The A&J series that is running in newspapers this week about syncing wireless technology is based on true events, as was the lizard episode a few weeks back. You are right: I’ve not been leading a very exciting life of late. As for the lizard sequence, one commenter somewhere kept coming back day after day to snort (if one can snort online) derisively something like, “What’s the big deal? It’s just a harmless lizard.” I didn’t say anything then, but I would like to say on my—I mean Arlo’s—behalf that when a skink, a rather large and aerodynamic lizard, is running loose in one’s underwear, it becomes a matter not of fear but of urgency. Anyway, ponder Felix the French space cat. There seems to be some debate about whether the first French space cat was Felix or Felicette. If you’re truly interested, it’s an easy search. Sadly, a second French space cat was sent in suborbital space flight similar to Felix, or Felicette, but did not survive the recovery. Apparently, its name is unrecorded.

Far Out Cat
By Jimmy Johnson
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299 responses to “Far Out Cat”
Jackie, try this one:
Not music, but fun to watch:
Good morning Villagers….
Nope, not going to listen to “1917” and read the lyrics this morning…need to stay focused on the good mood I am in…woke up feeling pretty good, took my first thyroid pill, going in to work and play with my new toys.
Went shopping yesterday and spent The Boss’s money at True Value, charged $300. Got a new squeegee, and Andrew picked up a bunch of stuff for repairs. Then I spotted it… is so cute…it is a pink camo colored bag that is used to carry tools…a hammer with a pink handle, screwdriver with 6 bits, a leveler, needle nose pliers oh, I cant’ remember what else is in it, but think pink. I kept looking at it, wander off, kept going back to it, finally Andrew said “get it”, and threw it in the cart. It’s mine….all mine…and yes, I will use it at work. I get tired of looking for things around the workbench when I need something. The Boss has said he was going to get me a lock box to keep things from disappearing….I don’t think anyone will be carrying off pink handled tools 🙂 Besides, the bag will stay in my car when I’m not working.
He also picked up a magnet that will lift up to 200 pounds… would not believe what falls in the pits. Poor Jason knocked a beam scraper into the pit the other day.
Hey, ya’ll have a Happy Caturday.
My new huggee or colder holder says…”when in doubt, mumble” 🙂
Morning Debbe. My wife has her flowered tools and if I use one it had better go back where I found it. Hurricane Danny briefly reached Cat 3 status but has been downgraded back to a cat 2. At the current predicted track it may avoid major interaction with land and restrengthening is expected, at least temporarily. Danny is a small storm and therefore may avoid some of the normal interactions which determine its track. On its current track it could slide north of Cuba and other major land areas and enter the gulf in a few days. We have become used to storms which follow a nice predictable curve with no major changes in direction, but I recall Roxanne which sat in the middle of the Gulf for a week making figure eights before finally heading for land. At this point the major forecasts usually show the predicted paths from several different computer models for the expected life of the storm, but there are no long range predictions at this point. Coastal interests from the entire Gulf and up the east coast should keep an eye on Danny.
Eating one of my favorite breakfasts, crunchy granola with plain unflavored yogurt, honey drizzled over, big pile of fresh raspberries and blueberries, toasted almonds sprinkled on top. A real breakfast of champions.
But I can never eat it anymore without this song going through my head! Neil Diamond and Crunchy Granola Suite
They said only Diamondheads know this one? Sort of sticks to you like the granola and whole grains do. Love Jackie
Reports of the French train shooting seem to indicate the train attendants ran and hid, leaving members of the American military to step in and save the proverbial French bacon. Hum. Sounds somewhat familiar.
No granola with your Chai tea this morning Ghost? You sound grumpy.
Le fantôme a tout simplement pas rencontré la bonne femme française.
Old Bear, look familiar?
Mark… That vehicle is a beauty!
Regarding the Stroll… Don’t know which came first, but I remember doing the Stroll at sockhops when I was a high school freshman OE sophomore. The timing would have been right.
Debbe… I have seen those pink tool kits. If I were still doing maintenance around the house, I would have one in a New York minute!
Dang autocorrect! OE should be “or”! 🙁
Okay, this is now in the public domain, so I can share it with you.
I offer the following without comment. Today’s fish wrapper reports that the state of Arkansas has turned down a request to hang a banner on the capitol building saying “Give peas a chance.”
I now see that 3 of the long range models show Danny curving north before reaching Florida. The bad news is that they are said to be the 3 least dependable models.
Galliglo in Ohio, yes that Corvair is sharp-looking.
If you can’t use the tool kit, what about a gardening set?
OF due 1715-1735 CDT. emb
Seen on the internet. “The terrorist made the classic mistake: He brought a gun to a fistfight (with American servicemen).”
Today I see that the story I read yesterday about the French train incident was totally incorrect. Anyway, I am awfully glad that it ended happily (except for the injured people).
Debbe: “My new huggee or colder holder says…”when in doubt, mumble.”
Reminds me of the [apocryphal?] note in the margin of the preacher’s sermon, “Argument weak here, holler like hell.” Ran across this probably 60 YA, maybe in Reader’s Digest.
Peace, emb
All of my white athletic socks are a bit old and more than a bit worn, so while I was out and about this post meridiem, I stopped by Wally World to replenish my supply. I found an entire short aisle of men’s athletic socks, but they were all…WTH?…”ankle socks”. When did this happen?
I know that females have been wearing those with athletic shoes for quite some time. And I approve…shows more of their legs. 😉 But for men? Another example of the uni-sexing of the world? A little too effeminate-looking for me, I’m afraid.
Grouchy today, Jackie? Moi? 🙂
Don’t feel bad, Charlotte. Even many hours later, news organizations were all over the map in reporting details of the incident. What one can expect, I suppose, now that many of them obviously feel that rapidity of reporting is more important than accuracy of reporting.
“Hognose”, former Special Forces dude and proprietor of the blog, had what I thought was a valid comment about the outcome of the French train attack…
“It was, in fact, fully in the spirit of the heroes of United 93, but with a much better outcome, and it illustrates one of the weaknesses of ISIL’s and al-Qaeda’s current epidemic-of-lone-wolves strategy: as Kipling wrote, “the strength of the wolf is the pack,” and they’re finding out that when they show up without the pack, they misclassified their targets. Not sheep at all, but able to spontaneously organize a counter-wolfpack.”
…even though, the last I saw, French officials seem to be trying to waffle on whether the attack was the result of “terrorism”, much less “Islamic terrorism”. If one reads what little European anti-terrorism agencies have already released about the attacker, one wonders how there can be any doubt.
Ghost: I agree that there should have been more sock options. However, I do think ankle socks look much better with shorts. Since this is shorts season, why shouldn’t women get to ogle men’s legs? 🙂
Feeling a lot of sympathy for JJ’s wireless connection problems. It took me a week and a half to get pictures from my phone to my tablet via Bluetooth. Never could get the Bluetooth doodad on our PC to work. If I hadn’t done it before (with no problems), I probably would have given up, given that my somewhat smart phone is definitely not near the head of the class. Apparently some lovely up-date added a few more steps to the process. “New and improved” all too frequently is only new.
OK, Ruth Anne, I’ll buy that, in the name of equal opportunity.
Still looks weird to me on a man, though. 🙂
And say a digital prayer for me…tomorrow I attempt to get a friend’s computer to communicate with her wireless printer after the wireless modem was changed out. By talking her though it via telephone.
And I literally want to run and hide every time the company’s main software vendor announces another update to give us “new and improved” features and functionality.