I scanned this old Sunday this morning, just for you. I drew a lot bigger back then! It took two passes on my 11X17 flat-bed scanner to get it all. That is the very reason I began drawing smaller, shortly after this cartoon appeared in 1995. It was about that time I started scanning the daily cartoons and digitally transmitting them to my editors in New York. I started drawing smaller so I could scan a cartoon in one pass of the scanner. It was sometime later before I began transmitting the Sunday cartoons, because they simply were too big to transmit by dial-up modem. As it was, I remember it would take 12 to 15 minutes to transmit six daily cartoons. Now, it takes about three seconds.

Forward to the Past
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteranโs Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
314 responses to “Forward to the Past”
Jackie: We are very “High and Holy”. We caused a scandal in our town by having a “Bloody Mary Contest” in the Fellowship Hall one New Year’s day. You should have heard some of the comments!
Jackie: We are very “High and Holy”. We caused a scandal in our town by having a “Bloody Mary Contest” in the Fellowship Hall one New Year’s day. You should have heard some of the comments!
Jackie, I didn’t realize it was so difficult to be an Episcopalian. Then again, my mom’s family switched from Methodist to Episcopalian long before I was born, so I was born and raised there. While I do love the pageantry, I think the Baptists have better hymns. They’re easier to sing.
“John Donne, Anne Donne, Undone.” At times, I’ve been able to identify with old John.
A HS girlfriend’s Episcopal priest was once seen by a young parishioner at the market with a cart full of beer and was for evermore known to the kids in the parish as “Father Suds”.
Ghost: Sometimes I wonder whether we Episcopalians and the Catholics are the only ones that recognize that alcohol is not automatically sinful?
Oh, if anyone needs an example of “cognitive dissonance” just look here: http://www.arcamax.com/thefunnies/onebighappy/
Their loss, Jean.
Come to think of it, I got really buzzed one time attending a Madrigal Feast at the local Episcopal church, on their version of whatever medieval drink they served with the meal. Wassail!
Jean, raised by Southern Baptist grandmother, I would agree on the hymns. I can still remember the words and tune to most of them. Cannot say same for Episcopal hymns which are difficult to say the least.
Early pioneer churches had few if any hymnals, so words and melody were simple. A song master stood at front of church and led congregation, singing a line or stanza, then he’d wave arm and congregation would repeat what he’d sung.
This was called “lining” and was done for lack of hymnals, organs, inability of congregation to read words, much less music! It was still being done that way when I was young.
Granny could read music and words, played a pump organ for the services held in our farm house. By the time I was kid we had some hymnals for church also, a couple for our home services.
My husband says that Episcopalians are not an evangelical bunch and hence a diminishing faith unfortunately. Too learned and stuffy possibly? Although I like the pageantry personally and love Catholic services in cathedrals with all the beauty around honoring God.
Love, Jackie
OF due to blow 1226-1246. emb
Yup, measured my upper thigh, came in at 25 inches. I’d have to wear an evening gown on each leg to fit in one!
Oh, Jackie! My waist is 24″.
Some Episcopal Churches are declining, true. Ours isn’t. That is why we work so hard at welcoming visitors and making them feel welcome. One of the few things I regret about being in the choir is that I can’t welcome people and invite them to sit with me and mine.
I know the 50’s and 60’s were worshipping hour glass bodies, but ours were “normal” proportions, Read about Kim Kardasian wearing special corset to train her waist to be 20 inches, along with those bulbous breasts and butt!
If you look at Marilyn Monroe, she was thin and did not have large breasts or hips. Few celebrities looked like they had been overly fed! You also didn’t see fat celebrities.
When I say there was a standardized size for women of my period, I mean it. I used to buy most of my clothes from the trunk sample sales of salesmen who called on women’s departments. They were all uniform sizes to fit models who did the shows to sell dresses/whatever to the buyers. At end of selling season for wholesale, they dumped samples.
Lily mentioned getting to do this kind of sample modeling, so I assume the samples are still all one size.
I am off to buy a clothes dryer, laundry piles are at critical stage.
Love, Jackie
UMC Book of Discipline recommends abstinence for all, and particularly enjoins clergy from drinking. I know some laity that abstain, and at least three pastors, one recently deceased [who never drank, since his ordination at least] and another 2 in recovery, sober for 2-3 decades. A lot of others I don’t know which, but do know several who drink in moderation [no relation to being in moderation in this blog].
That wasn’t a bad OF blow, but wind often blew twd. camera, obscuring the jet. Time to go work out.
Peace, emb
A friend, who was raised Baptist, once told me that when he attended a Methodist church with a friend, nearly choked during Communion because the friend had not warned him that real wine would be served for the Rite. Poor boy was used to Welch’s grape juice. ๐
I hope that all of you have a good day today in honor of my 65th birthday.
Happy Day sideburns!!!! ๐
Thank you. I share my birthday with two friends, and Prince Harry.
I wish you a very happy birthday, sideburns!
Happy Birthday, sideburns! ๐
Quote of the day, from the “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” episode ‘Pangs.’:
Buffy: But even though it’s hard, we have to end this. Yes, he’s been wronged, and I personally would be ready to apologize, but I…
Spike: Oh, someone put a stake in me.
Xander: You got a lot of volunteers in here.
Spike: I just can’t take all this mamby-pamby boo-hooing about the bloody Indians.
Willow: Uh, the preferred term is…
Spike: You won. All right? You came in and you killed them and you took their land. That’s what conquering nations do. It’s what Caesar did, and he’s not goin’ around saying, “I came, I conquered, I felt really bad about it.” The history of the world is not people making friends. You had better weapons, and you massacred them. End of story.
OF blow predicted for 4:36-4:56 CDT. Noonish one began just about the beginning of the ‘window’.
Lilyb – We Lutherans are also OK with alcohol, in moderation, naturally. At Communion, provision is made for those to whom alcohol is a risk by having some non-alcoholic “wine” available. In one church familiar to me, the non-alcoholic looks more like a white wine, while the regular is usually red.
I must admit it has been a while since my waist has measured only 24″ or I weighed only 115 lbs.!! No doubt my acquaintances appreciate my non-usage of hot pants & white boots, lest their minds’ eyes be permanently maimed.
Our UMC serves only grape juice, but does have gluten-free bread handy. At least one ELCA church has both juice [purple] and wine [‘white’] available. Considerate of them.
c x-p was posting while I was writing.
In that sermon paragraph above, there should be a capital P: “The [UMC] Social Principles also hold . . .” Like the Book of Discipline, the S.P. is an official document of the UMC, subj. to possible revision every 4 yr. at General Conference. Not sure if a simple majority is enough to revise either one. At both General Conf. and the many geographic Annual Conferences, it’s about half laity and half clergy. Guess which averages more conservative?
First time I was catching up on the comments when I could see OF blow.
Happy Birthday, Sideburns!!! May the next (several!) years bring you only joy and peace…
emb, I don’t have to guess. Just from my interactions with my spiritual leaders, I know they are much more liberal than our congregation. Our Vicar has sat me down many a time to lecture me on tolerance and the need to pray for our enemies. The last time he did that, I concluded with, “Okay, I’ll pray for them, but I don’t like them.” He smiled at me cherubically and said, “That is not required.”