I scanned this old Sunday this morning, just for you. I drew a lot bigger back then! It took two passes on my 11X17 flat-bed scanner to get it all. That is the very reason I began drawing smaller, shortly after this cartoon appeared in 1995. It was about that time I started scanning the daily cartoons and digitally transmitting them to my editors in New York. I started drawing smaller so I could scan a cartoon in one pass of the scanner. It was sometime later before I began transmitting the Sunday cartoons, because they simply were too big to transmit by dial-up modem. As it was, I remember it would take 12 to 15 minutes to transmit six daily cartoons. Now, it takes about three seconds.

Forward to the Past
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
314 responses to “Forward to the Past”
Next OF 20 min. window: 7:23-7:43 pm CDT
Happy birthday Sideburns! Sixty-five is not old yet, keep on rocking and laughing. Look at the Stones! Rolling, not kidney!
Found a great deal on a gas dryer, sample sitting on floor, nice middle aged lady whipped me over, pulled off tag, wrote it up, sold it to me, delivering free Saturday, all in about 5 minutes. All buying experiences should be like that.
I was so happy I took the money I saved by NOT buying it from Sears, who blew me off, that I went out and spent it on hostas and shrubs and White Swan rudbeckias. Then realized I could have bought another $100 worth and still not be at Sears’ price, so I may go back.
Love, Jackie
Lily: Good man.* Just because you are supposed to love them doesn’t mean you have to like them, or not defend yourself and others against them. Each [or at least some] of the duped 9/11 terrorists believed 32 [?] virgins awaited him in Heaven, I think. But they were misled, perhaps by others who also believed that. Besides, what’s preferable about inexperienced virgins? Wife and I both improved with time. I digress.
*You have my permission to show him this, and also the sermon extract above.
emb: Yes, I know he is a good man. That is what is so provoking about him. He is always rebuking me for lack of Charity when he catches me making fun of other churches. He likes to come up behind me when I am talking to a laughing group to check out what I am saying. Last time, he caught me quoting the old saw about Unitarians believing in the Fatherhood of God, the Brotherhood of Man, and the Neighborhood of Boston. I am a bad girl. 🙁
Happy Birthday, sideburns.
Finally got to see OF! That’s only because it was late, say, 6:44-6:46 MDT.
Happy birthday Sideburns! And many more years of happiness. How did you spend the big day?
Who is watching PBS and the Ken Burns special on the Roosevelt’s? Mike is recording it for me and watching it now. I am going to put clean sheets on my bed and go get attacked by kissing cats and kissing dog.
Forgot to mention I got all my perennial plants, hostas, shrubs today at 75% or more off, something I totally LOVE to do. I once said I wished I could just call a landscaper and have a truck deliver it all at once. Mike said it was the thrill of the kill that turned me on and if I could afford it, I’d still do it the way I do.
He’s right of course. I have NEVER gotten over the hosta rustlers who dug up all my huge hostas and stole them, so I bought flats and flats of hostas today and we will have hosta beds again.
One of my gardening friends, from Kansas, asked who in the world would rustle a hosta? He said didn’t they have friends who needed their hosta beds divided?
Good night, early!
Sideburns: Happy birthday.
c x-p: Congratulations. It’s quite a sight, and made more awesome when we know what’s going on downstairs, and what the Yellowstone caldera has done in the past.
Lily: “the old saw about Unitarians believing in the Fatherhood of God, the Brotherhood of Man, and the Neighborhood of Boston” is a hoot. I’ve sent it to my blind-copy theologs group.
Jackie, I have been watching the Roosevelt’s documentary (so far). It is very interesting and a little sad to hear about some of the disfunction and trouble in their families. Ken Burns makes history come alive, and I really enjoy seeing the photos and film clips. I have learned a lot that I’d not heard before.
Jackie, you know what Abraham Lincoln said about gardening: “A hosta divided against itself cannot stand.”
Didn’t go to bed, went in and watched Ken Burns’ special, of course. I had never realized most of this stuff, Teddy Roosevelt was more brilliant that I’d ever given him credit for. The bombastic personality probably overwhelmed the reality?
