I know it’s Friday, but I’m going to begin a little sequence of cartoons from 2002 and run it through the weekend. There is, near the end, a bit of a surprise pay-off for followers of this blog. Janis was going through yet another weird-hair iteration, you’ll notice. Speaking of the weekend, it’s the final one before Christmas in case you didn’t know. They’re forecasting the warmest Christmas Day on record here and just about everywhere in the U.S. east of the Rocky Mountains. Long-term aspects aside, I’m about ready for a milder winter myself. The past two or three might not have been brutal, but they set in early, seldom moderated and stayed late.

Frequently Questioned Answers
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteranβs Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
81 responses to “Frequently Questioned Answers”
Jackie, if not sail t-shirt, perhaps JJ can design a flag to fly at the stern?
Then you could show and tell for people at all your boat shows, give A&J lots of exposure. Be sure to take your copy of Beaucoup Arlo and Janis.
Depending on if I do knee replacement in spring, I have three or more events in Florida in Spring including Florida 120 in May. A Texas Oklahoma small event, a South Louisiana show in April, a sailing event in June in Texas that I’ll be working on.
Just put up notice about three back to back shows including mine in October. Basically if I could beam me and a boat up I can do one each weekend unless water is frozen.
I don’t make money on this stuff, I am committee chair for cancer fundraiser on Texas 200, have a booth and donate a party in Texas for plyWooden Boat Festival and my sail Oklahoma I sponsor and host.
Just seemed if JJ needs marketing a representative in what looks like a natural fit market that works pro bona could be asset. Or Jimmy could put in an appearance and we make him author in residence with a pile of books and tee shirts and a pen, he could talk about sailing and Cartooner Schooner and Arlos sailing dreams.
Seriously, you’d have fun JJ and no one wears costumes.
Not that there’s anything wrong with costumes, of course.
Jackie, combine your idea with Mark’s- run a t-shirt up the yardarm (or whatever smaller boats use). Jimmy, thanks for all your work! You’ve been busy as a beaver. π
Hey, Ghost I recognize those songs too π
The sun is shining, everyone have a good day…………..
Strange, isn’t it, that lingerie on the floor is much more exciting than lingerie in a drawer?
Not the under garment.
Jackie, I can tell that I am guilty of the same assumptions that your doctors are making – because you sound rational and are able to cope (and you look good doing it) that you are not really in distress. Having sleep apnea is a serious problem and I agree with others that it would be best for you to figure out how to get that CPAP to work without being so uncomfortable.
I know from personal experience that doctors judge you on your appearance. I’ve had some problems with nerve damage and I was talking to my doctor asking if there were options I could explore to hopefully get some recovery. She is very bright and has been a good diagnostician for me in the past, but her response took me back – she said I was very healthy and in good shape for my age (65) and had no other comments. I know I need to lose 10-20 pounds and get more exercise, but she did not reinforce that. Instead, she reacted to the fact that I have a baby face (all my life have looked much younger than I am) and that I have used my brain to figure out how to cope with problems my body has given me. So while I am concerned that I can’t walk long distances like I used to and want to, obviously what is important to her is that (unlike some of her other patients) I can walk as far as I need to and I am willing to use a cane on those bad days.
So sounds as though your doctor(s) are reacting to the fact that you are coping with your problems, and deciding that therefore you don’t have as serious a problem as you claim. Frustrating in the extreme! They want you to collapse in front of them before they take you seriously? I think the fact that you are able to drive yourself gives them the false idea that you are normal. Tell them you realize you probably shouldn’t have driven yourself, but your thinking gets fuzzy and you can’t think of other options.
Another factor in my situation that may apply to yours – after thinking about my problem and reading up on it, I think maybe that there isn’t much the doctor can offer me that I am not already trying to do. Nerve damage sometime heals, but if so very slowly, and sometimes it doesn’t. Doctors prefer to talk about things they can do, not things that they can’t. So it might be up to you to continue taking care of yourself.
Don’t give up on doctors, because new treatments and understanding is happening all the time. But maybe ask them what they would do if these things happened to them. Tell them how desperate you feel when you can’t sleep because you can’t breathe. Droop a little and let them see how bad you feel.
Good luck!
Good Afternoon Villagers….
Not working today or tomorrow….husband said…(you need to rest, stay home tomorrow and Sunday)….so I am.
