The A&J series that is running in newspapers this week about syncing wireless technology is based on true events, as was the lizard episode a few weeks back. You are right: I’ve not been leading a very exciting life of late. As for the lizard sequence, one commenter somewhere kept coming back day after day to snort (if one can snort online) derisively something like, “What’s the big deal? It’s just a harmless lizard.” I didn’t say anything then, but I would like to say on my—I mean Arlo’s—behalf that when a skink, a rather large and aerodynamic lizard, is running loose in one’s underwear, it becomes a matter not of fear but of urgency. Anyway, ponder Felix the French space cat. There seems to be some debate about whether the first French space cat was Felix or Felicette. If you’re truly interested, it’s an easy search. Sadly, a second French space cat was sent in suborbital space flight similar to Felix, or Felicette, but did not survive the recovery. Apparently, its name is unrecorded.

Far Out Cat
By Jimmy Johnson
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299 responses to “Far Out Cat”
I would like to see their old cars listed on ebay, not that I would buy one. Buy sight unseen and ship it home? No thanks.
I for one and personally have been fascinated by the ability to maintain the cars. The creativity and garage ingenuity to keep those antiques not only running but in good shape and intact is better than Detroit has done. Would like to see them myself.
Love, Jackie
Help! Mark! That was supposed to be the link to an article about how the cars are kept running and lots of photos. Didn’t go where it was supposed to go!
Danny is down to winds of 50 mph and is still moving west. I’m going to take my protein pills and guess that Danny will go over Cuba eventually and dissipate. If there is no change in direction in the next 24 hours, this will probably be what happens. We still have two more areas behind it though,
OF due soon, 1510-153 CDT. emb
Perhaps you are right, Mark. Time will tell. But I question why our crack negotiating team at the US Department of State, which could have at least tried to leverage normalization of US relations with the Cuban government into real political reforms and human rights improvements, got nothing in return other than the release of some political prisoners (who by definition should never have been imprisoned) and the hope that a viciously repressive government will change its spots, even though it will now have even less reason to do so.
Reading material for cat lovers among us
Bet I am not only one who sees myself in this one! And if link fails, Mark, help again!
Not the same as yours, Jackie, but same topic.
The cat link:
Just now walked into my kitchen and looked at two large glass vases/candle holders I just unwrapped. There big as life is a hang tag on each with the word “Viet Nam” and that is about five inches across the tag.
Viet Nam affected me as badly as Cuba. I have/had friends that died in each, friends whose families were killed by firing squads, that died in prison in both Cuba and Viet Nam. Go back another generation and we had Korea, Japan and Germany, Italy. Do we not purchase items from there? Do we not travel to their countries? Interact with them? Even Russia now.
Seems about the same to me at this point. Love, Jackie
P.S. The article I tried to link on cat lovers says we are easy going and tolerant, also that we are likely to be more liberal thinkers.
Here;s your car link:
I see what happened to your cars, Jackie. The last digit of the year disappeared when you pasted it. instead of 2012 you have 201, so the link didnt work right.
Thank you Mark! As soon as I start traveling again Alabama is on my list to visit. Can I bring my new and unused Samsung tablet, the Samsung Smartphone and the new and unused Apple laptop I just bought? I would happily pay for lessons in how to use all three! Love, Jackie
I’d be glad to do what I can with the smartphone and tablet. I’m not used to Apple computers though. That would be my ex’s department. I’m a PC person since that is what fills the workplace everywhere I’ve been the last 20 years. Although I haven’t always been using Windows for the majority of the work. No formal training, just what I have picked up as I went along. At one time I could make plane reservations on Sabre, the old American Airlines system. Also used a proprietary Post Office system when keying addresses for sorting machines. Currently using 3M encoder and multiple other software for coding.
From 1996 when I moved to Nashville, I worked as a security guard, airline reservations/customer service agent, telemarketer, remote address encoder for the Post Office, customer service agent for a QVC-type business, auto repossession coordinator/skip tracer, medical records technician and then medical records coder. And my wife used to tell me I was not adaptable enough?
One thing I would suggest, Jackie, is that you look for online tutorials for your new tools. Some might be on the providers websites, others on the maker’s pages.
OF due 1908-1928 CDT. emb
Sounds like you are not only adaptable but skilled with computers! I know anytime I want to know something you seem able to find a source on the web. And a good source of music on net too. I have been trying to find that version of Mark Knopfler you sent me once which was I believe My Lady of the Morning? I wanted to buy the CD it was on. Can’t find it.
Ghost, I love the music you link too, all the rest of you. It exposes me to artists I am not always familiar with. For instance, I loved the Emmy Lou Harris and Linda Ronstadt duets and am getting that album now. I listened to every version of 1917 on the youtube albums until I found the best audio one. So now another Emmy Lou Harris to buy.
Doing my own laundry now and folding, putting it away, find it gets cleaner and neater. See, I am not totally idle! Love, Jackie
Now if I could just figure out how to collect a finders fee on all that music you’re buying, Jackie. 🙂 I’m working up a second cardio playlist I’ll start previewing.
I don’t know what’s the military specialty of the Air Force dude who helped take down the train shooter, but from the looks of him, and of the shooter when he finished with him, I’m guessing he isn’t a clerk/typist. Or if he is, no one complains about his typing speed.
Wind down to 40 mph, approaching islands. “I will make this country the greatest country in the world.”- A.H., 1930’s.
Jackie, I don’t recognize the line. I did a search on him with My Lady, and got this result:
Even if its not the right one, I like it.
maybe this is it?
Good one, Jerry!
His music is so beautiful, it does melt your heart. And to think I wasted thirty or more years listening to Jimmy Buffet and country and western! Both songs are beautiful but not the one I am looking for. I could swear it was MK.
Yeah, Ghost, if you could get a finder’s fee on music you could claim on on lingerie too. Along with the tight legged jeans I now own by the dozens. You are a real inspiration!
Down another pound this morning and had a huge lunch about 3 o’clock, so no starving myself now. Just had snack of unsalted dry roast peanuts and a big old mason jar of unsweet tea for energy. Looking for recipe for butternut squash to go with my left overs for a late dinner.
Apologies to Jimmy and other C and W fans, I still listen, just not much. Love, Jackie
Settled on garlic olive oil roasted butternut with black pepper and a tiny bit of chopped precooked bacon, left over spinach ravioli with more spinach added. Late eater.
I fixed Sunday lunch for my Mom today, something I enjoy as much as she does. The entrĂ©e was grilled boneless, skinless chicken breasts, in a carne asada marinade, something she’d never had before in her life but proclaimed to be very good.
Don’t starve yourself, Jackie…your body will compensate by slowing your metabolism and your rate of weight loss will slow as well.
I’m not sure I’ve been directly responsible for a woman putting *on* lingerie before, but I suppose anything is possible. And finder’s fees are always a good thing.