Arlo gets his hair cut, 1997. I’m sure I have run this little series of comic strips on the web before, but it’s been a long time. A point of trivia: Arlo had his locks shorn right before the family vacation to the beach, where they discover young Mary Lou in a family way. I have very fine (as in “thin”) uninteresting hair. As a younger man, I wished for a thick mane of hair like the tennis pro Bjorn Borg. From my current perspective, I am grateful to have hair at all.

Hair Today…
By Jimmy Johnson
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152 responses to “Hair Today…”
Had delicious locally caught shrimp dinner, skipped the Texas toast and french fries, ate the sausage and chicken gumbo. Going back tonight, they are having a special jazz group tonight with a blind pianist out on patio on Bayou Teche. I am going to see if I can sneak Dickenson onto patio.
Right now I am sitting on front porch of most beautiful home looking down an alley of giant live oaks, double planted row. It is The Fairfax House, now a b and b. Wind blowing cool breeze, Dickens at my feet. I may never go home.
Jackie, did you enter the Bayou Teche Black Bear Festival Running of the Bears 5K Run/Walk yesterday?
And no, I didn’t think of “Running of the Bares” when I typed that. Well, maybe just a little. 🙂
No, I was running so late I was happy to see the fireworks exploding over the Tech to lead me to town.
Turned out Joe the owner of Joe’s where jazz is tonight was at University with me and in attendance at the famoussome coke or tea, something to eat except I am not hungry at all yet. Supremes concert there. I don’t drink but I can order
April 17th is National Bat Appreciation Day. Be sure to tell any bats you see that you appreciate them.
GR6: Tomorrow, 18 April, is Paul Revere Day [Patriots’ Day in MA]:'sRide.html ‘Listen, my children and you shall hear / Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere. / Hardly a man is now alive . . ..’
‘Weather: after 2-3 days of highs in 60s and 70s, when I actually turned the heat off and aired out the house, we’re due some 40s with rain, but back up to warmth in a week.’
I wrote that Friday, but the warm highs lasted through today, about 72F. 4-5 days in a row I could turn or leave the heat off and actually warm the indoors with outside air. Rain and lower highs, for a few days, it says. Peace,
When I was a youngster, you could only get crawfish if you caught your own. My Daddy had about a dozen crawfish nets. Now they have caught on in Shreveport and other Northern areas and they are expensive here in South Louisiana. God bless us every one.
Thanks, EMB, for that wonderful poem. I still remember most of it from my school years. It is indeed stirring. God bless us every one.
I love me some mud bugs, done up like this.
Been a while, though…need to find me a festival to attend.
Enjoy the foods of your choice, y’all. I, for one, have no desire to consume crab, lobster or crawfish. There was one exception which comes to mind. Very early in my graduate career, my research director’s wife provided a wonderful lunch to her husband’s students & their spouses. Among the goodies was a king crab salad. It seemed politic for me to have some and smile. In truth, it wasn’t half bad, though I’ve not repeated the experience with, or without, my research director.
Permit me to add that I enjoy shrimp immensely.
How come tax day is put off till the 18th because the 15th was a holiday in DC
(a city) when Patriots Day 18th is a holiday in Mass. (a State) gets no recognition?
A little inconsistency here.
Debbe has informed me that she may not be making comment here
for several days – she is OK but in a VERY stressful situation right now.
I think she will need lots of Big Hugs.
(((({Debbe:})))) Peace, reduced stress, blessings.
Thanks, Bear. I was beginning to get concerned. A day without Debbe is like a day without sunshine.
Guys, it is three thirty in mornimg, I laid down on this imense Maillaird style bed to take a nap at 5 p.m. and woke up to voices on porch at midnight, missed the jazz at Joe’s. He is cooking crab cakes for me and Cajun eggplant for me for lunch. I intend to make that. I need a chaperone or custodian or someone to keep me on schedule or at least share the blame. Dickenso tries.
C-x-p…I am with you on all the “sea spiders” except I have to add shrimp to the list. For me it is not because of personal preference, but a shellfish allergy. Am allergic to all the crustaceans, but can eat fish, clams, scallops. It is odd, but most of the females in the family have the allergy, but not the males. Go figure…
Debbe: Love and hugs…
I’m in Boston supporting my son, Dan in the Boston Marathon and helping his wife and 12 week old son. When we got in yesterday, he went out for a “shakedown” run at a very slow place. I decided to go out with him and told him that I would meet him about 1/4 mile from the finish line. Even though I had my hip replaced 3 yrs ago, I just HAD to run to the finish line!
Dan joked with me and said “Uh Dad, you are running a little fast”. As we approached the finish line, he peeled off as he did not want want to cross before tomorrow.
I got a phone call from WWJ in Detroit this morning and they interviewed me. Hopefully they will have a link on their website and I will post it here. Obviously, I’m a little proud. They did ask about security, but I answered that we always have to be vigilant, but frankly most runners are a bit defiant.
Dickens and I need to go to back area and eat breakfast. Yester day it was fresh fruit, grits and grillaides, fresh croissant and a sweet roll with fresh orange juice. Should have stopped at fruit?
Dickens has been running amongst the huge oaks and resident cats, reveling while I sit in rocker on porch. Did I mention home is for sale? $2.6 million give or take. It is worth it but landscaping needs work. Needs azaleas and a rose garden for starters.
Fwd: Running Without Fear: Metro Detroiter Laces Up For Boston Marathon « CBS Detroit
Good for you all for being there. In more ways than one.
I can’t stay here long without a food guard, police. Breakfast was scrambled eggs, sausage and bacon, saute new potatoes, big biscuit, fruit, orange juice and a chocolate eclair. On my plate.
I ate fruit, eggs, half the biscuit and the eclair. It was a smallish one and part of it squished out onto my sweater.
Dickens got bacon and sausage. I am lying here under ceiling fan thinking of what he and I are going to do until lunch. Dickens is an easy date, he’s back asleep.
Wish I had found those lost millions of my stepdads funds, I’d move in here permanently.
Here’s a favorite old story I read a few years ago:
Dear Family,
If you think your recent airline trip was bad, wait until you hear about mine!
I was flying from San Francisco to Los Angeles. By the time we took off, there had been a 45-minute delay and everybody on board was ticked.
Unexpectedly, we stopped in Sacramento on the way. The flight attendant explained that there would be another 45-minute delay, and if we wanted to get off the aircraft, we would re board in 30 minutes. [Grrr..we could have driven to Los Angeles by now!]
Everybody got off the plane except one gentleman who was blind. I noticed him as I walked by and could tell he had flown before because his Seeing Eye dog lay quietly underneath the seats in front of him throughout the entire flight. I could also tell he had flown this very flight before because the pilot approached him and, calling him by name, said, “Keith, we’re in Sacramento for half an hour. Would you like to get off and stretch your legs?”
Keith replied, “No thanks, but maybe my dog would like to stretch his legs.”
Picture this…all the people in the gate area came to an utter and completely quiet standstill when they looked up and saw the pilot walk off the plane with the Seeing Eye dog! Their pilot was even wearing dark sunglasses.
People scattered. They not only tried to change planes, they also were trying to change airlines!
Great story.
Any strawberries in our garden are currently six or seven feet under water. Tropical downpours have blessed us with with approximately 17″ of wonderful rain since last night. Creeks are out of their banks. Last word the bayou was ready to top its bank, then the levees and flood plain is our last defense.