A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Goin’ to Carolina

By Jimmy Johnson

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"
Super Bowl L is upon us, except the NFL is abandoning the Roman numerology for this particularly edition. They say the “L” was too difficult to incorporate into a graphic logo, but I think they just wanted unfettered emphasis on the game’s golden anniversary. I did not watch the first Super Bowl. I was wandering in pecan orchards down by the Chattahoochee River with my buddy Marcus, but I do remember the game between Green Bay and Kansas City was being played that day. I have not followed professional football that closely for years, but I will be watching Sunday night. I have heard that a certain fellow graduate of Auburn University will be playing. As for the above classic A&J, it originally appeared in 2013, the very day of the famous “kick six” game. As you love to remind me, a lot of you aren’t sports fans, so if you don’t know what that means, it has its own Wikipedia page. The screaming and ranting that day actually went viral.

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196 responses to “Goin’ to Carolina”

  1.  Avatar

    T. Harry Williams biography is excellent and I believe it to be accurate and true, it won Pulitzer and other awards.

  2. Old Bear Avatar
    Old Bear



    Yes I know I was shouting – just came across a box of pictures –
    some my grandmother’s others my parents. I recognize very few people.
    And then there are places in the old country – I could send to cousins
    but which cousins?

    On the other hand I don’t think my brother wants the photos of his second
    wedding. Nor does she I think.

  3.  Avatar

    Last note, I will have to go out to laundry and turn off dryer. It doesn’t work. I figure I will buy a new one again soon, it is cheaper than trying to repair. Works fine, just won’t stop. I hate looking at ancestors photos and wondering about them, no names.

    Of course witchy great aunt burned giant trunk of my great grandmother’s I would have loved to wade through. She made my cousin responsible for her things when she died, auctioneer sold everything but photos, personal items. He wanted ancestors, he said there were thousands, all just her in recent years and no one else. I could have saved hidm that trip.

    Ghost, you have confounded me. I didn’t imagine you were a sentimental saver. I have no cards, no love letters, nothing like that. Then I will end up finding some and make a liar of myself.

  4. Debbe Avatar

    Good morning Villagers….

    What a great way to wake up to…the sound of the seventies. All good songs I remember…at drive-in theaters, parking at the river…wow.

    I have lots of pics, from my paternal Grandmother, and she was very good at putting names and dates on them. Dad want us girls to come by and start going through pictures, we did the same with Mom. That one will be hard too.

    We’re letting into the hen house one of the teens….believe it or not, I’ve missed ‘Skittles’ who happens to be Jonathan’s younger brother.

    Gotta go….slept over again

    and, well you know…Happy Caterday

    TR…saw that pic, but couldn’t figure out what the cat way laying on and what were those ‘thingies’ hanging….can you?

  5. Debbe Avatar

    GR 😉 and Mark, since we revisited the seventies, here’s a group that I liked, just the name alone caught my attention….


  6. emb Avatar

    Jennifer Higdon is a 50ish composer: “When asked if it wasn’t intimidating writing a violin concerto in the 21st century, considering the incredible legacy of great violin concertos already written, Higdon said a little intimidation is a good thing: “There’s nothing like fear to get the imagination running. Starting a piece is the worst,” says Higdon, “and that can stretch from one day to three weeks of agony. The cats run and hide.”

    Maybe that last sentence is a commonplace, but I’d not heard it before. Neat.

    “Higdon’s Violin Concerto for Hilary Hahn won the 2010 Pulitzer Prize for Music, and the composer said she found out in a very 21st century fashion, when she noticed her cell phone was suddenly flooded with dozens and dozens of messages.”

    Peace, emb

  7. TruckerRon Avatar

    Debbe, I believe that the structure the cat is lying in is the bottom portion of a room heater or steam radiator.

  8. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Good morning Debbe, although it’ll be evening by the time you read this. Thanks for the song. I like that one too.

    As for TR’s cat pic, I think that is a small steam radiator the cat has crawled into, with hind legs and tail dangling out.

  9.  Avatar

    I suppose those radiators aren’t common in many places. We only had them in our school when I grew up in Louisiana, homes didn’t have them. My daughter’s home in Illinois has the original ones from late 1800s original to house. She has a butler’s warmer on one and a cook’s or servant’s holding oven on another. She was shocked to find out on Antiques Road Show each were worth about $5000.

    But we had these all over the school I went to in north, at least the plain ones. The help may have had the others?

  10. Trapper Jean Avatar
    Trapper Jean

    Ghost Sweetie, I agree with Trucker-by any and all means get names for the people in the photos! My sister and I have several boxes of old photos that my Mom and grandmother never labeled because of course they knew who the people were. We don’t, and they’re just old pictures.

  11. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    This is the current state of our society: “A dying culture invariably exhibits personal rudeness. Bad manners. Lack of consideration for others in minor matters. A loss of politeness, of gentle manners, is more significant than is a riot.”
    ? Robert A. Heinlein, Friday

  12. Galliglo in Ohio Avatar
    Galliglo in Ohio

    The caption of this blog page… “Goin’ to Carolina” brings to mind the James Taylor song…


    Love it!

