I know service has been a bit spotty around here lately, so I’m trying to make it up with this little three-day series, presented without interruption for your viewing pleasure. Thinking of a title for today’s post, it occurred to me that no variety of establishment goes for awful puns in a name more than hair salons, at least around these parts. It’s always something like Mane Event, A Cut Above or Hair It Is. You get the idea. When I was a boy, my mother worked as a hairdresser in a shop named Beauty Unlimited. It certainly was a disingenuous name, but at least it wasn’t a lame attempt at a pun. Me, I got my hair cut at Ozzie’s Barber Shop.

Hair Today, Grown Tomorrow
By Jimmy Johnson
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189 responses to “Hair Today, Grown Tomorrow”
Good morning Villagers..
Jackie, so good to see you are posting again. Enjoy your writing…glad you got to get away for awhile, you have a big even coming up…pace yourself, and it is really good new to hear your husband is doing much better….God Bless you and yours.
Finally got some much needed sleep.
Off to work….still handpacking eggs…and The Boss saw my first ‘growl’ day yesterday…I was not a happy camper…stinking eggs, they need to hurry and a get bigger and go through the packer….hate, and I say HATE hand packing stinking eggs.
Gotta go…..
Happy Caterday
On subject…I cut my own hair. I part it down the middle in the back, bring it forward….then taking my ‘pinking’ sheers to it 🙂 Works for me….and I don’t care if people say I’m too old for long hair. I wear it in a bun on top at work.
Oh Janis…next you’ll be saying there is no Santa……
….and the Easter Bunny does not lay colored eggs….
Tom in S.O.:
I was thinking the same thing when I posted my comment.
A couple of months ago, I was in one of those family hair care places (I think male barbers are extinct), and I asked the young woman if she could use a razor on my neck. I told her that, if she didn’t have a straight razor, a safety razor would be fine.
No luck.
She said that she would have had to take more classes and more tests to be state certified for a straight razor.
And the old ways continue to pass away.
Today’s strip is great JJ !
War Eagle !
Big orange Garfield cat has obviously missed me, he gets up on head of bed and my head, refuses to give an inch. Or else I took his spot?
Thinking about art and artists, back when Mike dealt with a lot of them they were known to trade art for meals, board, other bartering. I keep wishing my in-laws had liked George Rodrigue instead of the artists they did like. There is a restaurant named the Blue Dog Café down on corner from their old house, full of Rodrigue art, father in law built the restaurant for original owner but it has succeeded as Blue Dog, no connection except current owner collects. Or maybe they bartered?
In fact, when I did festivals and arts and crafts shows, artists LOVED to be positioned by my jellies and jams (motto “Jelly Eaters Are Sweet People) because it drew such crowds. Then at end of show they would come barter paintings for cases of handmade jellies. Which brings up thought, what the heck happened to those paintings? Texas blue bonnets, sand dunes and sea oats, Gulf water and sand? Just things I liked, not because they brought anything but good memories to equation.
I think that is what art should do. Although I would love to own a Wyeth or a Rodrigue, even a signed limited edition print, it would be because it brought me joy, not financial value or investment.
Like my Remington, just a good print from a museum catalog.
Love, Jackie
Good morning, Villagers. Jackie, among the arty friends of The Boss Of My Life (and mine, too, some of them) “bluebonnets” or “bluebonnet painting”is a term of derision, meaning about the same as Kitsch. That is kind of the point to my favorite portrait of me at Friends’ house in front of their bizarre fireplace topped by…a bluebonnet painting! Or so I am assured. Anyway, that is my favorite painting of me. She caught my grin, though I don’t wear my hair like that any more
See here:
Re: Saturday’s Strip…
I didn’t know Arlo was a LSU fan.
Dang, it keeps erasing the link. Oh, well. I’ll try, try again.
BTW, I love the current subarc of 9CWL. I had somebody spread stories like that about me once.
bill, ye be a might confused. Our Jimmy is an Auburn alumni, class of ’74. It is the good Alabama Tigers he is referencing.
