A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Fondue Memories

By Jimmy Johnson

OK, this one is a bit out of sequence. It first ran in 2003, immediately following the strip I showed you two posts back. I like this particular strip, however, and I’m returning to it regardless. The original of this A&J hangs in the home of a friend, who experienced his own share of hallucinations back in the day. It hangs in his bathroom, actually. I have noticed that often is where my originals end up.

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"

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228 responses to “Fondue Memories”

  1. Jacqueline Monies Avatar
    Jacqueline Monies

    Cute kid story. My grandson was given some homemade play dough which he rolled and cut out endlessly. My daughter threw it away finally.

    Next day she made colored cookie dough but told Jack it was play dough so he wouldn’t eat it. They baked, iced and decorated the “play dough” to give to neighbors. Jack earnestly warned the neighbors not to eat, they weren’t really cookies but play dough. LOL

  2. Charlotte in NH Avatar
    Charlotte in NH

    Nearly 11 pm in Southern NH and you are making me hungry! I can wait until breakfast tho.

  3. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    I have yet to prepare a dish that was not tasty when its recipe included “1 Stick of butter”.

    I’d like one day to try my luck making Jamaican Meat Pies, not withstanding my usual practice of avoiding recipes with >20 ingredients.

  4. TruckerRon Avatar

    The Japanese nikuman aren’t as complex as some you’re listing, but on a cold winter day they are a real treat:


  5. Jacqueline Monies Avatar
    Jacqueline Monies

    Hello Mr. Ghost, if you have no better offer for Christmas, how about driving me to Illinois? Beautiful historic home with two good cooks and intelligent conversation. Even the other ghosts in the house are friendly and the town historic and charming. Just north of St. Louis so only marginally northern.

    Mark Twain lived right across Mississippi in Hannibal and we consider him southern.

  6. emb Avatar

    Twain lived on the ‘SE’ corner of 9th St. and 5th Ave. for a while, a 3-story bldg., perhaps still standing. Has a plaque at the top of the front stoop. Boy who eventually became my Cornell U. roommate [+ his Mom] lived in the main floor apt. Later, Ph.D. and MD, renal physiologist, died recently of kidney failure.

    Bemidji Chorale Christmas concert [Calvary LC] this afternoon and evening, dedicated to memory of a BSU prof. emerita, German/French, died recently after fighting breast ca. for 26 years. Wonderful person. I ate way too many seasonal bars at the gathering afterward, cornmeal mush + red seedless for supper [0 fat g.]. Bedtime, annual physical tomorrow. Damned lab first.


  7. Jacqueline Monies Avatar
    Jacqueline Monies

    About today’s free range joke. It is true. I had a friend who raised free range fryers. He used to bring me some. They do taste better and more chicken-you.

    Why is that?

  8. emb Avatar

    Just got up. Elephant at R. in central Kenya. Close expl ore first. Peace,


  9. emb Avatar

    Because of Hal, apparentlou.

  10. emb Avatar

    Today’s TIP BlogSpot.


    Now, can I go have breakfast?


  11. Steve from Royal Oak, MI Avatar

    We had about 10″ of snow, but it was a “convenient” snow as it started on Sunday morning and was pretty much done about 9:00 pm last night. I had a function at church at 7:00 and the roads were in much better shape than I thought. Snow was packed down so starting and stopping was not easy.

    This morning I got out early to shovel, but the snow had stopped. Heard on the the radio that there was an accident on I-696, so I drove around it. No red lights and then about 50-60 MPH to work. Of course the first three in the office, including me, live the furthest away. I am guess that a 35 minute drive will last at least an hour tonight, although nearly all of the schools are closed, so traffic might be lighter.

  12. Ruth Anne in Winter Park Avatar
    Ruth Anne in Winter Park
  13. Jacqueline Monies Avatar
    Jacqueline Monies

    Good morning. Dickens and I are awake. First order of morning is to find a Diet Coke. Or go back to sleep.

    I have those apple baskets to deliver and a lot of cleaning to do.

  14. Smigz Avatar

    Gary, what province do you live in?

    Steve, yep, as heavy snows go, this was one of the better behaved ones. And no biting wind while shoveling and no drifting! Yay! I’m not far from you…husband measured and came up with eleven. Friends of ours up north would laugh at eleven inches of snow, but it’s enough for me right now.

    Jackie, I’m glad you made it for the performance. I was worried you’d miss at least the first act due to the charity run.

    sand, during a Michigan winter, those ladies better be wearing flannels, sweats, or sweaters! 😉

    emb, I have a niece that recently moved to Columbia, MO, and I’m looking forward to visiting all the Missouri Twain sites some day.

    Ruth Anne and Charlotte, I’d say I started something by mentioning pasties, but we’re always talking food and cooking!

