Arlo gets his hair cut, 1997. I’m sure I have run this little series of comic strips on the web before, but it’s been a long time. A point of trivia: Arlo had his locks shorn right before the family vacation to the beach, where they discover young Mary Lou in a family way. I have very fine (as in “thin”) uninteresting hair. As a younger man, I wished for a thick mane of hair like the tennis pro Bjorn Borg. From my current perspective, I am grateful to have hair at all.

Hair Today…
By Jimmy Johnson
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152 responses to “Hair Today…”
Debbe ๐ Mo’ Motown…
Debbe ๐ Even mo’ Motown…
Knew not to say I bought Dickens a beaver.
Good morning Debbe. I bought him a chicken too. It is out in van somewhere.
Back to sleep.
Here’s yesterdays, the star of riches is shining upon you in bed. Hey, this is funny game.
Stuffed beaver is funny, Mark. I have to pack Dickens and take off, mine is packed.
up top about La Madeleine pastries – I join all the email clubs of places I eat – I have my free birthday pastry to get there, I had my free Sbarro pizza, my free Denny’s breakfast, probably never use my $30.00 off at Benihana, lots of other places, some regional, some national. The problem is, you have a window of a couple weeks to use them, it would probably be disgusting to cram them all in. The getting older thing is weird. I’m healthy, more fit than a lot of people my age. I truly believe my head is in a good place with social activities and friends and dating again, it’s just sort of a “well, I’ll be danged” I’m 58.
Sorry for my absence. Have been “here” just not commenting. Listening to Beethoven’s first piano concerto and waiting for my son-in-law to pick me up to go to the LSU Spring football game and a good crawfish boil with the L club, to which he belongs. Went to Auburn’s Spring game last weekend. Two football games in two weeks. I was starved for college football. NFL is OK but a different game. No emotion, only big buckS! Will be back soon. Pax te cum.
God bless us every one.
Love the fortune cookie game! We are in Long Beach California for a long weekend visiting our son and new (as of last summer) DIL—whom we love, by the way. Son Roger is Sports Information Director at Long Beach State. The spring sport he is responsible for is softball; we are going to two games today and one tomorrow—always fun. We have both frozen and cooked at those games other years—I think it’s going to be cook today. We’ll see.
In Shreveport, LA. Crawfish at Crawdaddys. It is 2.30 and they are packed.
Confession, I had fried oyster poboy. Delicious. My spirit is revived, if not my health.
Special dispensation is hereby granted, since it was a po boy (and specifically a fried oyster po boy.
Nancy, my Tucson cousin is probably arriving in Flagstaff about now and will be descend into the Canyon tomorrow for a two week rafting trip down the river. If I didn’t love her so much, I’d probably hate her for that. ๐
She’s a gifted amateur photographer, and I can’t wait the see the pictures from her adventure.
“A short stranger will soon enter your life with blessings to share in bed.” Hum.
“Now is the time to try something new in bed.” Well, alright!
“You are very talented in many ways in bed.” Why, thank you!
See what you started, TR?
“It takes you all night to do what you used to do all night.” That’s why I stopped taking Inderall.
No >2.5 quakes in the lower 48 in the last 24 hours! That’s pretty fracking rare.
GR6, A friend of ours [former BSU biol. student], whom I’ve mentioned here before, did the white-water kayaking run down the G.C., but in July, when temps in the shade down there were 115F. Crazy gal, + dozen or so other nuts, + raft with supplies. Wife and I babysat her house and cat for the 3 wks she was gone, stretched to a total of 4, before she left and after her return. We lucked out; used her AC only 2x during relatively cool July. Peace,
My cousin is my age and slightly amazing. She does yoga and kickboxing (there’s a contrast for you) and has hiked all over the West, including to the summit of Mt. Rainier. Two weeks in the Grand Canyon and running 38 sets of rapids will probably be like visiting a resort for her.
I posted a Facebook tee shirt that said to beware of old women in a kayak or something to that effect. I have an amazing number of older friends my age and older doing stuff like this. Amazing. One just had her book published, another at 80 became oldest person to paddle from source of Mississippi to mouth.
They make me feel like a slacker.
Cool beans about your cousin, Ghost!! I have not done the river but have numerous friends who have done it numerous times, including some who are professional river guides.
Extreme cuteness alert! These kids put on a great show, forecasting the weather from Saratoga Springs, Utah… and the bloopers at the end are cute, too.
No comments for about 9 hours? Strange, indeed.
Perhaps they watched the video I posted and are all in sugar-induced comas?
Sorry for last comment. Was trying to see why I keep getting rejected. God bless us every one.
I’ll try again later.