A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Fondue Memories

By Jimmy Johnson

OK, this one is a bit out of sequence. It first ran in 2003, immediately following the strip I showed you two posts back. I like this particular strip, however, and I’m returning to it regardless. The original of this A&J hangs in the home of a friend, who experienced his own share of hallucinations back in the day. It hangs in his bathroom, actually. I have noticed that often is where my originals end up.

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"

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228 responses to “Fondue Memories”

  1. Jerry in Fl Avatar
    Jerry in Fl

    I skimmed backwards a way and found nothing political so, to correct that oversight-this morning’s headline-“Trump rejects intelligence”. There may be hope for newspapers after all.

  2. Jerry in Fl Avatar
    Jerry in Fl

    I’ve never had any problem starting a snow blower, not the slightest.

  3. Jacqueline Monies Avatar
    Jacqueline Monies

    Sir Van Morrison, who was a handsome young stud at the height of his popularity is now a really ugly old man in current photos. He can still sing, as he is still recording and touring.

    That is as sad as me finding most of my old boy friends are old, over weight, balding and/or dead and buried. Why are people my age so much older than I?

  4. Morphy Avatar

    Jerry, any collapsing beach chair stories?

    Jackie, after following tales of your travels, maybe aging comes from sitting still?

    Come to think of it, Einstein’s relativity says time slows the faster you move. I had no idea results were possible right here on Earth.

  5. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    My cardiologist is a fan of mine or me. He says I get younger and better looking every time he sees me. In fact, most of my physicians say the same, that I am the patient who found the fountain. I am their exception.

    Right now am making an apple cobbler, peeling basket of apples. Tony and Truly finished cleaning freezer and found blackberries and peaches to make cobblers. I said I needed to make cobblers, they agreed. So I am.

  6. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Jackie, I appreciate the invite to go to Quincy with you. Sounds like a great trip. Unfortunately, I have a commitment for Christmas. More (possibly) about that later.

    Some years ago, returning from a hotshot flight, I passed over Hannibal MO on the RFD-MEM leg. Since I was VFR, I dropped down to about 2000 feet and took an aerial sightseeing tour of the town.

    Your recent posts about Southern Living caused me to subscribe to the magazine again, for the recipes and food info. Perhaps appropriately, the first page I opened it up to had an advert featuring a mid-thigh-and-upward-length photo of Julia Roberts, who certainly looks good enough to eat. 😉

  7. Steve from Royal Oak, MI Avatar

    Mindy from Indy, I totally understand your sentiment and I am sure that there are many who agree with you, but I remember saying something like that and a former friend told me “You don’t literally mean than, Life is too precious” As soon as he said that, the anxiety that I had was lifted and I realized that he was so very right.

    A lot of people here and across America have been saddened during 2016. For everything there is a season. But when we change our clocks back in the fall, I always tell people that I would rather turn them back to 1984, when my dear Mom was still alive. But I’m reminded of her sense of humor, zest for life and her love and protectiveness as a mother. And I realize that I can honor her legacy by trying to be more like her. That makes me feel just a bit better and Mom is with me.

    Time heals and it’s OK to feel sad.. May the Peace of Christ be with you and with all of you here at A&J.com.

  8. Jacqueline Monies Avatar
    Jacqueline Monies

    Oscar Wilde wrote http://www.goodreads.com/quotes/5262-all-women-become-like-their-mothers-that-is-their-tragedy

    From the Importance of Being Earnest, a play I acted in at 17. I have been quoting it ever since. I find as I age I become more and more like my mother which is not bad. She was much beloved but her daughter did not always get it, nor do mine.

  9. sandcastlerâ„¢ Avatar

    Emoji translator wanted – London firm seeks specialist – http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-38287908

  10. Jacqueline Monies Avatar
    Jacqueline Monies

    Since I am filling in for Debbe on music and cute cats, here is the funny cat photo. Music is next.https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1705842769727457&id=100009052528502

  11. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Here’s first song filling in for Debbie, Question by the Moody Blues.


  12. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    And second song filling in for Debbie is also by Moody Blues and is the answer to the first Question.

    Isn’t Life Strange? https://youtu.be/9WZZjXgJ4W8

  13. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    The Village is lonely and cold, empty tonight. Hope the orphans are somewhere warm.

  14. Morphy Avatar

    Jackie, I had been. I and mine missed Friday night movies, so we had recorded some Myrna Loy. TCM has her as Star of the Month. So we uncorked a bottle and watched The Prizefighter and the Lady, I think is right. I have always enjoyed her work opposite William Powell. The banter and natural timing was so unusual in the early 30’s film acting, I was never sure if it was all Myrna or relied on the pairing with Bill. This film showed me it is indeed Myrna’s talent that made it work so well.

    Do you serve your cobbler by itself, or with ice cream? Maybe just a coffee alongside.

  15. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Just cobblers. Big servings.

  16. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    If you are last one up Morphy turn off the lights, pull up the moat draw bridge and lock the gate.

  17. Nancy Kirk in AZ Avatar
    Nancy Kirk in AZ

    Hi, Jackie. I’ve just been catching up after several days away, and I need to head for bed soon, but I didn’t like you feeling lonely, cold, and empty. Not good. This has been a crazy week with all the usual stuff plus Saturday night was our annual church concert with chancel choir, orchestra, handbell choir, praise team, children’s choir, youth choir, and women’s ensemble. Yikes! I was subbing for handbells, and Jim and I both sing in the choir. Tuesday night was handbell rehearsal, Wed was choir practice, Thursday dress rehearsal, Saturday concert, and Sunday morning church with both handbells and choir again, different pieces. Lots of wonderful music, a wonderful gift to those of us who made it and, we trust, to those who heard it.

  18. Nancy Kirk in AZ Avatar
    Nancy Kirk in AZ

    Steve in RO, what did your parents do that they both worked on Christmas? I agree that you can and should celebrate when you can.

  19. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Nancy, I am still awake, so thank you. You too Morphy. I feel very alone at times. Tonight is one of them. On a positive note I am caught up with laundry if not putting it away.

    On a somewhat humorous note, I made the observation that losing weight to point of being skinny doesn’t necessarily make you attractive, just skinny. Nor does it make you a nicer or more loveable person if you were not so before. I am not commenting on myself of course but someone else who has lost huge amount of weight in short time.

  20. Debbe Avatar

    Since you are filling in for me Jackie….one of my favorites…but where would I go and who would accompany me? (there’s a song there, play it)


  21. Debbe Avatar

    And yes, Tuesday afternoon is this afterboon

  22. Debbe Avatar

    gat fingerts 🙂

  23. Smigz Avatar

    Hi, Mindy! I’ve been imagining you cuddled up with the cats and some winter reading.

    Jerry, you’re starting my day with a laugh!

    sand, that was a fascinating article on emojis. I’m glad I’m not the only one for whom they hold some ambiguity.

    Sometimes when the Village Square is empty, I imagine looking around at the lighted windows of everyone’s homes. “There’s Jackie’s house. I bet Dickens is curled up by her feet.” “I wonder if sand and Loon are home or off somewhere.” “Is that a strain of Gilbert and Sullivan coming from emb’s house?” “Jimmy has one window lit…could that be his studio?”

    Morphy, have you seen the 1991 retrospective about Loy’s career, “So Nice to Come Home To”? TCM runs it from time to time, and it’s well worth watching. I see it’s also posted on YouTube.

  24. Smigz Avatar

    And hi, Debbe! I always smile when I see your house.

  25. Steve from Royal Oak, MI Avatar

    Nancy, my Mom was a nurse and my Dad worked at a radio station as an engineer.