  15. Jacqueline Monies Avatar
    Jacqueline Monies

    Did miss most of first act. But I am thinking of skipping some other event and going back your that to see entire musical. It was written including music by two Tulsans and staged and created here. Very well done. I love live theater.

    Go to Hannibal, Missouri but drive across river to Quincy, IL which is the preserved town of period as river port, several thousand buildings in historic district, over 400 on historic registry. My daughters house on Maine Street is one of earliest designated homes on preservation registry and she works with Quincy Preserves and loves to conduct tours.

  16. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Per Wikipedia: “The U.S. Department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) requires that chickens raised for their meat have access to the outside in order to receive the free-range certification. There is no requirement for access to pasture, and there may be access to only dirt or gravel.”

    Note that “access to the outside” does not mean the birds have to be allowed outside for any minimum period of time per day or that they will even take advance of such assess where it exists.

    Sincere question: So does Arlo’s chicken merely being labeled “free-range” really justify its greater cost or insure it is of higher quality? (I’ve never purchased one nor, as far as I know, eaten one.) Or is this just another “foodie fad”?

    There seems to be even more misinformation than usual on TDS today.

  17. Jacqueline Monies Avatar
    Jacqueline Monies

    My free range chickens are living in garden with grass inside a large dog kennel fence. They have a chicken she’d being built for added protection. They have hay piles to burrow in and dog kennels to sleep in with hay.

    So far no eggs but pretty chickens. They are pets and will not be eaten. Even if they don’t lay eggs.

    My freezer is full of fryers bought on last sale at grocery store, probably some Pilgrim ones from Beau.

    We are having chili and corn bread again for me and workmen. It is a chilly day.

    Do not ask my friends in North Carolina about keeping Kosher and paying $15 for a chicken to roast.

  18. Morphy Avatar

    Jackie, alpine sport and theatre season are two of the best things about winter. Well I guess you could throw in a bunch of indoor activities. I was just thinking the most thrilling. No, wait … [blush] never mind.

    As a child I thought chili was named for chilly days. Then I learned the awesome wonder of the chilé. Later came paprika. Tobacco and chocolate weren’t the only new world goodies. What Hungarians did with with the not so humble pepper is amazing.

  19. Morphy Avatar

    emb, “Because of Hal, apparentlou.”

    That was funny! And your next had me wondering if you found Groucho’s elephant in your pajamas?

    Enjoy the day.

  20. Morphy Avatar

    Old Bear, if I remember right, you work with small engine repair among your skills. I’ve heard several snow blower complaints in other places as well and wonder if you could say I’m off base?
    1-people keep a gas can on hand for their lawnmower
    2-it probably still has ‘summer gas’ in it
    3-putting ‘summer gas’ in a snow blower’s small engine works worse than summer gas in a car, in this cold weather.

    I’ve withheld advice to distant friends until I understood better.
    If I am confused with another villager, sorry.

  21. Mindy from Indy Avatar

    Better late than never – Happy, merry belated Symply!

    Skimmed past politics, saw a post about food, and just to make sure everyone gets distracted – where are our chili recipes?

    Debbe (and whoever else may need it) – Swing by when you can. If you need a (virtual) shoulder to lean on – we have your back. This time of year is rough on the emotions. Reach out if needed.

    On subject presented by our fearless leader: Never messed with fondue – melted wax and candles I’ll play with forever.

    Peace to all. More than ready for 2016 to be gone.

  22. Jacqueline Monies Avatar
    Jacqueline Monies

    Good evening all, I went in to take a bath and dress to go down town. Instead I lay down under comforters to finish drying off and just woke up! I confess to taking large amounts of Ghost’s evil drug benadryl but I have taken it all my life, thought I was immune to the affects.

    It is dark, town is closed. I am dressed and ready to deliver baskets in morning.

    I thought emb was funny about the evil Hal and his machinations.

  23. Morphy Avatar

    Side effects depend on size of spoon…. Or shot glass.

  24. Jacqueline Monies Avatar
    Jacqueline Monies

    Turned on Pandora and Van Morrison came on playing Tupelo Honey. But because this is the Village my mind went to my favorite Carolina eatery named Tupelo Honey. Went to their website page and boy! Have they ever expanded! I ate in the one in Ashville which is apparently the mother ship.

    First time I had eaten a pimento and cheese sandwich grilled with sliced tomatoes. Their food is divine, local sources, often changing. I confess I knew they were there, had read about them in Southern Living magazine.

    If you are ever near make an effort to eat in one. Otherwise just read the menu. https://tupelohoneycafe.com/locations/

  25. Jacqueline Monies Avatar
    Jacqueline Monies

    And here is beautiful Tupelo Honey sung by Van Morrison.
