A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Goin’ to Carolina

By Jimmy Johnson

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"
Super Bowl L is upon us, except the NFL is abandoning the Roman numerology for this particularly edition. They say the “L” was too difficult to incorporate into a graphic logo, but I think they just wanted unfettered emphasis on the game’s golden anniversary. I did not watch the first Super Bowl. I was wandering in pecan orchards down by the Chattahoochee River with my buddy Marcus, but I do remember the game between Green Bay and Kansas City was being played that day. I have not followed professional football that closely for years, but I will be watching Sunday night. I have heard that a certain fellow graduate of Auburn University will be playing. As for the above classic A&J, it originally appeared in 2013, the very day of the famous “kick six” game. As you love to remind me, a lot of you aren’t sports fans, so if you don’t know what that means, it has its own Wikipedia page. The screaming and ranting that day actually went viral.

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196 responses to “Goin’ to Carolina”

  1. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    “Sexually incompetent sociopaths.” There’s a phrase you don’t see or hear everyday. 🙂

  2. Morphy Avatar

    Ghost Rider 6: but it is _very_ clear communication. Yes?

    Also, your full meaning of DRT reminds that sometimes judge-jury-executioner can be efficient.

  3.  Avatar

    I had just woke up and my heat was still not working and I was cold and irritable.

    I can tolerate and even admire Cousin Huey and Unca Earl but sometimes things people from my home state wax nostalgia for are downright stupid. Bobbie and Clyde are two.

    My dear mother always claimed Clyde was a witness at her parent’s wedding, despite me proving he was nine years old and not in Louisiana. She claimed Bonnie as a cousin with no more coincidence than last name.

    I can be grouchy and Bonnie and Clyde Days are about as stupid a festival as my area ever came up with.

  4. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    They actually have a Bonnie and Clyde celebration? Geez, what’s next, a Teddy Bundy Appreciation Day?

    Not that I would condone extralegal activities of any kind, of course, Morphy.

    Ever noticed how in these cases the families of the ventilated malefactor usually weighs in with something like, “He didn’t deserve to be killed. Yes, he was troubled, but he was a good boy. And he was in the process of turning his life around after making some bad decisions.”? Well, I guess if your family won’t stick up for you, no one will.

    You hear that so often, in fact, that someone recently observed on the InterWebNet, “You know, turning your life around seems to often be fatal.”

  5.  Avatar

    Ghost, do not tell me turning my life around is going to be fatal. I thought the opposite, that I could really live a few more years.
    What am I supposed to do with these beautiful perfect teeth, a beautiful neck and this sexy black underwear? A life of crime wasn’t even considered.

    Yes, there is a festival devoted to them, I will look it up, plus at least one museum with bullet riddled things. I have never gone.

    We are NOT related to Bonnie Parker, I proved that one conclusively to my mom who also claimed Chief Quanah Parker.
    My mom was an opportunistic genealogist, meaning she’d say anyone that she encountered like Billy the Kid, despite fact Billy’s prostitute mother didn’t arrive until later in 1800s long after my ancestors arrived from Ireland and fought in Revolutionary War in the Carolinas. And if I remember right, she lived in a slum in Queens?

    Facts and history never stopped my mom. She was able to ignore dates, time and geography. And could not read a map or a geanology chart.

  6. emb Avatar

    I know zilch re Sofonisba Anguissola. He is not big in the art repro. mkt. Found only 6-7 of his works illustr., but one site referred to this work, ‘The chess game.’ emb

  7.  Avatar

    They have an “authentic” Bonnie and Clyde Festival according to their Web page in Gibbsland, La, a Bonnie and Clyde Ambush Museum in another town and Bonnie and Clyde Trade Days, a 130 acre outdoor Wonderland of vendors and flea market finds, an RE park named Bonnie and Clyde RE and Campground, and more.

    My favorite Mama Story is how Bonnie and Clyde and their gang came tearing down the dirt road in front of our house after robbing a bank and hijacked the ferry across to other side while her mama hid them all inside. I have proven conclusively this did not happen, yet my relatives all tell this story at every opportunity or family gathering.