    And the real time A&J is priceless! Football widows unite!

  13.  Avatar

    Yep, real time is funny, as good as my “team that’s from the furthered south, has a southern quarterback but a Manning trumps all others.” So, in that logic I am taking Bronchos.

    Yes, Mark, general kindness and politeness has almost vanished.
    I think I am just typically southern courtesy and politeness but I know that isn’t true. I stand out now for what I am because I am a dying breed, a sweet southern lady who calls people darling, thanks everyone for everything, smiles at total strangers and greets everyone.

    If you are from the south, remember how it was to walk through town or your neighborhood? To drive down the street? Perhaps the Midwest or the north were the same. I just never see it any more.

  14. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Down South I think we can blame the lack of neighborliness on central air conditioning. There is no reason for anyone to sit on the porch anymore in warm weather. You only see your neighbors drive by, or walking in or out of the house now, unless they or you have something to complain about. Now your outdoor living space is the backyard, instead of out front.

  15. Jerry in Fl Avatar
    Jerry in Fl

    The current version of Bonnie and Clyde were found in Pensacola and chased into the next county east where he was killed. As Ghost noted he was DRT. Many years ago I saw a car on tour which was supposed to be the B & C ambush car and I assumed at the time that it was a fake but now I understand that it was the real thing. I don’t follow pro football, but I believe that Carolina is undefeated this season. If they beat Denver they would join the 17-0 Dolphins as the only 17-0 teams in history. Am I correct? Cam, from Auburn, reminds me that it is good for a change to see a hot college quarterback live up to the hype.

  16. curmudgeonly ex-professor Avatar
    curmudgeonly ex-professor

    Almost, Jerry. Carolina has one loss.

  17. TruckerRon Avatar

    Galliglo, “Dyslexics of the wrold, untie!”

  18. Galliglo in Ohio Avatar
    Galliglo in Ohio

    Funny, Trucker!

  19. emb Avatar

    I’m afraid “Dyslexics of the wrold, untie!” is intrinsically humorous, but distinctly non-PC, and perhaps cruel. I’m related to at least one person on the dyslexic spectrum.* There are more around than you might think [profs are more likely to encounter moderate dyslexics than most people are].

    *It is a spectrum, and maybe more complex than that. It often involves difficulty forming visual images in the brain. Elaine told me she’d read of a woman who could look at a hand, close her eyes, and not visualize the full, five-fingered image.

    Most of us, one way or another, are luckier than we think, and perhaps also more handicapped than is apparent most of the time. For instance, c x-p’s and emb’s dancing skills.

    Peace, emb

  20.  Avatar

    My husband Mike and my youngest daughter were both severe dyslexic and I still laughed. When I met Mike he was struggling so badly and could spell cat six different ways in one sentence. He was brilliant but could barely read. His mother was a school teacher. Mike read constantly until his death, got two university degrees with my help. Our daughter dropped out of school in 9th grade because schools failed her. She has an MBA now, truly earned.

    I don’t care about PC, that was funny and Mike would have laughed too. His favorite Andrew Jackson quote was “It’s a dull man who can find but one way to spell a word.”

    Right now I have a young man working for me who reads voraciously, despite being dsylexic. He tells me he taught himself to read opposite to how schools do and I believe him. I bet he’d laugh, as would my engineer friend also dsylexic. They have a sense of humor about it.

  21. Sideburns Avatar

    I don’t know if any of you follow The Phantom. Whoever draws it really should have talked to JJ first: http://safr.kingfeatures.com/idn/ck3/content.php?file=aHR0cDovL3NhZnIua2luZ2ZlYXR1cmVzLmNvbS9UaGVQaGFudG9tLzIwMTYvMDIvUGhhbnRvbS4yMDE2MDIwNl83NjAuZ2lm For those of you unfamiliar with the strip, the woman is Diana Walker, the current Phantom’s (Kit Walker, Jr.) wife.

  22. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Sideburns, I see the problem…he failed to ply Diana with wine. 🙂

  23. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    One lovely Southern custom is still alive and well, at least on back roads…many drivers and pedestrians who are total strangers will still give you a friendly wave when you meet them. Not done on the major and Interstate highways, of course, where the closing speeds are much too great and where such an action would likely trigger a road rage incident among some idiots.

    Unfortunately, Florida is also in the news again, for a two o’clock shooting at a strip club this morning that left one dead and several injured. Capt. Obvious of the Tampa PD stated it was apparently the result of “a disagreement”. Wow, who could have seen that coming? Me, perhaps, due to the previously quoted axiom, “Very little that is good happens away from home after 10:00 PM.”

  24.  Avatar

    I miss sitting out on porch waving at the cars making the curve around our front porch. Highway department straightened out road and moved it behind house and mama never used porch, enclosed one and practically nailed the other one shut. I loved that deep, shady porch. I still wave at the lake visitors passing my property.

    Or maybe the burglarsame casing my yard?