I know service has been a bit spotty around here lately, so I’m trying to make it up with this little three-day series, presented without interruption for your viewing pleasure. Thinking of a title for today’s post, it occurred to me that no variety of establishment goes for awful puns in a name more than hair salons, at least around these parts. It’s always something like Mane Event, A Cut Above or Hair It Is. You get the idea. When I was a boy, my mother worked as a hairdresser in a shop named Beauty Unlimited. It certainly was a disingenuous name, but at least it wasn’t a lame attempt at a pun. Me, I got my hair cut at Ozzie’s Barber Shop.

Hair Today, Grown Tomorrow
By Jimmy Johnson
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189 responses to “Hair Today, Grown Tomorrow”
Me too. I bet they are having to sell as a lower/smaller grade and bossman is not happy with price vs. cost factor.
Miss Debbe and reality egg farm.
Doing laundry at 4 a.m. down here.
Love, Jackie
Good morning Villagers…
Me too, GR 😉 I’m about to go nuts, and I don’t have far to go to reach that point.
Yesterday was Ian’s (my son) 26th birthday…and he is living with us (and no I don’t have a basement). He’s a big help to me here…my gosh, I started to reflect on the past 26 years yesterday…well, I got myself so depressed that I set my sights on Monday (there’s a song there 🙂 )
Anyway, it’s Monday and there’s full moon peering in through my window and it’s going to be a better week. Mind over matter, right!
Facing some personal obstacles, but one just keeps on plugging….so I won’t be dropping in every day….don’t want to bore anyone.
Ya’ll have a blessed day…….
Jackie….thank you…while you were gone, I missed your written musings.
I’ll be lurking and probably inserting a lolcat here and there…just not feeling energetic, just not feeling Debbe right now.
Like this one:
Debbe. a lot of time I feel like I am depressingly boring too. It is hard to be positive when problems seem overwhelming and washing you away. You can write me directly, I care about friends and like pen pals. Well, not those actually serving time in pen but I don’t think a chicken pen is same as penal time. Well, then again…….?
Stay strong, I know you are a survivor and survivors are strong people.
I have been wanting a pen of chickens for 20 years I have lived here in Oklahoma. I just like them, especially weirdly colored ones, and I would just make pets of them. Found out my yard lady/helper used to raise chickens and had pens, so maybe I can finally get a chicken house and some pens. Husband used to have chickens and sell eggs as young boy, he does not like/love fowls!
There is a magazine cover somewhere of P. Allen Smith cradling a totally gorgeously luxurious chicken in his arms that is about as sexy and appealing as you can get in a man. Darn him, wrong sexual orientation unfortunately!
Love you, Jackie Monies
Don’t worry, be happy.
A good day at the beach is better than a day at work.
Chickens have become a real issue in Florida with some areas allowing them and some not. Those that allow them usually dictate a limit on how many you can have. Sam’s Warehouse will be happy to sell you a pre-fab chicken coop.
Just remember, as a friend who tried raising chickens once told me-everything likes chickens!
Debbe 😉 You are correct…if you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.
Hugs and prayers, hon.
I just want to be the first to mention it- the cameo appearance of Alfred E. Neuman in today’s daily strip once again affirms the awesomeness of Jimmy.
Putting a “last” word in regarding different cultures…
I spent my youth living poor, on a farm, etc. etc. Wanted to move to the “big” city. I have lived in small cities and medium cities but never “big”. On of my best experiences was when I lived in FL. I worked, neighbored, and went to church with people from all over the US – from Boston to Chicago – New York – Montana – California – and Australia, France, England, Greece, Italy, Cuba. All colors, income status, different religions.
And what I learned is – If I accepted peoples as they were, and was genuinely interested in THEIR experiences, there was SO much more we had in common than we had differences. It is true that some do not want to get to know you. But we meet those in all walks of life. That is matter of character, not ethnicity.
In my humble opinion, being PC is phony. It is another one of the snobberies. There is no substitute for being genuinely interested in another human being.
Off soap box now…
Luv yah!
Today’s TIP BlogSpot: http://thatispriceless.blogspot.com/
Why G. Paltrow in particular? At the Wiki site, she looks like a carefully groomed early 40s, which she is. What’s special?
Galliglo: The PC approach is an inadequate response to a real problem: our tendency to write off whole groups, to prejudge [as in prejudice] them. Honkies, gays, Jews, Muslims, blacks, scientists, “liberals” [” ” because it has come to mean radical leftists], business folks, etc.
Your approach is as great as it is uncommon. It was the approach of perhaps the best known rabbi of the first century CE, a man I hold in high esteem and that some worship, or say they worship.
Good morning, Villagers. Had an excellent run this morning, only 10K cause we had surgery today (gallbladder, hernia) but my puppy had a good time as did I. The Boss Of My Life wants to start on my Birthday/Hallowe’en drawing for my invitations, and I was still havering about what to wear this year. Then this weekend I came across a light blue/dark blue satin Harlequin outfit in a resale shop -how it came there, I’ll never know – and have decided on it. I must to Dallas to get a hat and slippers and whatever that club she carries for accessories!
We could keep chickens, I guess – one of our outbuildings is an old chicken coop converted to storage – but like Jackie’s husband, we are not fond
emb: Ms. Paltrow has expressed, on her way-Too Much Information website, an extreme fondness for daily “colon cleansing”. She has also used her “life-style” blog to launch an extremely expensive line of boutique coffee. Perhaps the picture is supposed to show how she looks in the morning when she has not yet had either. Or the fact that some people (not sure about her) subject themselves to daily coffee enemas.