Been on the phone with The Marketplace and the insurance company…seems I was not re-enrolled…..phone The Marketplace and a very pleasant young woman was so nice to help me out. Hopefully, within a week I will be hearing from my insurance, and I stayed with the same plan…the only different is that the deductible went from fifteen hundred to five hundred fifty. And my monthly premiums are just a few dollars more…….Amen
Staying inside today…too cold out there. Going to hit the recliner.
and it’s a Caturday before Christmas…
Old Bear, there was a big disturbance in the force yesterday at work….all over bonuses. Didn’t make it to Rural King.
If you are still willing to do so, I will take you up on your offer…..you are a sweety. Thanks
Regal Mills
7182 West US 231
Jasper, IN 47546
Attn: Debbe
….and yes, everyone knows my name, sort of like the show “Cheers” π
Be discreet about the return address…maybe using True Value from out of state….that way The Boss knows I didn’t charge his account……
Were you able to find the Chicken Poop?
Is that a pun or just a play in words?
If not I go in Tuesday
Send address without your name and let them know
a package for DEBBE will be arriving.
All good advice Judy
Oh, and a friend gave me a Dell flat screen for my computer…everything is so clear, bright, and readable……what a friend indeed.
He saw me using a magnifying glass to read something, and decided to give me his other flat screen….and U tube is definitely in HD now…… π
Will use my address
our messages crossed
GR π I couldn’t stop myself…..
π https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8YQqK5e5es
Thank you Old Bear….and Bless you. How can I repay you????
Old Bear….I’ll just tell them I am expecting a small package from out of state, go ahead and put Debbe on it, or the office lady will open it. Will you be using ‘Old Bear” in your address?
Oh, the disturbance over bonuses was who deserved them and who didn’t…..personally, I don’t discuss my bonus, and I did thank my Boss for it….he told me I deserved it…heh, $100 is greatly appreciated….
I give….anyone else know ‘what’ this is? Looks to be an offspring of Chewbacca……
Judy you are of course right. It’s what doctors said about my life, I present as coping and happy life so they think they are wrong. I have had such major issues all my life so I coped and smiled. But it does eat on your guts or in some cases MAKE you have one by eating.or you ate in self harm.
By the way, I have that child like face. One of my sailing buddies from out west said I probably looked younger than the nursing staff, no mattker their age. He was right.
I have two other cardiologist groups I go to so Monday I call for sleep apnea problem.
Minions were supposed to be here this morning and its noon. I.ended up taking bath with no help and put on clean fleece pajamas. Shirt would make a sort gown but legs would freeze.
I like that picture, Ghost. Thanx. It’s not often that you see a woman dressed like that at an SF convention that actually has the proper figure for it. Most of the time it’s somebody who’s a tad too plump and not quite firm enough for it.
Kinda like the rap on nude beaches, Sideburns…the people you’d love to see naked never seem to be there, and the ones that are, you’d rather not see naked. Of course, one could dream them up, as I did my P&P Hair Stylist the other night.
I’ve given it some thought (surprise!), and I think, based on the way she looks in her usually tight and skimpy clothing, my subconscious did an amazing job of rendering a nude image of her. Of course, now I’m wondering how accurate the “details” it had to fill in were. π
Debbe π Glad you are in and warm today, hon. I was just watching a skiing program on TV, and when it was over, a swimming program came on. The first group of female swimmers came out wearing parkas and proceeded to strip off about three layers of sports togs to get down to their swimsuits. My first thought was they must have just come in from all the snow I had seen on the previous program. Then I saw the competition was being in Indy, where, AccuGuesser informed me, the temp was 31 degrees. No wonder.
OF course, Ghost being Ghost, his next thought was “Pokies!”
I’ll say a special prayer of thanks for the friend that gifted you with the better monitor.
Good observations, Judy.
The human body, generally, has an amazing ability heal itself, though we have to remember that ability is not unlimited.
p.s. My physician tends to fuss at me a lot, even though I believe I take much better care of myself than his average patient. But perhaps he fusses at everyone.
Sideburns, I’ve seen this photo before, except it had the caption, “Somewhere there’s a geek with only two wishes remaining.”
People who haven’t seen me in several years marvel that I still look the same… but I’m one who went prematurely gray, I’ve avoided excessive sun and never smoked so my face looks younger than my 62 years. What they don’t see is the sciatica that got me out of truck driving and the heart condition that has me taking naps to keep my energy level up.