A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Frequently Questioned Answers

By Jimmy Johnson

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"
I know it’s Friday, but I’m going to begin a little sequence of cartoons from 2002 and run it through the weekend. There is, near the end, a bit of a surprise pay-off for followers of this blog. Janis was going through yet another weird-hair iteration, you’ll notice. Speaking of the weekend, it’s the final one before Christmas in case you didn’t know. They’re forecasting the warmest Christmas Day on record here and just about everywhere in the U.S. east of the Rocky Mountains. Long-term aspects aside, I’m about ready for a milder winter myself. The past two or three might not have been brutal, but they set in early, seldom moderated and stayed late.

Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past

This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...


I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage

Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again

You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board

I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child

On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...

81 responses to “Frequently Questioned Answers”

  1. sandcastler™ Avatar

    Hang in there, cold winters will return shortly. The climate accorders are taking away our gasoline powered autos and electrical generation facilities. Then it will feel like a cold day in hell. 😎

  2. Mark from Maine Avatar
    Mark from Maine

    The last two winters were absolutely brutal here, so even a ‘normal’ winter will be fine. We’ve got a long way to go here until May and anything can happen. Merry Christmas to all!

  3.  Avatar

    Love this strip. Had a bad night but not pain from surgery. Does anyone else have trouble with insomnia?

  4.  Avatar

    It is National Short Womens Day according to a tall friend out in Arizona. Is this true?

  5. sandcastler™ Avatar

    Jackie, Loon does. She is jealous that I can drop off in a moment and sleep through. My only moments of insomnia are PTSD related, those nights are hellish.

  6. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Don’t know about that, Jackie, but it is “National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day” and (to the likely horror of PETA) “National Roast Suckling Pig Day”. But what the heck, let’s call it National Short Women’s Day. Short women need love, too. 😉

  7. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    No problems with insomnia, Jackie, perhaps because I have interesting and entertaining dreams, in full color, and some of them with plot lines that would make a pretty fair movie. And very detailed ones…I woke up this morning dreaming of my P&P Hair Stylist, who was wearing much less in my dream than her normal skimpy work attire. Much, much less, if you catch my drift.

  8. Steve From Royal Oak, MI Avatar

    El Nino is our friend…at least this year. 2 winters ago(in a galaxy not at all far away) much of the Midwest set a record for snowfall. I’ll be moving New Year’s Eve, so I want mild and dry.

  9. Blinky the Wonder Wombat Avatar
    Blinky the Wonder Wombat

    Short woman apparently do very well in the lvoe department- at least when it comes to happy marriages:

    ‘Although it has been known that women prefer tall men in mating for evolutionary reasons, no study has investigated whether a taller husband makes his wife happier,’ said researcher Kitae Sohn, from Konkuk University in Seoul, South Korea.

    ‘A greater height difference in a couple was positively related to the wife’s happiness.’


  10. emb Avatar

    Trouble sleeping. Intermittently, yes. Meds help, state of mind more so.

    Weather, not climate: N MN has had a prolonged fall, modest snows melted off w/in days. Ski resorters have been unhappy. But last few snows have left us w/ 1-5″ on ground and 10-day prediction now says below 0C temps and little sun through 26 Dec., which probably means a ‘white Boxing Day’ except on a few S-facing slopes.

    I’m more interested in road conditions latter half of the next week when I’ll be driving S for a few days.

    Joyeux Noel, emb [resorters and Joyeux added / dict.]

  11.  Avatar

    I am back with oxygen shorage lthough they got carotid fixed.. not getting much sleep.

  12. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Jackie, do you have home oxygen equipment available?

  13.  Avatar

    Was on an oxygen concentrator for several years. Sent it back to company last year. Hated it. Have been on hold with do tors offices most of morning with no success. Considering becoming a Canadian if it wasn’t so dang cold and mosquitoes. Maybe somewhere in Caribbean? Can’t get past phone staff anywhere.

  14. Old Bear Avatar
    Old Bear

    I heard the Lip Stuff is lavender.
    Let me know if you can’t find it – will not get there before Christmas I am afraid.
    Do they know you as Debbe in the office? Don’t use last name in address in post
    just the # of chicken house.

    Jackie – get you well.

    Reporters  interviewing a 104-year-old woman:

    ‘And  what do you think is the best thing

    About  being 104?’ the reporter asked.

    She  simply replied,

    ‘No  peer pressure.’

  15. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Some (not all, by any means) physicians’ offices seem to feel if you don’t have a medical emergency, you can wait until they get to you. And if you do have a medical emergency, why didn’t you call 911 or go to an ER instead of bothering them?

  16. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Some theaters showing the new Star Wars movie yesterday declared themselves to be “Light Saber-Free Zones”. It’s about time they did something to control those dangerous, evil “glow swords”. I understand one can just walk into a store and buy them like they’re toys or something.

