I know service has been a bit spotty around here lately, so I’m trying to make it up with this little three-day series, presented without interruption for your viewing pleasure. Thinking of a title for today’s post, it occurred to me that no variety of establishment goes for awful puns in a name more than hair salons, at least around these parts. It’s always something like Mane Event, A Cut Above or Hair It Is. You get the idea. When I was a boy, my mother worked as a hairdresser in a shop named Beauty Unlimited. It certainly was a disingenuous name, but at least it wasn’t a lame attempt at a pun. Me, I got my hair cut at Ozzie’s Barber Shop.

Hair Today, Grown Tomorrow
By Jimmy Johnson
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189 responses to “Hair Today, Grown Tomorrow”
Ditto, Jackie. My time in the higher education system was spent with the spawn, ah, offspring of governors, senators, multimillionaires and even a Churchill (yes, of that Churchill family), but you know, I was never impressed by what they were, what they had, or where they went. I was, though, impressed by the character they (some of them) had.
Food for Thought for Today—
In his book “Cowboy Ethics”, James P. Owen put forth these principles:
Live Each Day with Courage
Take Pride in Your Work
Always Finish What You Start
Do What Has to Be Done
Be Tough, But Fair
When You Make A Promise, Keep It
Ride For the Brand
Talk Less and Say More
Remember That Some Things Aren’t For Sale
Know Where to Draw the Line
“Always finish . . ..” is my major weakness.
“Ride for the Brand.” Meaning?
Jackie Monies: “What matters in life is what is inside the person and the soul and you will only learn that if you are open to people of all shapes, sizes, colors, ethnicity, wealth or circumstances. When you judge people because of where they shop, that is so trivial it doesn’t warrant discussion!”
Well said. Brings to mind a recent New Yorker article and the major theme of G&S. I think there’s a column in that.
Well said, and I agree in principle. But who goes out of their way to consciously make a friend of different “shapes, sizes, colors, ethnicity, wealth or circumstances?” Especially if they may not want to be friends with you? I have tried to make a friend of a woman of a different “ethnicity” whom I worked closely with, only to hear second hand that she was making fun of me. It’s hard enough to make friends, even with people very like yourself. All five of my co-workers are of the same “ethnicity” as me and I only get along well with one.
P.S. Re # 120, above, the 1030 service and the following ‘picnic’ [in the church basement] went well. Thanks for asking.
This time, atypically, many brought fresh fruit. The is a big bowl half full of red seedless in the fridge in the church lounge kitchen. Enjoy.
EMb: “Ride for the brand” means if you sign on to work for someone, be loyal to them.
EMB- “Ride for the brand” means to be loyal to your employer/company/ranch who brands the cows. It is loyalty to those for whom you are responsible in your job. Faithfulness.
Thank you for the compliment. I am taking a “dirt break” before I have to go fill the pots I cleaned with some fresh soil to bring back up to pot tops. A plague of locusts hit my iris foliage, chewing it to bits. Because of disability, I garden in pots a lot, most of them huge, like 24-30 inches across.
I subscribe to cowboy ethics. When I went to ag school back in early 60’s there were 5 women but about 1000 cowboys. I learned what real cowboys believed and lived and how to tell if the belt buckle meant anything when they wore it. They do have a strong moral compass in most cases. I see the current crop of “cowboy churches” and understand why they are there.
Charlotte, I think of why my life has been so interesting, which it has. God gave me the intelligence and the beauty and a lot of talent. It was mine to use or not use but it wasn’t anything that I did myself, just a gift. I chose to be me and find my own path at an early age and I have, no matter if a rocky road or a golden highway.
Interesting lives are due to personal decisions and the path you take when the doors close or the road hits a road block. You just go on and don’t whine about it.
As a public speaker I have always told audiences that no talent we have is of our making, it is God given and we can learn, study, practice, improve but we cannot give ourselves any abilities on our own without that gift.
Love, Jackie Monies (back to the dirt!)
Lily: You’re right, that can be a tough call. I try to be open to the possibility.
It’s easier if you grow up in a metro city. One of my best friends is ‘full-blooded’ Chinese. Doesn’t speak or write a word of it [parents only used it at home when they wanted to leave the boys out of it]. Known him since 3rd grade but only became friends in high school, ’44-’47. Magnet school [boys only then] for science/math geeks, but of all ethnic and religious persuasions. Mostly Jewish then, mostly Asian and coed now. Then, and maybe now, many second-generation immigrant. Stimulating. My other two closest H.S. buddies were a German background secular Jew [not WW II refugee] and a third generation bilingual Italian.
Cornell population about equally varied, + regional input from outside the NE, but the girl I wooed and later married was another red-headed Anglo ‘upstate’ New Yorker. Stats say that is common. But the other three males ‘married-out’.
“Moral compass”? What a quaint term! Sadly.
According to AccuWeather.com…
“A strong push of autumn-like air will invade the North Central states this week and will bring the risk of frost, as well as the chance of a bit of snow to some locations. The chilliest air since last spring will push southward from Canada and across the northern and central Plains, Midwest and the eastern slopes of the Rockies, prior to the middle of September.”
