A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Goin’ to Carolina

By Jimmy Johnson

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"
Super Bowl L is upon us, except the NFL is abandoning the Roman numerology for this particularly edition. They say the “L” was too difficult to incorporate into a graphic logo, but I think they just wanted unfettered emphasis on the game’s golden anniversary. I did not watch the first Super Bowl. I was wandering in pecan orchards down by the Chattahoochee River with my buddy Marcus, but I do remember the game between Green Bay and Kansas City was being played that day. I have not followed professional football that closely for years, but I will be watching Sunday night. I have heard that a certain fellow graduate of Auburn University will be playing. As for the above classic A&J, it originally appeared in 2013, the very day of the famous “kick six” game. As you love to remind me, a lot of you aren’t sports fans, so if you don’t know what that means, it has its own Wikipedia page. The screaming and ranting that day actually went viral.

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196 responses to “Goin’ to Carolina”

  1.  Avatar

    Mark you will be delighted to know as I have said before, my photos were never published, I never signed a release, I quit and went back to college avoiding being banned on morals clauses at university and I guess the FBI decided I wasn’t a threat to our government or they didn’t find out. So, while I got 15 minutes of fame now and again, there were others that took more brains or talent.

    Funny, the only other one I’ve ever run into was my office manager married to the bird colonel. Two of us still in closet.

  2. Morphy Avatar

    Apologies for the rude jump. When ‘Back soon’ popped into my head, I thought I remembered Pooh Bear wondering who a Mister Backsoon could be. But I’m foggy on it being original illustration or a Disney addition.

    Jerry, I went back to look [en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Adlai_Stevenson], a medium length page compared to more quoted orators. It did not give further context for the quote, but given the date, it is likely part of campaigning in the last month.

    If you are a fan of words said best by great people, this is a great resource. You may find yourself looking up names, literary, or motion picture titles you haven’t considered in years. Details and context varies widely due to the crowdsource nature of Wiki products. Accuracy is only assured with footnoted attribution that you find independently reliable. And now that I look again, this one is not. But it sounds like him.

  3. Morphy Avatar

    emb, I’m made glad by finding an item of common interest. Hope you are too. Maybe more will come. I’ll not make it a pepper game (baseball reference?). Please, don’t retreat when I ask for more on an item you brought up. If I seem oblivious to something you find obvious, I’m not faking. I really can be wrong.

  4. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Jackie, you’ll note my comment included the phrase “more narcissistic than I am”. I’m not without ego (who is, unless they are a blob?), but I’m not conceited or self-centered. As I’ve mentioned, I was shy teen and an introverted 20-year-old…but I got over it at about age 21. Boy, did I get over it.

    And let me know when your personal-improvement project reaches the point when you can do the “Bunny Dip” again. Or perhaps you already can? πŸ™‚

  5. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Debbe πŸ˜‰ When you’re a centerfold, you get your fifteen minutes of…

    No, not nudity. πŸ™‚


  6. Morphy Avatar

    Ghost Rider 6, I had cut an earlier post for length, so forgot to add from last night’s musical: Cyd Charisse has moves that are both more modest, yet more … appealing than what I saw from Beyonce.

    I’m on the fence about saying Beyonce should keep those moves private where they belong. I recognize the service she provides for young women who may not be as creative. It just feels wrong outside of a private home, or a business that cards for 21 year olds. But the twenty year old inside me is yelling, “prudish, uptight old man!” Gosh, I even rant like a geezer.

  7. Morphy Avatar

    Maybe this is better: Cyd’s hips are attached in so loose a way, hula dancers are jealous. She wields a bump strong enough to drive nails without a hammer.

  8.  Avatar

    Can’t wear heels any more, losing the knee cartilage ended that. I am getting back to the gym tomorrow, I can at least go back to walking and stretching and my water walking, water aerobics. I didn’t stop exercising but I have let up too much.

    You know, I miss heels a lot, but your leg muscles get used to them and your walk adjusts. I walked miles in them in past, stayed on my feet in high, high ones for up to 14 hours. I know my record, one Dallas market I never got a break. Being short I wore really tall ones.

