Super Bowl L is upon us, except the NFL is abandoning the Roman numerology for this particularly edition. They say the “L” was too difficult to incorporate into a graphic logo, but I think they just wanted unfettered emphasis on the game’s golden anniversary. I did not watch the first Super Bowl. I was wandering in pecan orchards down by the Chattahoochee River with my buddy Marcus, but I do remember the game between Green Bay and Kansas City was being played that day. I have not followed professional football that closely for years, but I will be watching Sunday night. I have heard that a certain fellow graduate of Auburn University will be playing. As for the above classic A&J, it originally appeared in 2013, the very day of the famous “kick six” game. As you love to remind me, a lot of you aren’t sports fans, so if you don’t know what that means, it has its own Wikipedia page. The screaming and ranting that day actually went viral.

Goin’ to Carolina
By Jimmy Johnson
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196 responses to “Goin’ to Carolina”
Sometimes there’s an easy explanation for Internet mysteries. If you google “alien eggs utah lake” you’ll see the mystery. The truth IS out there, it’s an art project!
Apologizing for the visual virus of 2000 Carnival cruisers with no clothes on. I do not like cruises in truth so that was me being wickedly perverse in suggesting that. I will notify you should anyone offer a nude singles cruise, that might have younger demographics. But the best looking nude men usually don’t like women either.
Apologizing for the visual virus of 2000 Carnival cruisers with no clothes on. I do not like cruises in truth so that was me being wickedly perverse in suggesting that. I will notify you should anyone offer a nude singles cruise, that might have younger demographics. But the best looking nude men usually don’t like women either.
My post about whether crew members on “adult” cruises wear clothes or not got rejected. Imagine that. The answer is “They do.”
Some vehicles were parked on frozen Geneva Bay in Wisconsin by visitors to a winter carnival. The ice began to thaw and 15 or so of them (the vehicles, not the visitors) fell through into the bay. WTH? Tourists? I’d expect the natives to be more ice savvy than that.
Reminds me of the story of the Good Ol’ Boy™ who had never been ice fishing and decided to go to Wisconsin one winter to try it. When he got back home, a friend asked if he had enjoyed it. “Not really,” he said. “It took forever to cut a big enough hole in the ice for my bass boat.”
I see by the AccuGuesser forecast that temps are going to be 10-15 degrees below average for the next three days in this NOTW (Neck of the Woods). I honestly don’t remember if our outlook for the winter was supposed to be milder or harsher than average, but it’s been pretty mild so far. I’ve only been able to wear my two new pre-Christmas-sale-priced fleece vests about three times each, and it was as much to serve as a gun burka as for warmth. And I’ve been seeing mosquitoes, mostly bumbling around in the grass, for the past week here. Perhaps some lows in the 20s will freeze their little skinny butts off.
I see the blog site is acting generally flaky right now.
Uh huh, I thought I was the flakey one, like pie crust.
When I was young and beautiful two equally gorgeous male friends went to a nude black tie party hosted by a local socialite. I asked same question about servants, they said of course servants were dressed. Good help was harder to get than good looking male interior decorators.
At least we have always laughed at ourselves.
Ghost, the Thames used to freeze over solid enough for the citizens of London to hold Frost Fairs, starting in the mid-17th Century, and ending in the early 19th. ( Generally speaking, it happened about once each decade on the average, but there were a few exceptions. I learned about this because I recently read a steampunk novella, Ice Demon, that used artistic license to create one in late 1880 as a very appropriate location for part of the action. Alas, it doesn’t happen any longer, and probably won’t for the foreseeable future, but that’s because the Embankments have narrowed the river making the current faster so that it doesn’t have the chance to freeze solid. (I think it froze over in the 1960s, but not thick enough for a fair.)
“Did I hear somebody say ‘Fig Newton”?-Wayne Newton
Concerts we’ve been to recently-Barry Manilow and Englebert Humperdink. (3rd time for him).
GR6, at risk of self incrimination, I will offer this tidbit. Crew on those adult cruises do wear clothes, though some are not adverse to attending private cabin parties.
When I was in Holland at florists school the sea froze in brackish parts and people were driving cars and walking on sea. They were skating on canals of course.
We have two anonymous here I see. Hmmn. Wonder who second is? Did you enjoy the cruise and were there any decent looking people, male or female? It might improve general.cruising anyway.
