Whenever things get real in the strip, someone inevitably chimes in with something like, “Arlo sure is being mean!” Or, “Arlo’s not being very sensitive to Janis.” When I was in the 5th grade, seriously, our teacher introduced us to the two essential elements of fiction: conflict and resolution. If you’re going to write fiction, any kind of fiction, things are liable to get testy. Then, things are put right, or they aren’t. Either way, a story is told. Admittedly, a comic strip is not the ideal vehicle for complex narrative. It unfolds so slowly, and readers, for whatever reason, seem to have well-formed expectations of how the characters should act. Of course, my advice to those who become unsettled by events in A&J is always the same: be patient.

Great Expectations IV
By Jimmy Johnson
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232 responses to “Great Expectations IV”
Milton Cross was great, and they’ve had some good announcers and commentators since. Some operas have good librettos; I understand many are not worth translating. But G&S would not be great without Gilbert. Actually, when they were starting out [1870s], they were already England’s best playwright and composer [the latter is not saying much], and they made an excellent team despite not getting along well. There are websites w/ more than you want to know. If I remember, one good one is at the U. of ID. emb
Ghost Rider 6 is an Overnet-based gestalt of six disassociated humanoid personalities communicating through the Ghost Rider temporal nexus from the year 2245. Pretty amazing, huh?
Actually, the amazing thing is that we ever agree on what to post.
Debbe π You don’t hear all that much about Beck, but he can play him some guitar.
I was close: http://math.boisestate.edu/gas/
Peace, emb
Mark, thanks. BS has it’s place, especially when it is used for humerous purposes. But, we all remember the church choir soloist who went home and posed in the nude before drinking herself to sleep. Once is amusing, but it’s like fish and company after three days.
A little more info on the suffix’s: -1 is the person responsible for staffing/people, -2 is the person responsible for information, -3 is operations/tactics, -4 is logistics. Six became the commander. It is based on unit staff organization. Of course, it could also be a sequence in a squadron, Ghost1,Ghost2, etc. might just be unique identifiers (better operational security than calling the commander “Six”) Only our GhostRider knows if he’s the commander or if he’s a sequence, or if he’s something else entirely.
Good morning Villagers….
So, Jackie, I hope you lurk here every now and then….please don’t leave. I’ve enjoyed your posts, and inspirations. Don’t stay away too long.
And Miss Charlotte….if you would have left, who would have read my chicken house stories with a grin on her face????
As GR6 has said…scroll. (I knew you lived in your mother’s basement…already swooning Marje, you’re such a slutpuppy π )
I find all posts interesting…some over my head, but I read them, and learn something in the process…reference Ruth Anne’s post.
Going in earlier….a maintenance big wig is coming to help Andrew with the packer. She was throwing eggs everywhere. I was standing at the end of the two take away conveyor belts from the packer, waiting for trays, waiting, waiting,…..started feeling like an umpire…batter up!!!!
Happy Hump Day…..
…and have a Blessed Day
GR π and you are right about Jeff Beck….pulled Wiki up and Rolling Stone Mag listed him 5th out of the top 100 guitar artists….will research who the first four are…and something I found out about Miss Hynde…her birthday is the same as Ian’s!!!
….it’s different, I wonder where Clapton falls in that top 100 category…let you know.
nothing personal, just a funneeee π reminds me of the scene from the movie “Signs” with Mel Gibson and Joaquin Phoenix.
Last sentence in today’s Writer’s Almanac [4 Nov. is Will Rogers’ birthday]. “Rogers wrote six books and more than 3,600 articles; he traveled around the world three times; and he appeared in 71 movies. He was killed in a plane crash in Alaska in 1935.”
I was just short of 6 YO, but remember my parents being sad about this. Had no idea who Will Rogers was, but learned gradually.
Peace, emb
TIP BlogSpot: Another excuse to paint a naked woman.
Gotta look this one up. BTW, going there through Google has never yielded any real info.
Peace, emb
It’s “The death of the Princess de Lamballe”. Here’s the Wiki scoop on her, which doesn’t mesh too well with the painting.
Peace, emb
emb: the lack of info on Faivre is annoying, but I do like his Two Mother’s.
Where did that apostrophe come from?
Ruth Anne: I can’t quite make out another face outside the cave, but assume there’s a female cave bear or lion out there. Those are a couple of well-fed kids. They may be a bit close in age for a couple of hunter-gatherer sibs. The !Kung people of S. Africa/Namibia generally nurse infants through age 3 or more, which often suspends ovulation for the duration, tending to space their children about 4 yr. apart. Also, that’s a lot of clean white skin without a speck of dirt on it. Maybe there’s a shower off stage left. Leon Maxime Faivre is not a bad painter.
Peace, emb
emb. this painting is very much like Frank Frazetta’s style. If you don’t know him, look him up. Many of his works feature his wife as the female subject.
Mark: Thanks. Many others are less so, more like late 19th c. Brit or continental. If Frazetta owes something to their influence, great, he has good taste.
Peace, emb
Now, this is dedication: http://www.al.com/news/anniston-gadsden/index.ssf/2015/11/calling_it_a_day_72-year_emplo.html#incart_river_home
emb: http://lcart2.narod.ru/image/fantasy/frank_frazetta/bw/frank_frazetta_bw_queen_of_the_nile.jpg
That’s some cat!
emb, et. al.: I finally found this little bit about the artist – http://gandalfsgallery.blogspot.com/2013/01/leon-maxime-faivre-death-of-princess-de.html
I had also found the site you cited with the Two Mothers. If you do a search for the painting you will find other images that are lighter and in which you can see a dark shape, probably a bear.
Now can anyone explain why the computer insists on putting an apostrophe in Mothers?
RA: Perhaps because some Mothers are overly possessive?
Debbe π Without looking, I’d almost be willing to bet good money that Clapton would be either first or second on most lists of the top rock guitarists. I really enjoyed the “Love Can Build a Bridge” video; I had not seen it previously. That was an unusual combination of talents. Rock music can make for some strange bedfellows…in more ways than one. π
For me, today dawned cloudy, with a 100% chance of a dental procedure. I whiled away the time waiting for the dentist by perusing my chart on the chair-side monitor. I was surprised, if not exactly shocked, to see how many of my teeth have had fillings, root canals, crowns, posts, or some combination thereof. I suppose it has been worth it, considering I am still in possession of all my teeth, less the four wisdom teeth that fell victim to the USAF’s application of “proactive dentistry”.
Does everyone remember that the blog breaks tomorrow, since it will be over 7 days since the last post?
I was planning on posting this tomorrow, but it’s better not to take the chance:
Remember, remember, the fifth of November:
Gunpowder, treason and plot!
I see no reason,
Gunpowder treason,
Ever should be forgot!