it’s an easy search. Sadly, a second French space cat was sent in suborbital space flight similar to Felix, or Felicette, but did not survive the recovery. Apparently, its name is unrecorded.

Far Out Cat
By Jimmy Johnson
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299 responses to “Far Out Cat”
Jean dear, I have advanced from “somewhat concerned” to “concerned”. Are you OK?
Lord, I loved the Platters! Slow dancing in the dark.
Thank you for that, Ghost. I’ve heard that a large percentage of the people who had to be evacuated because of Katrina ended up getting jobs and putting down new roots instead of going back. For them, at least, the disaster was the best thing that ever happened to them.
Go Gal. I know that the Lord will give you strength and wisdom I have been thinking of Ecclesiastes 3 today as I have been sorting thru my possessions in preparation of putting my house up for sale. So many memories…so many concerns about what is next in my life. But there is indeed a Season for everything under Heaven.
Good luck, Galliglo. Yes, that organization needs someone to make sure the money spent goes to benefit the patients, not just enriching the administrators. All government aid and medical programs especially need that help.
After our tornado in 2011, we had help coming from everywhere. The disaster relief coordinators set up an aid/feeding central location about a block from us. Clothes, food, water, ice, all freely available to everyone. Local steel plant supplied free generators to households that had medical needs to maintain power (thanks, Nucor!). It was a great thing to see and be a part of.
Strong memory from day of the storm: How quiet it was after the tornado left. Traffic stopped, power out, no alarms, air conditioners, etc. Just people talking, yelling, crying.
Bad clown.
Jackie, then you’ll likely remember slow dancing in the dark to this one, also from American Graffiti.
I remember slow dancing to this one:
Absolutely remember.
Trucker totally remember that too. But I also remember shodoobiedoo later version.
Heck, that WAS the dowap version with the shodoobiedo shodoobie do! We were still slow dancing to In the Still of the Night when I graduated from college in the mid-1960’s so it had a long staying power if it came out in 1956. Those were some great slow dance songs.
I sure would have liked to see you dance to this:
Good morning Villagers….
Gal, I am so happy for you, and I know you will do it….I’ve been a bean counter in some of my jobs, like playing night auditor for a couple of hotels. Like Mark, it’s good to have a good bean counter to make sure money does go to the right people.
Yes, there was good in some of the donations after the Katrina disaster, but I also remember the mayor really misplaced monies, and those hundreds of trailers that went uninhabited.
GR 😉 Indiana State Police, good for them…..but I never like seeing them in my review mirror 🙂
Running late…oh, and the test came back on my thyroid…I have to start taking thyroid medicine.
Jackie, good to hear about your surgery coming out on the plus side.
ya’ll have a blessed day
love the vintage songs….keep ’em coming
This one I always loved to swoon to……
Debbe, welcome to the thyroid club. As with everything else as the general population ages, medication keeps us going but doesn’t eliminate the problem unfortunately. Mindy in Indy, did you change jobs? I resigned from jobs and regretted it later, but it always worked out for the best in the long run.
Speaking of storms, let’s hope that El Nino keeps Danny boy in the Atlantic.
One more. Did you here about the plague closing down Yosemite campgrounds? Weird.
Enjoy these wildlife photos:
Just click on the arrow on the right side of the photo to see the rest of the pictures.
Oh yeah, Debbe that was a good one! Used to love to dance and actually was thinking about taking lessons yesterday but that may have been effect of anesthesia? And I would have to drive to Tulsa at least and who would I dance with?
Richard Gere isn’t likely to be in class. I have seen no one around here to say yes to, even for a dance.
Have to get up and try the toe! Love Jackie
If you think that one would make for good dancing, try keeping up with this:
Sideburns, loved the Ventures and that made me think of some other groups or musicians I had also loved and in a round about way, that led to my finding this, one of the ULTIMATE slow dance standards of the day “Last Dance” by Floyd Cramer. Or you could also have the equally popular one by Duanne Eddy who also did a version that got a lot of play.
Go to and if you are anywhere near the 1960’s to Viet Nam period you have danced to this one. Very slowly!
But what I really found was Duanne Eddy doing Rebel Rouser, Raunchy and Honky Tonk, all hit songs for him. along with Dixie which I am trying to decide if it will get me kicked out of the Village if I link here, a great version and good visuals. Love, Jackie
Biting the bullet, literally, on subject of the South and Dixie, I am going to put Duane Eddy’s version of Dixie here hoping I don’t offend any sensitivities either from making fun of the South and those of us from the South or the sensitivities of any who might thing the Rebel flag and the song are offensive.
My position as a Southern liberal is that I am from the South, the South has a history, as do we all, there are those of us who sometimes are a little stereotypical and sometimes that is funny.
And Duane Eddy was and is considered one of the best guitarists who ever lived, according to the Rock and Roll hall of fame. This version got a lot of play in my day.
Duane Eddy Love, Jackie (a GRITS)
Wrong numbers and hope I hit right keys.
OF due 1556-1616 CDT. emb
Now 5:36 CDT. You have time to take a walk around the geysers.