A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Goin’ to Carolina

By Jimmy Johnson

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"
Super Bowl L is upon us, except the NFL is abandoning the Roman numerology for this particularly edition. They say the “L” was too difficult to incorporate into a graphic logo, but I think they just wanted unfettered emphasis on the game’s golden anniversary. I did not watch the first Super Bowl. I was wandering in pecan orchards down by the Chattahoochee River with my buddy Marcus, but I do remember the game between Green Bay and Kansas City was being played that day. I have not followed professional football that closely for years, but I will be watching Sunday night. I have heard that a certain fellow graduate of Auburn University will be playing. As for the above classic A&J, it originally appeared in 2013, the very day of the famous “kick six” game. As you love to remind me, a lot of you aren’t sports fans, so if you don’t know what that means, it has its own Wikipedia page. The screaming and ranting that day actually went viral.

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196 responses to “Goin’ to Carolina”

  1. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Ghost, was that known as the T&A News Channel? And where did the sponsor’s ads appear?

  2. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Mark, subscription service, no sponsors. So no on-screen logos to cover up anything, I suppose.

    So far, the SB commercials have been much like the game…dull and uninspired. The only two I’ve liked…the ketchup commercial with the dachshunds (because I like dachshunds), and the car commercial with Christopher Walken doing a dead-on impression…of Christopher Walken.

  3.  Avatar

    Right now, it seems that Janis is going to defy the odds makers and the prognosticators who selected the kitty-cats.

    Her horsies look as if they are about to cover the spread.

    Four minutes left, though. Much can still happen.

  4. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    **Spoiler Alert (if you taped the game to watch later)**

    Final score was Denver’s My Little Ponies 14, Carolina’s Pussy Cats 10. If you did not watch the game and/or are not a football fan, that information has given you about as much excitement as I garnered from watching it. (I am happy for Peyton Manning, though.)

    Oh, yeah, I did get to see commercials lecturing me about not drinking and driving (I don’t) and not wasting water (I don’t), so there is that.

  5. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Danged keyboard…final was 24 – 10.

  6. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Interesting factoid: Denver wins “Best Football Team” one year, and their t-shirts cost $34. A&J is the “Best Cartoon” every year, and its t-shirts are only $30.

    However, you can get a Broncos cap. I wonder if Jimmy has A&J caps in the idea pipeline for future sales. You know you have arrived when over-the-road truckers and farmers wear your ball caps.

  7. David in Austin Avatar
    David in Austin


    I’d respectfully disagree about the game. The Denver defense pounded Carolina and Cam. As a former ads rusher, I found the game to be delightful. Not insipid by any means. The commercials weren’t particularly historic, imho.

  8. David in Austin Avatar
    David in Austin

    “ads rusher” should have been “pass rusher.” weird autocorrect!

  9. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    David, I certainly wasn’t denigrating Denver’s defensive performance. It was outstanding. But my experience is that great defenses don’t usually make for “exciting” football games (lead changes, sudden long gains, etc.). Unless perhaps one is a former defensive player, which I and most people are not. But which apparently you are.

  10. Nancy Kirk in AZ Avatar
    Nancy Kirk in AZ

    My husband and I just finished watching the game (and the ads, which I only do at SB–otherwise I ignore and/or mute them). Game better than many. Ads so-so. Was there a Clydesdale one I missed? That’s the only one I really look forward to.

    emb, I have been going to tell you about this for a couple of weeks, hadn’t gotten to it, and was delighted to read your post about Cantus! Symply asked a week or two ago what live music the Villagers had gone to recently. I’m afraid my report won’t be of interest to him; I’m pretty much classical or country (or Broadway). Jim and I have season tickets for Broadway in Tucson and to True Concord Voices and Orchestra–which has two Grammy nominations for their new Stephen Paulus CD! Their last concert was a joint one with Cantus, and the Cantus guest at the pre-concert talk their director always gives was Matt Goinz–who mentioned his degree from BSU. I thought you’d be interested, so imagine how tickled I was to have you mention him first, and especially to get that video. The Biebl “Ave Maria” is one of my two favorite Chanticleer or Cantus pieces (other one Chanticleer’s “Mary Had a Baby” medley). “Chanticleer and Cantus walked into a bar” is just stunningly beautiful, and I am so glad to now have it available on my computer. Thank you! Family, friends, and music are three huge blessings in my life. Thank you, friend, for that particular blessing of music.