    Making friends with the new restaurant in town in effort to get something healthy to eat, I found out female chef is a leggings freak. Well, my waitress told her I had on awesome legging aND to come see them. So, tomorrow guess who is taking a lovely brand new with tags on it leggings as a gift from the company she was admiring on my legs? I hope she doesn’t think I want a date, just some grilled fish. With veggies.

  9. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Morphy, I believe the technical term for those mixed emotions about Beyonce is “guilty pleasure”. Much like my feelings about women who can successfully wear yoga pants. πŸ™‚

  10. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Leggings and fish…now there’s dichotomy for you. Because, like, you know, fish have no legs.

    The second time I go to a restaurant the staff always remembers me. But in a good way.

  11.  Avatar

    I tip VERY well but a beautiful pair of leggings will get me customized food not on menu. It is hard to eat healthy in this town. I butter people up with small gifts and thank yous.

    Tomorrow Lowe’s comes to measure for gutters, metal roof on half of house not reroofed and some plantation shutters. My minion gets to wallpaper the laundry sink area and we are close to getting it back together, at least that corner The washer dryer area needs paint and the doors put back on the opening mainly.

    Me, I’m still rehanging clothes on good hangers and making sure I have taken out stuff that doesn’t fit, trying to get organized. I am worse than Janis.

  12. Old Bear Avatar
    Old Bear

    This is the current state of our society: β€œA dying culture invariably exhibits personal rudeness. Bad manners. Lack of consideration for others in minor matters. A loss of politeness, of gentle manners, is more significant than is a riot.”
    ? Robert A. Heinlein, Friday

    Saturday was waiting for an elevator at a crowed skyway – last person off was oblivious
    to people trying to get on – so of course doors closed before anyone got on. empty car
    went down. It would have been so easy to hold the door for the dad with a stroller
    that was first in line – Disney did a thing in the 50s about inconsiderate drivers and road rage.
    Just using turn signals is a common courtesy (and the law) but many people think it is too much trouble.
    Don’t tell me computers have no sense of humor – supposedly random product numbers
    on like products will have #s that are reversed or similar like 910 360 next to 910 630
    or such like – I find my self mixing #s but that may be eyesight. But the least bit of
    Dyslexia would make those difficult #s

  13. Debbe Avatar

    Good morning Villagers….

    Mark, Mark, Mark…..you knew I’d read it. That’s exactly what I was praying for, for your Mother. She’ll be fine and I’ll say a little prayer for the surgeon too……..Amen. And you beat me to the J Geils band. Do you remember who he once had a fling with?

    Cold out there…..egads, got to drag out the Carharts.

    GR πŸ˜‰ when I get tired, I get goofy. Yesterday I was singing your “roll ’em, roll ’em pack those eggs and roll’ em”…..Jonathan thinks I’ve lost it. But when you’re packing 48 cases of eggs in an hour you head ’em up and move ’em out. Packed 192 cases…8 skids, thank you very much!!

    Ya’ll have a blessed day…..

  14. Debbe Avatar

    GR πŸ˜‰ and I did have my Mother in a whirl….


    now you’ve started it……so glad I got to see him concert.

  15. Debbe Avatar

    I would have loved to have had this cat back in the seventies πŸ™‚


  16. emb Avatar

    ” ” sans comment. Today’s Herman, / Jim Unger.


    Peace, emb

  17. emb Avatar

    Today’s TIP BlogSpot. Love this artist. emb


  18. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Debbe πŸ˜‰ And Super Modelsβ„’ seem to have a thing for musicians…and baseball players…and race car drivers. (And/or vice versa).

  19. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    emb, thanks for the Herman strip. That has been one of my favorite comic strips for years. Before I had to sell my book collection I had all Mr. Unger’s Herman reprint books, including one full-color one that was all Sunday strips.

  20. Garret Avatar

    As the Janis Joplin lore goes, the singer spent her final hours locked in a Hollywood hotel room alone, stood up by her on-again, off-again lover Peggy Caserta and 21-year-old fiancee Seth Morgan before being found dead of a heroin overdose at 27. Three years later, Caserta and ghostwriter Dan Knapp released a memoir titled