I know service has been a bit spotty around here lately, so I’m trying to make it up with this little three-day series, presented without interruption for your viewing pleasure. Thinking of a title for today’s post, it occurred to me that no variety of establishment goes for awful puns in a name more than hair salons, at least around these parts. It’s always something like Mane Event, A Cut Above or Hair It Is. You get the idea. When I was a boy, my mother worked as a hairdresser in a shop named Beauty Unlimited. It certainly was a disingenuous name, but at least it wasn’t a lame attempt at a pun. Me, I got my hair cut at Ozzie’s Barber Shop.

Hair Today, Grown Tomorrow
By Jimmy Johnson
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189 responses to “Hair Today, Grown Tomorrow”
Forbes and the Motley Fool think the yuppy upscale food market is being diluted with new stores/companies pressuring the older ones like Whole Foods. Whole Foods keeps opening new locations but their same store sales are stagnant according to financial articles. Daughter never admits such a concept!
Ironically the company that is most impacting the organic and upscale market is the company she left for Whole Foods. Krogers where she was the natural foods buyers for 250 locations is making aggressive inroads into the natural/organics market.
I am personally in favor of supporting local producers that sell in farmer’s markets, off backs of trucks. The farm to table movement is one I think needs our support. Of course, I grew up pulling weeds, picking green beans and canning tomatoes, so I know if we don’t support them, they too will disappear.
Like Arlo and Janis however, I have the most expensive produce money can pay for! Went out just now and the fall crop of green beans looks fantastic if it makes any flowers? As soon as it cools off today I am going to plug in some more seeds in holes.
Gotta go inoculate those snow/sugar peas, the first planting has been hit by the heat, so a “second squeezing of the grapes” is in order. ie. plant some more!
Love, Jackie
Lily, my daughter worked at Parkland of course in their burn center. I told her at time that burn patients endured the fires of hell and then relived the hell over and over in treatment. I only worked on a couple in my brief medical career and they didn’t get lucky enough to go to Parkland.
Daughter is tough little 4 foot 11 inch martinet, known as “The Little General” to her family. For Napoleon, not Tom Thumb the midget. She was excellent at what she did and was there every inch of the way and treatment for her surgeons’ patients.
Love, Jackie
Lilyblack – Made my day – thanks!
Woosh, I *hate* colonoscopies and I *am* going to get even with the person who scheduled one on a Monday. The colonoscopy isn’t bad, but cleaning up afterwards is. *Starts potting her revenge*
Jackie, The Man In My Life *never* buys *organic* food. He regards the whole idea as Jacobin. We get all but a few of our veggies from our friendly local Japanese truck farmer. I really have no idea what methods he uses, and might not want to know, but his veggies are always fresh and sweet and lovely. He also saves me baby yellow squash and eggplants and melons as he knows I love them.. . And my faves: purple carrots. The Man In My Life won’t cook with them, cause he likes the orange color of the usual but I keep a bunch in my private crisper drawer to munch on.
Lily: Lovely ‘letter.’
‘. . . an extreme fondness for daily “colon cleansing”.’ My mother-in-law [d.1975] did that when wife was a kid, in the ’30s. Stupid fads die hard [if in fact GP actually does it]. All we know is she says she does. Thanks all for the info; TIP BlogSpot is > appropriate > I first thought.
Lily: I believe the TIP you are referring to is the comic, not the BlogSpot.
Probably,emb. When things get hectic I get confused 😀
Thanks for asking, Ghost. We had more than two inches of rain in about two hours this morning, ALL the washes ran, and some friends and I decided that between not being able to see through the downpour to drive very well and not knowing for sure a route to where we were planning to go that had only culverts and bridges and not street dips though washes, we just went back to our driver’s house and had a cup of tea/coffee and a visit there. As my husband says, though, rain is always welcome in the desert. Just be smart enough to stay out of washes!
NK, we used to work in AZ and NM, plus west Texas where the streets are the drainage systems. Learned right away they were serious about people drowning downtown!
I was down in AZ in Ajo one time and besides the warnings to watch for bombs and unexploded ordinances, there were all those water depth posts all over the dessert showing high water marks deeper than roof of mini-van. That was scary, as a big storm was coming in and I wasn’t sure we could get out?
Then I saw that movie with Bill Murray that was filmed down there in same area around the AZ-Mexico border where the rain floods everything and it is all being washed away. At least I felt vindicated for tall tales I had told my husband who just did not believe me!
Glad you are OK. Dessert floods are scary and I have now seen some up close and personal and involuntarily!
Love, Jackie
When we used to go to the Big Bend every year, we would see those washes with their depth gauges, and I would make fun of them, and my dad would say, “This whole country doesn’t hava a total of a ton of topsoil on it, If it rains, where is it gonna go? Into the Rio Grand, is where. All f it. That would shut me up. For a while, anyway! 😀
No floods here, but I think late summer patio season is over. Had all three meals outside twice in the last fortnight, high today was 78F after I’d lunched, and had supper at 7 at about 73F. Tomorrow’s high is predicted to be mid-50s, 60% chance of pm rain. They’re talking frosts for the weekend, about usual for mid-Sept.
Had to drive through water flowing across the road after a downpour in S. ID in Aug. ’62. It looked shallow, and no sign of breakup on the downhill side, and we were ok, but it’s creepy. Current billboard humor, for what business I cannot remember: ‘There’s no rest stops out here; it’s uncanny.’
Just went outside, and it is 84 degrees. Roll on, October
After a few days in the 90s, we’ve got storms moving through northern UT and dropping the daily highs into the 70s for a few days. We’ll be back to the mid 80s next week, but I doubt we’ll hit 90 again this year. Hurray for fall! (Just 15 days away)
And, I just noticed on my calendar that tonight’s full moon is the Harvest Moon.
Good morning or good night, not sure which more correct? I fell asleep during daylight yesterday and apparently did not feed my mom any dinner, nor myself, with all windows open for light and woke up with hungry cats and a dog sleeping with me. I got too much sunshine last couple days. lupus and several meds that say “do not get sunlight exposure or use tanning lights” will do that to you!
Going to feed animals before I wake up missing a toe or two.
Love, Jackie