I told you a few days ago: near the end of this series there’d be a little pay-off for regular visitors to arloandjanis.com. As I remember, this is the first appearance of the Cobra-like sports car that prominently and incongruously appears at the top of this blog. In the strip above and every day on the Web, we are left to wonder, “What is Arlo really like?”

Frequently Questioned Answers IV
By Jimmy Johnson
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289 responses to “Frequently Questioned Answers IV”
For 48 years and pinned engaged living together for two more so we made it to 50. Wrote a tribute to my mother and put it on one of my pages, it seems to have touched many, a few paragraphs. I was her daughter for 70 years, an only child. She died six days before Christmas last year, Mike on Christmas eve last year. I am writing in my mind for tonight, I do this a capella and unedited, first try a take. Habit I learned long time ago. Making every word count where it matters.
Editor didn’t know I had done that, was on my personal page, he was reading when I called on something else. He says he forgets how I affect readers when I write like that. He is back wanting me to write The Book again, I promised to talk about it by New Years. He has a good point.
One man for 50 years, I never cheated. Love, Jackie
Jackie, based on your life story– when would you have had time to cheat?
I didn’t. Love.
We are going to start work on a fund raising calendar for next year sales featuring real women boat builders and sailors who are also good looking REAL women. My idea was sort of in style of Calendar Girls. Have four in US I am thinking of, one in Australia. Photographer donating services is a sports photographer who shoots women too.
So I have to scout for women fast among acquiantances. First one freaked at no clothes like Calendar Girls. We are on less clothes now. The boat building part is essential probably but we aren’t locked in there. Maybe some that do both, some that just paddle and-or sail.
OHIO’s flag is shaped like a 2-tailed pennant. OH has many little rivers and streams and lots of colleges, so one would expect some colleges to be located near/on flowing water. Oddly enough, the state has no natural lakes!
This video is both nice and short: http://www.al.com/news/index.ssf/2015/12/watch_drone_footage_of_alabama.html
Commonwealth, the United States has six.
We are going to use mature women, well known and respected as boat builders and sailors. The idea isn’t just pinups but the beauty of the boats as well.
Photographer is my cousin, like my baby brother, and deal is I’ll pay his expenses if we go to foreign countries like the Aussie one. He and I have been traveling together since he was six years old.
He was on the circumnavigation of America at high speeds in a Ford Fairlane convertible with the top down
Jackie, if I understand correctly, you need to find a dozen mature female boat designers/builders/sailors who will agree to be photographed either skimpily clad or not clad at all. Too bad you don’t know anyone who would be willing to help you in your search. Someone who, for instance, has experience in getting women to take off their clothes. 😉
And ticklish apparently.
cx-p: Across the Ohio R. from Ohio’s Shawnee State U. is Kentucky, where housing is cheaper than in town. I assume there is a bridge. A BSU English prof. went there to be provost a decade or more ago. He and wife are now retired in middle of FL. They visit some summers, stay with the 3rd member of our Hon. 100 team, retired psych prof. and his wife, a retired Women’s Studies prof. Their house [they didn’t build it] = geodesic dome, wood heat, ideal party space.
Speaking of heat, we will almost surely have a totally white Christmas. One-3″ on most ground, a little drifting and enough wind for stubble to show through on some lawns. No temps above 0 C expected, and only a little sun. Low tomorrow night predicted +10 F.
Merry, emb
So does the photographer. He is very good at glamour shots and female photography. Now he has settled on sports photography but he’s also an attorney and my guardian.
Ghost when I am on Florida next month we are going to do some publicity shots of me to use for things like writing author photos. Logs, a pesky business card.
I am letting my builder friend have the new Wooden Boat he’s been building for me for a year. He fell in love with it. I am thinking of buying a new boat my friends from Spydeco are bringing out, the Sage 15 catboat.
Was planning to name her Footloose because I will never build the original Footloose and I have her carved Wooden name plate.
But Millionaire Widow Lady has a certain ring to it.
Love Spydeco and I have to go see her again because she was just a glass mold when I saw her last summer. Of the ice is melted I am suposed to go sail with Sal and Gail and go out to dinner. I probably need a better GPS because I got lost and never found the restaurant.
Jackie, you could name her Boat Widow. Or perhaps Milady, so as not to advertise the money aspect and avoid problems. That has a nice sound to it too. You could even name her Cherokee Bingo, in honor of one of your favorite songs. Have a bingo card with markers painted on the stern.
My goodness Mark you are better at naming boats than me! Boat Widow will be my blogs name. We are turning the page into a commercial site to allow for member participation. Excellent ides.
Never paint a boats name until you are positive. Or even paint the jull.
Anyone in small boat world, a small, small world, recognizes Cowboy Cookies. Boat Widow is same.
Jackie, tell Mr. Glesser you have an InterWebNet friend who is a minor customer of his products (currently five; six if there is any money left after Christmas). And that his company does good work.
Debbe 😉 A classic…what else can I say?
You could go along Ghost, Sal takes me around in person for tours and he and Gale are the most amazing people, I love them. And I get very special prices. They want me to stay long enough to go sailing with them this time. Meeting them would be the wonderful part. The Sage Marine sales manager is a good friend for years, I am on first name basis with his cat who travels with him, Mama Kitty. The 25 cent tour Sal does is the most impressive thing, he is so charismatic I look like Ed Sullivan in comparison.
Oh and you can say you’re my favorite nephew . I’m actually quite respectable and have good manners.
Here’s a thought: We see Arlo and Janis talking about the reader’s question, ending the scene (It’s a wrap?). So, that’s not Arlo, it’s the dude who plays him heading off in the Cobra. And the actress portraying Janis isn’t really Janis and probably isn’t married to the male actor… My mind is boggling.
That’s what I get for staying up so late wrapping presents.
Good morning Villagers…..
Love today’s strip…..I wonder what some 79.000+ little chicks will have to say this Christmas Eve. Guess I could go there and eve’s drop 🙂 or is that eaves drop? The house is full.
Jerry, thank you for your kind words.
GR 😉 Love the scripture, and it speaks loudly…..PETA can be too invasive though.
Emb, I think the hand is playing with the cat and using a reference to the new Star Wars movie that has just been released. My cat, Snowee, loves to play with me when I make the bed. She hides under the covers, I scratch the sheets, lift up the covers and she does the same thing…rears up on her hind legs and I ‘attack’ her with my hand, rubbing her ears.
Old Bear, you are a sweetie….and what do I owe you for your trouble? I can’t wait to give it to the Boss, and tell him I have a new enterprise…..and we are literally ‘sitting’ on a fortune!!!
My favorite Christmas Eve…..it was the first Christmas my Mom spent in the nursing home. I always volunteered to work the second shift, front desk, at the hotel on Christmas Eve. I had earlier dropped off a pillow and blanket at the nursing home. When I got off work, I went to the nursing home, and spent the night with her. I was not going to have her wake up Christmas morning with no family around. Got up, went and got us some hot, white chocolate coffee, and homemade cinnamon rolls from my Sister #3. It made us both warm and fuzzy.
But you know what, we should celebrate the birth of our Savior everyday. I just wish people would remember that it’s not all about gifts.
I’m stepping down now off my soap box.
Everyone, have a blessed day.
GR 😉 tell me you didn’t see this one coming……
If I didn’t know any better, I’ swear that is my cat Snowee, but I don’t own a chess set 🙂
My eyes definitely teared up with the story of your mom’s Christmas away. You are a good daughter and, I suspect (as Old Bear said) that you are a good person.
For all, my best Christmas wishes to everyone! I’ll close today (family in town) with this:
“And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.
That’s what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown.”