  17. Judy in Conroe Avatar
    Judy in Conroe

    Jackie I would guess that one reason you can’t sleep is because you are still uncomfortable in the healing process, as well as not getting enough oxygen. You may also have nagging concerns because after going through all the surgery and associated mess, your problem is not “fixed.” That would certainly frustrate me! Good luck with the phone gauntlet.

    In the meantime, keep up with your healthy life-style. Look for ways on the internet to increase your oxygen absorption through nutrition and exercise. Although you are already addressing this in your everyday life, you may spot some little thing that resonates with you. Sometimes even a little change can make a perceptible difference. I believe as you heal, your situation will improve, and you will be more comfortable.

  18.  Avatar

    That is EXACTLY what they tell you, to go to emergency or call 911. I called my endocrinologist this morning because blood sugars are pretty normal and insulin drops too low. Answer was that I have an appointment mid-January and with all the holidays and vacations no one could see me. Not doc or assistant nor nurses were available. So, I do what I have been doing since October, I adjust insulin or don’t take any. And then I checked and appointment was with a thyroid specialist in this cardiology group for check of the 13 tumors on my thyroid!

    And no I don’t do meds for them and yes they do ultrasounds and biopsies regularly.

    When I started round over stroke in Dallas they were unwilling to believe it had happened and said what did EMS and ER there say? I said they said nothing because I drove myself home. Then it took a week for them to schedule a CT and then a month to lose report with me calling and two weeks for a rush surgery.

    Doctor admitted total blockage after surgery but because I drove myself there they had a fit. Who the heck do they think drove me there for all the tests in between?

    By the way, I have a Medicare supplement no one even knows about J with no deductible, no Co pay and no limits. So you’d think? I don’t even require a referral or pre approval. .

  19. curmudgeonly ex-professor Avatar
    curmudgeonly ex-professor

    JJ wrote that my shirts were to be shipped Dec. 10th. It is now Dec. 18th and nothing has arrived yet….

    If you see this, JJ, can you trace what happened? As some of the tees need to be packed and remailed, even if delivery is tomorrow, that cannot be done before Monday. Can only hope they arrive by Christmas.

  20. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Old Bear, I looked up the Rural King store Debbe mentioned. They show the Chickenpoop lip balm on the online store. So let’s hope she went in and found it there.

    Jackie, I have severe sleep apnea and have to use a CPAP. Lot of people can’t adjust to them, but I think you just have to try different types of mask till you find one that works. I wouldn’t want the nasal prong type either. For the first few years I was using one that just covered the nose. Then I found a full face mask that covered both mouth and nose, so even if I slept with mouth open I still got benefit of the CPAP. Here’s the type I am using: http://www.cpapplus.com/images/products/large/Fisher%20&%20Paykel%20Forma%20Full%20Face%20CPAP%20Mask%20with%20Headgear%20400471a_1.jpg

    It’s possible you have sleep apnea, rather than just lack of oxygen.

  21. Sideburns Avatar

    Jackie, I know just how you feel. I once changed doctors when I learned that he was scheduling 15 minute appointments at 10 minute intervals and saw nothing wrong with the fact that patients were waiting for hours.

    Now that I’m at the VA, I have something called Secure Messaging (a form of email on their website) that I can use for non-urgent issues. Last night, I tried to order more syringes and saw that I had no refills left. I sent off a message, and it had been taken care of by the time I got up. I may have to use some of them twice to avoid running out, but that’s safe, and even with the holidays I know I’m not going to end up using the last one over and over. It’s a dirty shame that more HMOs don’t have something like that.

  22.  Avatar

    Judy thank you. I am lying her doing mild leg exercises as I type. I asked about exercises as I left and they said I could ask surgeon when I saw him.looked at date and it is in one month! Yes, I am looking for ways to increase healthy life style so that was great suggestion,

    People, all they wanted to talk about was mobiliity assistance, sending home health nurses and did I usewalkers, a wheel chair, etc. No one wanted to hear about water exercises, an hour of leg lifts or walking two miles a day.

    With one or two exceptions the cardiac staff was obees and we’re candidates to be patients.

  23. Ursen Avatar

    CPAPs can make all the difference in getting a good nights sleep, and in prolonging your life expectancy. I have been using mine with a full face mask for several years now. Even short naps I use mine. It beats waking up gasping for breath, and stopping breathing 80 some times in an hour. I still have nightmares and panics occasionally, but medication helps with that. As for the weather, I am traveling at Christmas this year in the Appalachian mountains so can do without snowfall then and there. Still not gonna push my luck, will drive my Subaru all wheel drive and not my F150 two wheel drive for the trip, even though the Subie is harder on my back.