Since we’ve been at the beach since early last week, I thought we’d stay there. Here’s a little something from summer of 1996 for you to enjoy, and the comments will reset. What more can I do this morning except promise to do better. Happy Birthday, United States!

Happy 4th of July!!!
By Jimmy Johnson
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108 responses to “Happy 4th of July!!!”
Ghost, you are so bad. I am far from bikini candidate or shorts either. I did however do a solid hour of exercise in hotel pool trying to improve general health and mobility. Along with legs for climbing back into boat. Can’t go white water rafting if not mobile and flexible.
Yeah, suit and shirts and all. People here are very outdoor sports oriented. I love it. Met a breeder of Freesian horses in pool with his kids, from Montana, horses trained to dressage and pull Belgian carriage, solid blacks. One meets such interesting people traveling or I do anyway.
There was about 100 women standing in line for interview with a Oklahoma craft store that was hiring alongside pool and exercise center. I reminded myself that but for the grace of God that might be me. Pays to think about what you are once in awhile.
Love Jackie
So after a week’s vacation, everyone asked me how I felt. One word TIRED…ok three AND SORE! I ripped out the old carpet and put in the laminate. Basically 2 full days. But I also had to empty all of he furniture out and put it back. My poor sore arms could barely stand it.
Since I am getting 4-5 trees cut down tomorrow, I decided to pull out the old branches that I had dumped on the side of the property. I did not know a community of bees were residing there. One got my right above the knee. As I finished dragging the rest one bit me through the thick gloves that I was wearing. I decided right then to go into the house and not mow the yard.
As I sat down next to my wife at the kitchen table, I felt a pinch and a dead bee fell out of my shorts and another started flying around the house. My wife went beserk. I grabbed the fly swatter and killed it. Upon further review, I got bit two more times near uh uh, you can guess. Fortunately the leg bites were not bad, but the one on my hand started to really swell. I made to work, but decided to go to urgent care for a steroid shot. The Doctor offered to cut off my wedding ring, but I declined. I am going out of town tonight and the last thing that I want to do is come home without my ring! The Doctor did say that if I started to get numbness or discoloration to go to another urgent care and cut it.
An EMT told me to get an Epi pen. I will consult with my Doctor in a couple of weeks and see what he says.
Steve, here’s a possible way to remove the ring:
I needed my ring cut off about 20 years ago, maybe more. The area near the wound (cat bite) was so swollen the floss trick wouldn’t have stood a chance of working. That was the time when the ER people finally removed the ring – it took a while – and triumphantly pronounced me “dismissed”. Unfortunately, that crew had forgotten the reason I had come: for a tetanus shot. A bit later, that lack was remedied, and I did leave.
Be really careful when using your tape measure, ghost….
OF due at 3:11 CT, give or take :10. People are gathering now, and there does seem to be activity.
Thanks for the link. I have most of his books – all the tool ones for sure.
Now I can hit the library for the others.
What is the Mothers curse “I hope your kids are just like you”
We just pray we do not become like our parents as we age.
Jay Leno did a thing with pictures & Headlines.
FIL ring wore through/broke – ran into house to MIL “I’m free”
I don’t wear rings, Have seen too many times what can happen.
Back later
Old Bear, you are welcome. Try this link:*&destination=us¤cy=USD&mode=basic&st=sr&ac=qr
Maybe you will get lucky and find some at estate or yard sales. I have looked around here for books at such sales, but no one ever seems to have the ones I like.
Steve in R O, heavens, what an awful time you had! I’m so sorry you had to go through all that! After those stings, you probably ought to get the EPI pen as soon as possible — those wasps or hornets are very likely still around your yard, or there’s another nest not far away. You know, you could actually die from a sting, you aren’t ready to go yet, for sure! It’s a scary thought, so call the doctor right away!
c ex-p, I have to know the subject of my “math calculations” really well to break out the tape measure. (Which has happened.) But I also use my finely-celebrated Mrk 1 Mod 0 Eyeball for gathering info on the fly…which is greatly aided these days by studying photos snapped with my trusty smart phone. π
Charlotte, it’s good to see you made it through our forced hiatus well.