Sad people I thought and I expect it will become sadder.
Love, Jackie
We have read extensively about all of the Roosevelts. Trust me. They’re hitting the highlights and downplaying the lowlights. These are our idols of course. It seems we have a large waterspout moving onshore. They like the flatlands so I think that I’m good.
I have read “Mornings on Horseback”. “The Rise Of Theodore Roosevelt,” “Theodore Rex,”
“Eleanor and Franklin”, “Roosevelt and Hopkins”, “Hitler Vs. Roosevelt,” “Mr. Roosevelt’s Navy,” and “Roosevelt’s Lieutenants.” YOu will excuse me if I don’t watch Ultraliberal Ken Burns’ take. 😛 May the fleas of a thousand camels, etc
How did I spend by birthday? Not doing much of anything, which is just what I expected. At least there weren’t any medical issues or other nasty surprises, and that’s about as good as it gets sometimes.
Good morning Villagers….
AND and happy, belated birthday Sideburns…just think Medicare 🙂
I share my birthday with Madonna and the death of Elvis Presley….I had a bowl of Cheerios with a bottle of Kahlua poured over it for breakfast that morning. 🙂
Ya’ll have a blessed day….
GR 😉
This morning’s TIP blogspot is funny.
The excitement of going to look for more distressed plants was too overwhelming and I woke up early. That and cat that kept insisting on looking out window and rattling the wooden slats on shades so violently I kept thinking someone was breaking in!
Stone mason just waved at me thru window. There is hope of seeing his “retirement project” completed out there so I am buying plants and planning replacement garden for all the stomped plants.
Truthfully I am excited about idea of front yard which is going to turn into a wildflower and perennial solid mass of plants, no grass except all those ornamental clumps from 6 ft. to a foot high! Then when the neighbor’s weeds move in they will blend well.
I got shipment of wildflower seeds to plant in mail yesterday. You plant in fall for the spring, so he has to move out!
Indeed, I am worse than Janice on plants, seeds and gardening, but no Arlo to help out. I love that he goes to garden centers with her, gets out in yard and helps her.
Love, Jackie Monies
Just read today’s current A and J. Forgot to look at Dark Side to see what Ghost said. Poor Gene, Mary Lou is me 35 years ago!
I ended up going into sales, of course, for a third or fourth career.
Love, Jackie
Debbe 😉 Perhaps I’ll try bourbon on corn flakes for my birthday.
Good morning, Jackie. Just don’t let it turn into “The Yard That Ate the House”.
If you’re interested in TR, you should read “Island of Vice: Theodore Roosevelt’s Doomed Quest to Clean Up Sin-Loving New York” by Richard Zacks. Also if you’re interested in knowing how NYC got to be the way it is. (And why Tom Selleck’s NYPD Commissioner has the picture of TR on his office wall.)
Just looked at fall veggie garden, there are baby squash all over the squash plants, flowers on green beans on trellis’ and greens like mustard and turnips ready to cut and cook.
There are also big holes where we need to replant!
You have to remember, this is a four section lot, which means four lots all together, so there is fair amount of land. Although I have been decking and covering the grass pretty seriously! And the stone mason guys have been pretty assiduous in killing the plants!
Love, JaCKIE
Good morning, Villagers! Jackie, we are on an acre lot, but our (my!) garden is a lot smaller. The rest is St. Augustine and the yard man’s responsibility. We have flower beds around the house, mainly the rose garden on the south (hot!) side. One of my favorite things to do to The Man In My Life when he is out there pruning or spraying is to walk up with my hands on my hips in my best Maureen O’Hara Irish voice and say, “Never a potato or a turnip!” I get glared at usually, which is good for a giggle but sometimes I am set to weeding for “cheek”.
Debbie, I use the VA for all my medical needs. That covers me for Medicare Plan D. Because of my low income, there’s no co-pay. What do I need Medicare for?
OF window 4:54-5:14 pm CDT. emb
It’s about to blow and it’s SRO.