I told you a few days ago: near the end of this series there’d be a little pay-off for regular visitors to arloandjanis.com. As I remember, this is the first appearance of the Cobra-like sports car that prominently and incongruously appears at the top of this blog. In the strip above and every day on the Web, we are left to wonder, “What is Arlo really like?”

Frequently Questioned Answers IV
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
289 responses to “Frequently Questioned Answers IV”
Miss Charlotte, there are two Jimmy Johnsons. One is our JJ who lives in Mississippi and whom we know to be brilliant, erudite, chsrming, talented and very broad interests. Love him.
Jimmy Johnson two is similarly endowed. I have never met either but even. Their appearances are similar. He lives in Alabama. Teaches at university, has a law degree and very, very interesting “stuff” on Facebook. Easily onfused.
Someone named Charlotte wrote this week asking what his Christmas cartoon was going to be? He replied he didn’t know but Jimmy Johnson would and gave JJS link. Must happen a lot.
Why can’t I meet some charming, funny, erudite, educated men like this but unmarried and not interested in such? I guess I may know some among the hundreds to thousands of guys I have met in last ten years. Maybe I could mark them? Like they do in sheep roundups? Or I could not bother.
Mark obviously Hal has struck again.. It was probably following and reading, not what Hal said.
The heavy rain and thunderstorms are rolling through. Dogs want back in. I need to see if we’re having tornadoes.
Good morning Villagers….
Looks to be some strong storms coming in today and tonight, with strong winds. Going to be an unusual warm day…mid sixties. I think that is why they made three trips yesterday delivering ‘chicks’.
Andrew came packing in the smallest chick that had been put in with the roosters to be ‘culled’. So many different words to use when meaning ‘put down’. I immediately took her, petted her, wrapped her in my flannel jacket. Got her warm, then put her in my ICU cage.
The Boss wants me to move my 2 ICU cages. He doesn’t want them in the front, suggested a place…then he teased me about me being a PETA member…..but, he appreciates my efforts.
Going to work Christmas morning with the Boss at the other hen house….should be interesting.
Then it’s on to my Sister #3 for a family gathering. I didn’t want to sit here Christmas morning waiting to go to my sisters, to much time to think. Mom will be there with us in spirit. The first Christmas is the worst, is it not?
have a blessed day……
GR 😉 most of the workers that bring the hens in are Hispanic…the other morning, one came in whistling, I asked if he was whistling some Christmas. He just smile and nodded his head, not knowing what I asked, so I said ‘Feliz Navidad”, and he replied the same.
For those not familiar with TSO’s Christmas Eve and other stories CD, God sends an angel down to earth to bring back to Him the one thing that best represents everything good that has been done in the name of this day, since it had been nearly two thousand years since the birth of his Son.
He returns and places in the Lord’s hand, the wish of a soul for the happiness of another.
This is TSO’s “An Angel Returned”
Also GR, did you watch the Big Man in the video I linked….he sure could play that sax.
This is cute….
Here we are at 7:30 in the morning and Debbes been at work or up for for three hours, whereas I have not been to bed. Doing leg lifts compulsively.
Debbe, You’re a goood person. Having a lot of rain down here too. Very low probability of chickens though.
Debbe: The 5th [or 6th, depending on how you count] is just as bad. Wife [25 July 1930-28 Dec. 2010], not mom.
Trucker: That was a hoot.
OB: Had to go back to find out why. First thought meters/cubits/feet [that could be a deep poo], but then Providence, where my USPS zipped here from.
Elder son pastors a UMC east of Brainerd. Don’t know if he’s seen the ice circle. Can’t do the math for you, but not hard to envision a mechanism. Easy to see why it’s a rough perfect circle, and why it won’t last long.
Debbe: What is that kitty scared of?
Peace, emb
“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ Matthew 25:40
I’ve always felt that “the least of these brothers and sisters” includes animals. And no, I don’t belong to PETA, either.
Ghost: I’m an omnivore, but will eat neither whale, primate, nor elephant. Of course, don’t have access to the latter two, but did try whale decades back ’50s.
All: Brooke has a new strip, Wahoo Terminal, on the Pibgorn site. Sent the flies one 2 days ago [Brooke’s flies are quite well done]. Here’s today’s, and you can arrow back as far as you want.
Peace, emb
Jackie: ‘Why can’t I meet some charming, funny, erudite, educated men like this but unmarried and not interested in such?’ Because you’re unwilling to travel this far N. [Also, I have someone else in mind who loves winter.] Peace, emb
Yes I saw your package was posted from Coventry.
Have a correspondent from Warwick
old joke
RI has 6 counties — 4 at high tide.
Which state has no counties?
The state of confusion.
parishes in louisiana
Some states are not States
Debbe your package is on its way
OB, some are Commonwealths.
Jackie, perhaps because we charming, funny, erudite, educated, unmarried men are in short supply and high demand these days? 🙂
December 23rd is National Pfeffernüsse Day. That’s a cookie, not a Valkyrie lady part.
Love the retro strip. I myself am a fan of the Cobra make and that makes Arlo’s interest in the car that much more enjoyable for me. Chances are if you see a Cobra on the road it isn’t original. There is a big industry in replicas. I can see them owning a Cobra replica. Both of them had professional office jobs, Gene is out of the house. A Cobra replica is well within the income of such a family. Arlo seems the type. Driving through curvy mountain roads is indeed something you would seek out if you owned such a car. Janis isn’t there, but so what? They give each other their own space. I am sure she is doing exactly what she wants and not missing Arlo. That may be part of the reason they still make sparks fly when they are together is that they give each other time alone.
But of course, it is just a comic strip. We tend to put more into them than Jimmy intended.
Which has a flag that is not a rectangle? [Easy.] One [maybe more] of its colleges is on a river; many of its faculty live across the river because housing is cheaper there.
Peace, emb
Suppose I will settle for married ones then, since I’ve no interest in being married. Once was enough. Although I do like Ghosts slogan Millionaire Widow Lady for my business cards.
Starting to get wheels in gear for my spring which begins first week in February. Actually have been working.
Probably need something to eat as I am shaking.
Jackie, if it is not too personal, how long were you married? You might have answered that earlier.
“Millionaire Widow Lady” is, of course, not copyrighted, and I would be tickled if you actually put it on your cards, Jackie.
Jeff, one can still see the real Cobra’s being driven on the road. Attaching a link to the 2014 Colorado Grand. Lots of great cars from the 30’s to the 60’s in this annual road rally.
Quote of the year just flashed by on the screen, “All true wisdom is found on T-shirts.”