  11.  Avatar

    Ghost, never having been on a nude cruise with more than two people aboard, I’ve no idea what a ship full would look like..probably like any other cruise ship full of 2000 people, just less clothing?

    The ads for the smaller windjammer cruises show good looking women of course but they’d need to recruit fewer models.

    The cover joke was you could go hang out with any you found as a single guy because they are pretty strict about single men. I meant I’d be your cover. The idea of running around on a Carnival ship full of naked typical Carnival cruisers is a little daunting.

  12.  Avatar

    You just act too silly sometimes about bodacious bodies, it makes me tease you about it. I am sure you have access to plenty of eye candy.

  13. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Just punning on the word “cover”, Jackie. Apparently I need to keep my day job, too. πŸ™‚

    Now I need to get rid of the mental picture of 2000 randomly average naked people on a cruise ship. πŸ˜€

    Oh, a question: Does the crew run around starkers, too? That could be interesting.

  14. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Debbe πŸ˜‰ Yes, hon, I did get sidetracked last night. I’d tell you about it, but I’d probably get banned here. Just kidding. Or am I? πŸ™‚

    So here’s one. Because ELO. Plus good advice for most of us.


  15. Debbe Avatar

    Good morning Villagers…..

    No futball for me last night. Glad Peyton got his win though. I’m like Nancy, did they who the Clydesdales? Pulled up the Walken commercial though, he is starting to be a regular on Bowl commercials, isn’t he? I think he was the devil last year.

    Emb, thanks. I clicked on Mark’s link though, they are beautiful birds though.

    Jonathan came in yesterday and said I sounded tired, I immediately got up and sang “welcome back my friends to the show that never ends” and then I asked him if he knew that one…he grinned and said yes. Then I proceeded with “see the gypsy queen in a sheath of hazmat sheets”….oh, well, guess you had to be there. Anything to jump start the day.

    Speaking of jump starting, gotta go.

  16. Debbe Avatar

    Good morning Villagers…..

    No futball for me last night. Glad Peyton got his win though. I’m like Nancy, did they who the Clydesdales? Pulled up the Walken commercial though, he is starting to be a regular on Bowl commercials, isn’t he? I think he was the devil last year.

    Emb, thanks. I clicked on Mark’s link though, they are beautiful birds though.

    Jonathan came in yesterday and said I sounded tired, I immediately got up and sang “welcome back my friends to the show that never ends” and then I asked him if he knew that one…he grinned and said yes. Then I proceeded with “see the gypsy queen in a sheath of hazmat sheets”….oh, well, guess you had to be there. Anything to jump start the day.

    Speaking of jump starting, gotta go.

    Ya’ll have a blessed day….

  17. Debbe Avatar

    And Jackie, a very happy belated birthday to the fine lady that your are.

    love, Debbe

  18. Debbe Avatar

    GR πŸ˜‰ I would have put money on this was the song you linked, especially when you said good advice for most of us…one of my favs by them….


  19. emb Avatar

    Ruskin, John. ‘Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather.’

    There’s also ‘too much of a good thing.’ Gonna be a cold week. emb

  20. emb Avatar

    And today’s topical TIP BlogSpot:


    Gotta run. Volunteering an extra day at SHB. Peace,

  21. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Debbe πŸ˜‰ Glad you seem to be feeling better, hon. I assume you are if you can burst into song at work, just like in an old-time musical comedy. πŸ™‚

    Ref today’s (Monday’s) cartoon, Janis seems rather upset about Arlo simply wanting to learn how to hand toss pizza dough. At least he didn’t say, “I am determined to learn how to do foreign exchange arbitrage at home and invest our life savings in it.”

    Or, “I am determined to learn how to be a Formula One race car driver and travel the European circuit.”

    Or, “I am determined to learn how to arrange a mΓ©nage Γ  trois.”

  22. Redman Avatar

    Thanks for the pick Janis !

  23.  Avatar

    Going to take a warm bath in a cold bathroom. I hope my heating guys get back from whatever casino they are sunning at. I know, it is probably warm and toasty there.