    There was one bank robbery in a town about 50 miles away during my mom’s youth and the robbers hid in the woods a mile out of town where they were found next day and arrested. And no Bonnie and Clyde anywhere near. We are 13 miles from Mississippi River and the famous Ambush is almost in Texas.

  8.  Avatar

    They have an “authentic” Bonnie and Clyde Festival according to their Web page in Gibbsland, La, a Bonnie and Clyde Ambush Museum in another town and Bonnie and Clyde Trade Days, a 130 acre outdoor Wonderland of vendors and flea market finds, an RE park named Bonnie and Clyde RE and Campground, and more.

    My favorite Mama Story is how Bonnie and Clyde and their gang came tearing down the dirt road in front of our house after robbing a bank and hijacked the ferry across to other side while her mama hid them all inside. I have proven conclusively this did not happen, yet my relatives all tell this story at every opportunity or family gathering.

    There was one bank robbery in a town about 50 miles away during my mom’s youth and the robbers hid in the woods a mile out of town where they were found next day and arrested. And no Bonnie and Clyde anywhere near. We are 13 miles from Mississippi River and the famous Ambush is almost in Texas.

  9.  Avatar

    They have an “authentic” Bonnie and Clyde Festival according to their Web page in Gibbsland, La, a Bonnie and Clyde Ambush Museum in another town and Bonnie and Clyde Trade Days, a 130 acre outdoor Wonderland of vendors and flea market finds, an RE park named Bonnie and Clyde RE and Campground, and more.

    My favorite Mama Story is how Bonnie and Clyde and their gang came tearing down the dirt road in front of our house after robbing a bank and hijacked the ferry across to other side while her mama hid them all inside. I have proven conclusively this did not happen, yet my relatives all tell this story at every opportunity or family gathering.

    There was one bank robbery in a town about 50 miles away during my mom’s youth and the robbers hid in the woods a mile out of town where they were found next day and arrested. And no Bonnie and Clyde anywhere near. We are 13 miles from Mississippi River and the famous Ambush is almost in Texas.

  10. Ruth Anne in Winter Park Avatar
    Ruth Anne in Winter Park

    My only Bonnie and Clyde story would be going to the FSU library with my roommate to look at contemporary newspaper articles about them on microfilm after the movie came out. Closest family brush with crime was my dad being pushed off the sidewalk in Jacksonville, Florida, by Al Capone’s bodyguards.

  11. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Jackie, we seem to have an invasion of clones now, at least as far as your posts go. It’s Groundhog Day in the Village! A couple of my childhood friends had the last name of Methvin. Their mom was from somewhere in Louisiana and they eventually moved back there in the 1970’s. Now, that’s an unusual name around here, don’t know about down there. I have read that someone connected with giving up Bonnie and Clyde to the law had that name as well. Now I wonder if my friends were related?

  12. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    No, Jackie, as long as “turning my life around” is not simply smoke you are blowing up the skirt of your Parole Officer, you’ll be fine. And as far as what to do with that sexy black underwear, I’d suggest wearing it.

    All those claims to a close historical connection to B&C somehow reminds me of an American tourist in Egypt many years ago, seeing a vendor in a bazaar displaying two skulls for sale, a large one and a small one. “Whose skull is that?” he asked, pointing to the larger one.

    “Effendi, that is the actual skull of Queen Cleopatra,” the vendor replied. “I can make you a good price for it.”

    “And the smaller one?” the tourist inquired.

    “That is the skull of Cleopatra as a child, effendi,” the vendor said. “I can make you a good price for it, also.”

  13.  Avatar

    Mark the only people I ever heard of with that name in Louisiana was the family who were part of the Barrow gang. That was the family who local lore says turned the gang in as they came to their farm. You have to remember I am from a poverty stricken and moribund part of the south. These criminals became folk heroes to the depression Era poor who were largely uneducated and had little.

    The movie “oh Brother where art Thou” nails it as accurately as anything I have seen. I genuinely am related to Earl and Huey Long but so is everyone else in Winn Parish because we started marrying each other in 1700s, came in a wagon train in 1800 and no one married anyone except their cousins until Huey Long built paved or gravel roads in 1930s.