Perhaps it was just me, but it seemed like a damned short summer.
We had a very nice summer, the nicest in memory, everybody agrees, but like all Texans, I am not sorry to see it go. Roll on, October!
Holy fudge! I have been bit by the new car bug. And even worse, it was obviously the “muscle car” variety of bug. That fact became manifest when I realized how much time I’ve been spending lately surfing the InterWebNet for Mustang-porn, Camaro-porn, Charger-porn, etc.
I know, I know…all I have to do is stay out of new car dealerships for a while, all the time reciting the mantra, “First year depreciation. Oooooom. Gas mileage. Oooooom. Practicality. Oooooom.” But you can probably tell what a practical-type of guy I am.
Actually, I’d always planned to buy a “retirement” (read: new) vehicle at some point prior to retirement. But the way things are looking, it may be a rebuilt engine and new paint job for the one I have now. 🙂
The new ones are pretty and I see a lot of them but when I drive the ’72 with a +++ engine everyone comes running. It’s in storage while the house is being built but next year is coming.
Falling somewhere between emb’s and Lily’s generation, my experience was of growing up knowing a number of people who would have been classified as “second-generation immigrant”. Looking back, it seems to me they were so well assimilated into American society that their national derivation not only never became an issue, it was never even thought about. Now, however, far too many immigrant groups seem to feel that assimilation into their new society is somehow a bad thing and must be avoided. I see the unfortunate pervasiveness of “hyphenated Americans” to be not at all a good thing.
For “multiculturalism” to actually work, it has to be a two-say street. Polarization is not our friend.
Not, strictly speaking, a “sports related” production to open Sunday Night Football, but I’m not complaining. 🙂
“Multi-culturalism” is just PC garbage. So is “diversity.” They are the holy grails of the PC crowd… they spend too much time counting heads, crowing or griping about how many of each group has shown up, and never getting to know the individuals as the wonderful people they are (or are not).
As Kipling put it:
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son!
I regard the various training courses (sensitivity, consciousness-raising, etc.) to be the PC version of the communist “re-education camps” — and I will never attend one.
Texas has four seasons: almost summer, summer, still summer, and Christmas.
Our posts reminded me that I’d heard of a barber shop in the area that might do actual shaves, so I looked it up and found it’s about 15 miles from my house. I went Saturday afternoon and enjoyed a very good shave and a haircut at a very reasonable price, though it’s now a tad more than two bits.
Trucker: “I regard the various training courses (sensitivity, consciousness-raising, etc.) to be the PC version of the communist “re-education camps” — and I will never attend one.”
You and I are some distance apart on several issues, but we agree on this one. Unfortunately, you can be sentenced by a court to attend that sort of thing, or required by an employer, church, school, or other private or public authority to do so. And if you contradict the dogma, you flunk.
I wonder what the details of postwar “de-nazification” were, and how well it really worked.
I did a search, but bogged down. Did not run across anything about the re-education aspect, but it may be there. Bedtime.
Trucker Ron — well put. And I’m glad to see some of Kipling’s poem; not well known nowadays, more’s the pity.
Jackie — more of your always excellent advice and life wisdom. Trying to remember some philosophy that I used to see, but haven’t for a long time; it’s about “charm” but something more meaningful I can’t remember the word for. You have to be born with it. “If you don’t have it, nothing is going to help you in your relations with other people; if you have it, you don’t need anything else.” This is a poor and awkward version of the … aphorism? but you see what it’s getting at.
Ghost, I not only believe in a moral compass but that we all have a “true north” to which it should point.
Daughter is out with dad shopping for a new/used Ford SUV. She was stunned that he sat in car at every stop and would not go in, as he was once a car salesmen after being in sales all his life. She had always car shopped with mom who was a terror to used car salesmen.
She had NOT heard about my method of cruising used car lots in days before computers and refusing to get out of car. On one lot an obnoxious lot salesman put his arm into car window to unlock my door and insisted on me getting out. I rolled up window after asking him to remove arm and proceeded to drive away with him in tow. He removed the arm before I did.
If you need help fending off aggressive/tricky salesmen, email me and I will come help. I used to sell about 18-20 Lincolns per month (or lease) by being polite and a lady but that does not apply to the other side of the coin if need be!
Charlotte, thank you again, I have a friend who is even older than me who says I am the only true Southern lady he has known with exception of his mother and grandmother from Texas. What he means is what you said and Trucker Ron, it is not a false façade, it is with you 24 hours a day. Except when dealing with rude car salesmen and I probably did say “Please remove your arm from my car window.”
I once told a burglar in my condominium that I believed he was in the wrong unit and had mistakenly unlocked the wrong door?
Love, Jackie Monies
Jackie: That is one lucky burglar. If it had been in our casa,I would have two-tapped him from the next door over. If I could keep Neesh off him that long
Debbe 😉 Hoping the eggs get bigger real soon.