Whenever things get real in the strip, someone inevitably chimes in with something like, “Arlo sure is being mean!” Or, “Arlo’s not being very sensitive to Janis.” When I was in the 5th grade, seriously, our teacher introduced us to the two essential elements of fiction: conflict and resolution. If you’re going to write fiction, any kind of fiction, things are liable to get testy. Then, things are put right, or they aren’t. Either way, a story is told. Admittedly, a comic strip is not the ideal vehicle for complex narrative. It unfolds so slowly, and readers, for whatever reason, seem to have well-formed expectations of how the characters should act. Of course, my advice to those who become unsettled by events in A&J is always the same: be patient.

Great Expectations IV
By Jimmy Johnson
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232 responses to “Great Expectations IV”
Since Mark sent a message to Denise I don’t feel that there is anything else to do at this point. We will probably get a message wondering what all of the fuss was about.
Yet another reason to have nothing to do with Lenovo. Another reason is contained in the first two words of the above linked article. “Chinese company”.
A recent on-line article commented about how closely many pieces of Chinese military hardware resemble US military equipment. As the writer said, “It’s almost as though they found all the plans for the US equipment on the Internet or somewhere.”
SoM out.
If Jackie is not going to post here any more, I may give up the Village too. I’ve enjoyed her adventures and life story so much. Of course, I would miss a lot of the regulars too.
Jackie is definitely a real person! I’ve seen several photos of her and the dog “Dickens” on Facebook, as well as her surroundings, her veg. garden, her boats. Her late husband’s obituary is on the Internet. All her stories are consistant and plausible … don’t you agree, Debbe, and Ghost, and many other Villagers?
By the way, for non Facebook users, there is a warning today on their A & J page that spam may have sneaked into this site. There’s a post above that looks it. Some folks are trying to get rid of it.
Love, Charlotte
Charlotte, the spam warning on FB is from the A&J group leader to the members of that group, if I read it right. It didn’t related to this site.
And I’m not sure the message I sent will reach Denise. After I had posted here I went back and looked. She has not posted on her FB site since 2012.
Folks, don’t get upset at each other and leave. Just keep in touch.
I agree with what Charlotte said above. I also agree with what others have said in the past – if you’re not interested in what is posted by a particular individual, just scroll past and don’t read it. There have been some that I ignored in the past, happy to say very few and most of those have moved on.
We need to get back to the essentials, like T-Shirts. Christmas is fast approaching. I am a lurker and enjoy everyone’s take on things.
True that, RA. As I have reminded readers in the past (about some of my own posts), if you have no interest in or desire to read particular comments, the “down arrow” key or the scroll wheel on your mouse will fix that for you.
FWIW, I personally have no reason to doubt either Jackie’s existence or her veracity. But that, of course, is a decision each will have to make for themselves.
As I once told Just Plain Mindy, I might be an eighteen-year-old albino geek who lives in my parents’ basement and who reads a lot and has an active imagination. How would you know that I’m not?
Hi, Marje. New in town? 😉
Stay here, Charlotte! Please.
Ok Ghost, I’ll bite. Where does the “6” come from? Are you the result of government experiments and the first five died?
Marje, Watch your step. There’s an elephant in the room. I should know.
Six is a suffix commonly used as a military shorthand for commander. GhostRider6 would be the commander of the unit (could be any size). Of course, “Six” also means the back or to the rear, I’ve got your six means I’m watching your back.
“curmudgeonly ex-professor on 03 Nov 2015 at 5:17 pm # Stay here, Charlotte! Please.” I concur.
Peace, emb
I’ve heard the expression, but I didn’t relate it to this. Good thinking.
Awwww — emb and c x-p, thank you kindly. I will stay and enjoy comments from most everybody.
Jerry: “EMB, I think that you have a quality. It’s more than intelligence and education. You have class. It shows in every comment that you make, even if I don’t know the operas.”
I’m already in danger of a swelled head from the responses to the talk I gave, and now this. Perhaps I seem to be a polymath. If I am, I’m a patchy one. I don’t know opera in general [wife was the expert there, listened to every one she could from Sat. Met. live broadcasts since they started in the late ’30s, I think.] The only ones I know well are G&S, and she came to know those well, too. Not fond of grand [= tragic] opera, enjoy Fledermaus [stupid speelczech], Merry Widow, Barber of Seville, Marriage of Figaro, and such. And am a classical music geek, despite not knowing the score.
My background in literature is almost entirely from books required in jhs/hs classes. Took no lit classes at Cornell. Also picked up a second lib ed from teaching in a three prof. honors class for about 25 years; the lit component was books/plays mostly suggested by the other two. Grew up in a town full of art museums, and have visited many others in DC, Chicago, Philly, various colleges, and overseas; also devour art books, and am a b&w drawing freak. Think I’ve mentioned I took drawing classes at Cornell. And of course I love to write and teach and do amateur theology. Considering the subject, perhaps all theologs are amateurs. Also just love to learn stuff.
Thanks and peace, emb
emb: “… just love to learn stuff.” If that’s not the key to a good life, I don’t know what is!
All theology is theoretical. But then considering and coming up with theories is where the interest lies. Hence, why I watch Ancient Aliens, which will get more than one shake of the head I’m guessing. I also learned by doing. I was twice an engineer in two very different fields without ever taking an engineering class, one of those jobs involved drafting plans, which I really enjoyed although I had never done it before. I can look at someone and draw them, but I can’t see a picture in my head and draw it. This was all before my hands began shaking of course. When I was in college I saw Blood, Sweat and Tears in concert. They played again the next night and I had tickets for the opera next door. I saw B, S & T two nights in a row.
Charlotte, I get the point, but I’m glad that you’re staying too.
Remember Milton Cross? Loved his voice.
Not much on the singing part of Opera – well maybe Mel Blanc
Love the music – could be It is not understanding the language.
emb, keep up the good work. We need people like you in this society. I like museums, period. Natural history, art, whatever. Birmingham, AL has a large Wedgewood collection and a good selection of Asian art in their art museum.
Jerry in FL, if you didn’t care, you wouldn’t try to help. Thank you for that.
Old Bear, it is hard to follow the plot when you can’t understand what is happening. I like foreign authors, but I need it translated to do me any good. If you like mysteries, those by JanWillem van de Wetering about Dutch police unit are good. The books by the team of Wahloo and Sjowall are also worth reading.
David in Austin, I didn’t know 6 was the commander. I thought of it mainly as an identifier, as in Ghost 1, etc for multiple people in the unit.
Oh boy, I DO remember Milton Cross (announcer, or host, for the Metropolitan Opera Saturday afternoon broadcasts.) It was a long, long time ago!
Ruth Anne, your comment is an excellent one.
Just finished Robert Galbraith’s Career of Evil.
Got to be first on the reserved list no 700.
Thought J.K. messed with Robins personality this time but kept us guessing to the end.
Is the a way to get JJ to remove that phone # and name above.
A little paranoia is not enough.
I don’t put phone #s or e- mail addresses in private correspondence without
coding them.
Just because you are paranoid does not mean “they” are not out to get you.