Lily, I think you just made my point about “arty friends”. I am very familiar with your area and the pretentious attitudes of those who deride “blue bonnet painting”. You forget, I was a florist to the “rich and famous” of Texas, along with a husband who sold the most costly and rare wines of Europe to the wine “connoisseurs” of Texas once they legalized sale of alcoholic beverages except as BYOB. And yes, I owned a private showroom of thousands of feet in Houston and worked the Dallas market that catered to all this nonsense.
My point is to the point. This is all pure snobbery and b—–t. If something makes someone happy, whether it be bluebonnets or gnomes in the garden, so be it. I am done and maybe I did laugh about the bus from East Texas having arrived at market, but that is OK. It is all pretense and I just don’t think I could stand it any more, not that I ever did I hope!
Back to cooking hamburgers for my “staff”. Who are working like dogs, along with me!
Love, Jackie
Woke up writing this haiku and just finished it:
You look for orange
And I still smell the heat of June
September fools both.
Oh, and here is my favorite portrait of me, which is not titled “Susie With Bluebonnet Painting”. 😛 :p https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1375080946112354&set=t.100008313841425&type=3&theater
Sorry, Munchkin, it says “currently unavailable” when I try to download. Or perhaps it’s because I don’t have a Book of Faces account. If so, I guess I’ll never know whether or not it’s one of the nudes of you. 😉
To combine the current topics of “snobbery and b—–t” and “hair”, I once did some computer sales and inventory setup for a friend with a hair care products distribution business, and it took me about 7 seconds to determine that hair care products are about 2% product and 98% hype.
GR6, you just explained our shower space. She with the least hair comsumes the most product and has the larger per cut cost.
Tried to link to my Photobucket pic, but it is being horsey about posting it. Maybe this wil work!
Dang! G-rated. 🙂
I believe I’ve seen that painting before, Munchkin, as I recall commenting on the VBB (Visible Bell Button). And who sez you’re flat-chested?
Visible BELLY Button, that is. Unless yours rings when pushed.
Some months ago we had a large picture frame on the wall which inspired me to grab my pitchfork, tell my wife how to pose and we got a great version of American Gothic. Unfortunately my wife hated it, it wasn’t my camera and I don’t think that the picture survived. No, I don’t watch Duck Dynasty, drink Bud beer or drive a Bubba truck.
A 5.3 has hit Easter Island and a 5.9 hit Mexico. The Pacific plate seems be on the move again. Which reminds me, California is running out of water, above and below ground. There is speculation that this may affect earthquakes in the region, although in which direction, more or less, is unknown. Oklahoma can tell you about the fracking earthquakes.
And what if you did, Jerry? No shame on any of three counts. Heck, my kids keep asking me if I was sure I hadn’t dated Phil Robertson and just forgotten about it? I assured them, no, as he had already married Miss Kay, lived in married housing and went to Louisiana Tech where he played football. Even if I forgot, that didn’t happen in 1961.
However, I cannot remember who the third murderer from a REALLY good family was whom I dated. I can remember two of them, but cannot for life of me remember the third? I could once but have forgotten. I keep looking at famous murderers of Louisiana list but names don’t ring a bell. And they all killed multiple people. I just keep saying, “But they were from really good, prominent and historically known families?”
My point is we shouldn’t much care what people think, as long as we aren’t harming others with our idiosyncrasies. Mass murder is socially not acceptable, no matter how good your family tree.
Love, Jackie Monies
Oh yeah, another thought from our family vacation: I am eternally grateful I did not have to room with any of the DuPont family when I got sent away to boarding school to learn to be socially mobile and eat all my food with knives and forks, even corn on the cob. I thought having a Ford and a Sinclair as roommates was a special early gift from the devil to prepare me for life or purgatory. A DuPont outscores a Ford or a Sinclair.
Love, Jackie (going back out to clean more garden beds)
Ghost: Why do you think I said that it is my favorite portrait of me? She did it that way at my suggestion (plea?). And if you think I am going to link any nudes of me, dream on