I think the point of today’s TIP is that Gwenyth Paltrow always looks so fresh, well-groomed, and glowing in her pics and they are being snarky. I wish I looked like her.
The TIP blogspot shows a woman with a skull that Wikipedia says is Georges De La Tour’s “THe Repentant Magdalene.” Luckily, we had just studied De La Tour in my Art History class and I easily recognized his style: the limpid skin tones, dramatic use of chiaroscuro and the deep religiousness. The painting we studied in class was “The Newborn Christ.”
Or what Lily said.
Among the many celebrities I find amusing for their “being famous for being famous” and twittering their every body function and parts, I would include Miss Paltrow, so yes, I see the humor.
Being able to laugh at oneself and one’s personal foibles is key and PC take themselves and their opinions to be “correct”. How boring and limiting their lives are. I have a daughter like that and one more like me probably. About the older daughter, the younger one summarizes it, “She drank the Koolaid.”
Right now Whole Foods is cutting employees out of management, out of full time employment and benefits, making pay cuts. She won’t accept or perform certain positions as beneath her, even though it means she will be terminated.
I liked younger daughter’s attitude. She worked for UT med school and burn center as a assistant to surgeons. Moved to St. Louis and was offered half her pay for same job. Probably a lot like Lily does for her surgeon?
Younger daughter said to heck with prestige and half the pay, put on the pseudo-Bunny Club cocktail costume and worked as a waitress at casino for seven years while getting her MBA. She said there were a lot of PhD’s she worked with too as waiters.
All of us need to recognize the ability to know and be friends with so many people around us and to respect their work and not think it is without value.
I remember once older daughter found me in her upscale grocery store restaurant area chatting and enjoying an older woman’s company. She was horrified. “Don’t you know she is a homeless person? How could you do that?”
She was a person to me. That is what matters.
I love Alfred E. Newman too, the original “What me worry?” Kid.
There was such great humor there and satire. Thanks Jimmy.
Love, Jackie
Ah, lunchtime. Today, I had to be NPO for a morning blood stick for routine lab work. (Lily probably wishes she’d been the one to stick me.) So naturally I woke up feeling ravenous this morning. Funny how that works.
NK, it appears from TV news reports that a lot of Phoenix folks again discovered the hard way that their cars are not very good amphibious vehicles. How’s it looking in your end of the state?
I haven’t been following the subject, but ref Jackie’s comment about Whole Foods cutbacks, is it possible the “organic” and “natural” foods bubble has burst or is about to do so?
And does it really make sense to pass up a fresh and tasty tomato grown in the local area for a less fresh “organic” tomato grown in South America and shipped to your home town at a much greater cost to you (and the environment)? Or should one perhaps support their local farmers, organic or otherwise?
Ghost, I only wish. *sharpens needle*
Jackie, sounds like your daughter did what I do now. Yeah, I took a pay cut going to work for The Boss Of My Life, but that doesn’t include, room, board, three weeks of all-expenses paid vacation a year (though I have to go where they want to go) and an on-site full time physician. We do a couple of burns a year, but The Boss Of My Life just stabilizes the more severe burns and punts them to Parkland. Much to my relief, I might add.
Debbe, you’ll be in our hearts and prayers, sweetie. Let the bad things go past you, but hold on to the good ones with both hands.
Got to share this:
Letter home:
Dear Ma and Pa:
I am well. Hope you are too. Tell Brother Walt and Brother Elmer that the Marine Corps beats working for old man Minch by a mile. Tell them to join up quick before all of the places are filled.
I was restless at first because you got to stay in bed till nearly 6 a.m., but I am getting so I like to sleep late.
Tell Walt and Elmer all you do before breakfast is smooth your cot and shine some things. No hogs to slop, feed to pitch, mash to mix, wood to split, fire to lay… practically nothing.
Men got to shave but it’s not so bad… there’s warm water.
Breakfast is strong on trimmings like fruit juice, cereal, eggs, bacon, etc., but kind of weak on chops, potatoes, ham, steak, fried eggplant, pie, and other regular food.
Tell Walt and Elmer you can always sit by the two city boys that live on coffee. Their food plus yours holds you ’til noon when you get fed again. It’s no wonder these city boys can’t walk much.
We go on “route marches,” which the platoon sergeant says are long walks to harden us. If he thinks so, it’s not my place to tell him different. A “route march” is about as far as to our mailbox at home.
Then the city guys get sore feet and we all ride back in trucks.
The country is nice but awful flat. The sergeant is like a school teacher. He nags a lot. The captain is like the school board. Majors and colonels just ride around and frown. They don’t bother you none. This next will kill Walt and Elmer with laughing. I keep getting medals for shooting. I don’t know why. The bulls-eye is near as big as a chipmunk head and don’t move, and it ain’t shooting at you like the Higgett boys at home. All you got to do is lie there all comfortable and hit it. You don’t even load your own cartridges. They come in boxes.
Then we have what they call hand-to-hand combat training. You get to wrestle with them city boys. I have to be real careful though, they break real easy.
It ain’t like fighting with that ole bull at home. I’m about the best they got in this except for that Tug Jordan from over in Silver Lake. I only beat him once. He joined up the same time as me, but I’m only 5’6″ and 130 pounds and he’s 6’8″ and near 300 pounds dry.
Be sure to tell Walt and Elmer to hurry and join up before other fellers get onto this setup and come stampeding on in.
Your loving daughter,
I have said it before, but I believe in Political Politeness, not Political Correctness. Too many points of view to determine what is correct, but trying to understand the other person’s perspective based on their background is much easier. Even if you make a wrong assumption, you listen and learn. The best way to love a person is to listen to them.
Alice must be Will Stockdale’s granddaughter.