GR6: The vehicles falling through the ice on/near Lake Geneva, WI, is not too unusual, apparently. Today’s noon news mentioned a towing service there which has a SPECIALTY of retrieving such wet conveyances! To have that as a specialty certainly implies a not-exactly-rare need, methinks.
Debbe, please do not read this post.
Vascular surgeon going to do angioplasty on mom’s left leg Wednesday of this week. Better news than expected.
Mark, best wishes, hope the news continues to brighten.
SB50 was surprisingly gripping for me. I didn’t have a team, so thought I would be bored. So many unusual plays became near miracles, only to be squandered. The whole ‘Fair Catch? I didn’t signal fair catch’ was painfully funny to see. It looked like three players who know better fell for it.
Favorite commercial: Mr. Tyler making fun of himself for Skittles. Loser: Prius, small humour points for irreverence. But massive failure in timing. Leaving me wondering if there is ever a ‘good’ time to mock police-work. The Clydesdales were there, but squeezed into AB’s latest attempt to show ‘we’re not for hipsters’
After the house cleared out, I settled in to watch _It’s_Always_Fair_Weather_ from earlier on TCM. I found myself identifying strongly with Michael Kidd’s character Angie Valentine. We don’t appear at all similar, but the situation felt familiar. It was strongest in the restaurant scene with ‘The Blue Danube’.
emb: looking for common ground, here.
My definition of a free society is a society where it is safe to be unpopular.
~ Adlai Stevenson ~ Speech in Detroit, Michigan (7 October 1952)
Good luck Mark. Morphy, I will try to look that up, but do you have a link?
I am unable to find a text of the speech but, in searching, I found that Stevenson had one of the sharpest minds since Mark Twain. I wish that he was running for president today. “A politician is a man who approaches every problem with an open mouth.”
Evidently, going to Carolina was only in the mind.
A nude black tie dinner? NTTAWWT, of course, if that rings your bell. But I suspect one would have to be considerably more narcissistic than I am for that to be a thing.
Amen. The two quotes of his that I have in my “quotes.poli” file are:
Stevenson, Adlai. (5 Feb 1900-1965). A free society is a place where it’s safe to be unpopular. A.020506
Stevenson, Adlai. The hardest thing about any political campaign is how to win without proving that you are unworthy of winning. A.160205
Both are from A.Word.A.Day, which generally does quotes on birthdays.
Eighteen year olds couldn’t vote in ’48. In ’52, I could vote. It won’t reveal anything most of you don’t know already; I voted for him in ’52 and ’56. I voted for a Republican MN gov. once, maybe twice. We were in Turkey when Ventura won; pictures in color of him in his wrestler’s robes were on the front page of a Turkish paper. We were from “the U.S.” Not sure I want to be overseas Nov. ’16.
Peace, emb
Hey, I heard a funny classic rock song this afternoon, “My angel is a centrrfold”, title of song was Centerfold. Lyrics were about a guy finding out an angelic girl he was in love with had posed for nude photos. Seems sort of ironic, he was reading the magazine, so…..?
In the case of my interior designer friends, yes probably narcissism, they knew they were gorgeous. You are not the least, right, Ghost? You make us believe you are attractive, sophisticated, well traveled, we know you are smart but you are not the least bit aware of any of this? And no narcism?
Heck I will admit to that sin in a flash because were I not I would not have lost all this weight and wouldn’t be trying so hard to do the right thing. I can say all day long it was to regain my health but as we say in south, that dog don’t hunt.
More about how the northern half [well, fraction] lives:
Peace, emb
Jackie, that is the J. Geils Band. Song’s about a guy who had a crush on a girl in high school but was too shy to talk to her. Then he’s thrown for a loop when he sees her in the magazine now they are both adults. I remember the song because it always struck me as both funny and possible. After all, somebody knew these women before their 15 minutes of fame.
Sorry, I’ve been in and out, so haven’t given a long look at comments. Jerry, just by coincidence, that was the cover page for Wikiquotes, a section of Wikipedia, the same day emb posted another Adlai quote. Sometimes coincidences work in my favor, and I look good for a change. emb, I’ll do better with more time. Back soon. ~A A Milne?
emb pointed out the connection of course. The coincidence was the man’s date of birth, 5FEB’00