    How is this connected? Very much connected, as Huey would likely have been elected President had he not been assassinated in what may have been a case similar to the Barrow ambush. All in same time, locale, folk heroes put there by poverty and lack of education.

    Oh, are we having an election this year?

  14. emb Avatar

    ‘Huey would likely have been elected President . . ..’ Most Northerners [and maybe others] don’t know enough about Huey Long. I’ve seen the bullet holes in the LA capitol, summer 1943 or ’45, courtesy of a knowledgeable friend of my maternal family. His work for the state required travel, and he took me along some times. Walking around when he was inspecting a creosote plant was rough on shoe soles, my nose, and maybe my lungs. That stuff has to be carcinogenic.

    Peace, emb

  15.  Avatar

    Huey Long was a genuine populist, a brilliant politician whose Share the Wealth programs appealed to both Southern and Northern voters, not unlike Trump does now. Huey Long was a steam roller who simply rolled over anything standing in his way, like laws. I am not a Long supporter but many in Louisiana did right up until very recent times.

    Trump isn’t offering Longs programs but I suspect he studied how Long manipulated and hypnotized his audiences.

  16. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    emb, the movie Blaze, was about Earl Long and his relationship with a stripper. Paul Newman had the lead in that and it was a funny movie. Don’t know how accurate, but good entertainment.

    Jackie, from what I’ve read Huey was more likely shot by his own bodyguards than the man who took the blame. But it likely won’t ever have a real resolution since the original investigation seems to have been more for the purpose of covering up what happened than finding out the truth.

    Alabama has had its share of characters in office too. Like Big Jim Folsom.

  17. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    “All the King’s Men” by Robert Penn Warren

  18. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Looking for additional storage space, I pulled out from the back of a closet a storage box which I discovered contained forgotten miscellanea I had hurriedly salvaged and packed when leaving the debris of my house post-Katrina. In it, among some of life’s usual junk and the normal detritus, I found…oh, my…Cub Scout and Boy Scout memorabilia, including projects my dad had helped me with; my dad’s pocket knife*; my high school class ring; every piece of official paper ever issued to me by the USAF, all the way back to a list of the 50 members of my Training Flight; much other AF memorabilia; many photos of my mom, my dad, my sister and myself; photos of many of my deceased relatives; photos of friends and long-lost friends; and, yes, love letters and cards from college, the Air Force, and the years up to 2005. Oh, my. I have a pretty good memory, but a quick perusal of some of these items brought back many memories, not just of another time but of a different world. This may take some time to process.

    *Ironically, two days ago I ran across an article on The Art of Manliness about how to restore an antique/vintage pocket knife. (OK, who is surprised that I follow a website named “The Art of Manliness”?)

    *Update* I just pulled out a birthday card at random and found it was from my “first true love” in high school, sent to me when we were attending (separate) universities. It was covered, inside and back, with a very long hand-written note, telling me among other things how much she was looking forward to seeing me the upcoming Thanksgiving. I can see the love in her words. A few days before my next birthday, she sent me, without comment, an invitation to her wedding. She’s the one I should never have let get away. Oh, man, I can tell already there are going to be a lot of emotions in that collection of cards and letters.

  19. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Debbe 😉 This is, in my opinion, THE ultimate slow dance song. And yes, I think of “her” every time I hear it.


  20. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Another good song, different group: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QyIZ3pYKOQM

  21. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    One more to close out the evening: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkAmPNCK6Vo

  22.  Avatar

    The Chinese laundry is open and running again. Great new cabinets, new walls, new counter and deep sink, new plumbing. Ready for wallpapering and painting trim and ceiling, cabinets painted. I am happy, at least laundry works and looking good, unfortunately I knocked this huge chunk of heavy counter onto my leg which isn’t .oozing good.

    Oh well, off to remove load of black clothes and lingerie,

  23.  Avatar

    About Longs body guards shooting him, that was always believed. One most suspected was our sheriff most of my life.