Denise, re embiggenate/enbiggenate for “make larger”, I suppose that is one problem with made-up words…there’s no officially sanctioned spelling for them. π
Lady Mindy, one could almost hope that your continued absence is due to being busy attending many, many job interviews.
Jackie, don’t stop working to obtain the best body (and the best health) you possibly can. You will thank yourself for that.
Symply Fargone, reasons to visit Alabama. Including the museum with the largest motorcycle collection in the country.
I haven’t been able to wear my ring for years. My wife and I have talked about perhaps getting matching Celtic ring tattoos but we haven’t gotten around to it yet.
Jackie, if you wear a bikini, you will have a bikini body. If you wear short shorts, you will have a short shorts body. Life is too short to worry about what other people think.
I don’t worry about what other people think when I look in a mirror. I just stand there wondering what happened?!?!
After my brother in law died, my sister took their wedding rings and made them into earrings. They’re the only pair she wears.
Gary, I said I didn’t have the body yet, I didn’t say there weren’t any in the suitcase! That would explain the yoga shorts and tees and the bikini bottom I suppose.
Working On The Body BUT it is what it is. At least most people think 50 now, strange but that makes me happy.
Love Jackie
The sad thing for me, Jackie, is that I’m fifty-three and people on the street think I’m over 60. I don’t have to ask for the senior discount, they just give it. I’m more than a little bit like that horse that was, “rode hard and put up wet.” Good news is that the new (to me) kidney is working well.
Awfully glad you and the kidney are in such good shape!
David I am actually amazed to be alive since I wasn’t supposed to ever make it to half this age. My body never worked although I have managed to avoid kidney failure or any organs totally. Since I never expected to have much of a life I suppose I lived a lot like there would be no tomorrow and kept going.
That isn’t much advise I suppose but sometimes it’s all you can do.
Boy, is this a bad Jimmy Buffet album! No, I really am listening to a bomb of his.
Love Jackie
Many years ago when my MIL hit the discount age – we asked for senior discount
We got a 10% discount for a 20% smaller portion. Now I don’t have to ask.
Steve from RO
Did you know anyone named Yentz.
After all this time I remembered they lived in RO.
You may say that it is a big place but after meeting:
My next door neighbors minister at Sturbridge Village
My MIL friend’s neighbor at Woodstock Fair
A neighbor from 4 farms over at Hartford Airport
All 1500 miles from home
A fellow that knew my best man 250 miles away
A customer that went to school with my brother in northern MN
A teacher here in MN whose father knows people I know in Sweden
The world is not that big – that is why I ask. 6 degrees of separation.
Now I (should be underlined) don’t have to ask
Debbe π I won’t ask you ever did this, hon. π
Debbe π (Bonus Track) Some contend that this is the greatest rock song, ever. I don’t know if I’d go quite that far, but it ain’t chopped liver.
I’m the exact opposite, David. I’m closing in on 66, but most people think I’m in my early to middle 50’s. There’s some gray in my sideburns, and a little patch of it in my mustache, but that’s it. And, I’ve always had good posture so I don’t need to walk all bent over even though I do have osteoporosis.
Good morning Villagers…..
Yup, the ‘hookah’ remark in yesterday’s real time strip caught my ‘attention’….”hookah’, I thought, I wonder how many would get it…..never read any of the TDS comments.
Denise…that is too funny….and no, you could not have made it up.
Mark, I am going to have to see that movie, going to research it here in a little bit. I remember it being discussed, but that’s about it….again…the mind goes first
Jerry, I too loved the movie “The Apostle”, Duvall wrote, starred and directed it. I wonder how many TV evangelists he watched to get it down right.
Stinking packer sprung a spring…down another hour….went looking for dead hens, and it was a miserable 85 degrees in there…fortunately, there’s a front sliding in, and the high today will be in mid seventies…..humid still.
Indy Mindy….come out, come out, where ever you are :).
TR…that’s funny….where it went…..mine are heading south π
Steve…I’m with Miss Charlotte…get that EPI pen…we have one here for emergencies….I am terrified, like your wife, of bees, wasps, hornets, etc.
ya’ll have a blessed day….