A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Hue, a Mouse!

By Jimmy Johnson

There have been some interesting comments and questions about this colorization business. They’ve caused me to mull over the subject, and I realize I could write an essay. Maybe I will, but for now let me address a few points. I am, of course, referring to my bit of recent news that I am assuming the duties of coloring the daily A&J strips, something heretofore done by a third party provided by Andrews & McMeel Syndication. First, this really is no big deal. Most cartoonists already perform this task for themselves, indeed, would have it no other way. It is something I should have been doing all along. No one at the syndicate or elsewhere is making me do this. And I am not disgruntled with the colorization done on my behalf by others. I know there has been some colorful weirdness on occasion and perhaps a day-to-day sameness—think Arlo’s red shirt. However, let me emphasize: this all was on me. I hardly ever communicated instructions to a colorist, and I am a notorious deadline pusher. Rarely has there been much time for a colorist to exercise his chops. In fact, I appreciate all that has been done on my behalf by a long parade of anonymous toilers. Coloring the daily strips simply is something I’ve needed to take on for a long time, and now I have. I’ll talk more about color and its role in a general sense.

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"

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63 responses to “Hue, a Mouse!”

  1. Debbe Avatar

    1st 🙂

    Jackie….doing ok? I know yur not in the best of health….as I’ve said before, yu have the best prescription on yur side..Take care….I need your cheerleading.

    Have to go out and grocery shop…it’s all down hill tomorrow, and if you think I’m going to get out in this muck..you are nuttier than I.

    Thank you Mark…. I’ve add those to my bookmarks….and they were pretty darn funny.

    Feeling much better..after a 15 hour nap…and I mean a deep, sleep. See the phone rang, my sister, and why I got up to talk to her I have no idea….but hey, the floors looked grreat and I just has socks on…not my bubble sock….

    gonna bow out for a while…..

  2. Debbe Avatar

    I would be interested in knowing if any Villagers have experienced seizures…and the after effect. Seems I don’t remember much..it’s frustrating


    Jackie got her last BIG BAD chemo and is feeling pretty good. Got up and went down and picked up breakfast at hotel buffet for Ghost and Dickens. They are both in bed again. I had half a waffle with honey.

    Must be feeling better as I am having one of my insane pre birthday fits. Think I will open a small business for my 74th birthday, a very small one. Planned it last night while having insomnia. Now to implement plan.

    Mark is part to blame for the idea but just part since I moved here 24 years ago with the idea.


    Jimmy, perhaps coloration is only important to those of us who consider cartoons an art form.

    I know you do but as a purist you drew for black and white in traditional inking. The colors were applied by the street urchins and impoverished women up in the airless and lightless garret provided by the syndicate. Think 18th and 19th century coloring.

    Seriously your coloring improves the strips for me and perhaps others. Thank you for doing it. I hated the syndicates coloring but it seems they may have had cause?

    Naw? Not foot dragging cartoonists?

  5. DJJG7 Avatar

    At one time, not really so very long ago, there were big comic pages (more or less), not strips, like Outcault’s Hogan’s Alley. The strips were new, like Mutt and Jeff. Coloring strips every day is another innovation. Internet!

    Gee! What if A&J had to be one huge page!

  6. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    The big Sunday color pages DJJG7 talks about were originally done to promote the newspaper’s new color print ability. They turned into something so popular that the newspaper chains used to steal each other’s cartoonists. Things have not changed for the better here.

    Glad you liked those cat sites, Debbe and Jackie. Also glad to hear both of you are making progress. Keep it up. I’m still fighting whatever got hold of me the Friday before New Year, think it was the flu. I am improved but not back to normal yet (as normal as I get, anyway).

  7. curmudgeonly ex-professor Avatar
    curmudgeonly ex-professor

    See my post under the previous cartoon page for the Berry College eagle site. Two eggs are already being incubated.
    Might as well just resupply the address: http//www.berry.edu/eaglecam/ Enjoy watching them….

  8. curmudgeonly ex-professor Avatar
    curmudgeonly ex-professor

    insert : after http

  9. Bookworm Avatar

    Jimmy, are they paying you more for doing your own coloring? It does look so much better!

  10. mindful webworker Avatar

    Just checked out the A&J color dailies this week compared to last. Looks t’me like a more subtle, woodsy palette, shaded backgrounds. Nice.

    In ’96 I got a website, thinking to advertise my Matt Feazell-inspired xerographed, monochrome (of course) “mini-comics.” I scanned one comic as promo – and colored it – and as it went up on the web, the light bulb went on over my head. Easy color! World wide (potentially) distribution! No paper, xeroxing, staples or mailing! Print is dead!

    Yeah, seems like this color thing, and this web thing, might be here to stay.

  11. Old Bear Avatar
    Old Bear

    Same Salmon colored sofa – only different Salmon.
    Subtle is good – more like the rest of us live.
    When JJ looks in our windows will he be checking the background
    as well as the action?

    Debbe if you fall protect your head – a friend fell and got concussed. It has
    been a year and she is not over it. She is getting better but it is slow.

  12. Llee Avatar

    Fever seizure or epileptic kind, Debbe? And did you get checked out????

    nope, I didn’t remember either but the sleep after was reallllllllly refreshing

  13. Judy in Conroe Avatar
    Judy in Conroe

    The coloring definitely gives a richer experience to the comics. I was interested to see a big change in hair color. Janis was a brownette and is now auburn (subtle tribute?). Arlo was lemon yellow and now is maize. Nice.

  14. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Some more funnies for the cat people: http://www.funnycatpix.com/

  15. Sideburns Avatar

    Debbe, I loved that article. Did you notice that the itty bitty cat’s a tabby?

  16. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Good morning Jimmy. I really like the new coloring, much more natural and less cartoony. Thanks for taking that over.

    Sideburns/Debbe, a cute little kitty for sure. Surprised how small it is but designed/adapted for its niche. Hope the article doesn’t stir up the pet trade to try to get hold of them.

  17. Steve from Royal Oak, MI Avatar

    I went to the comics sight and clicked “Random” and came up with this gem. Boy did it remind me of my Mom.


  18. Debbe Avatar

    good Morning Villagers….

    Sideburns, I can see the tabby markings in its face…and yes, Mark and you are right, they are cute bundles of fur. Mark, I am sure there is already an illegal trade going on…tragic how humans can’t let life be, be happy for what you do have…off my soap box.

    Need to pick up cat food and liter before this ice/snow comes this evening…and more milk and chocolate milk for Dad

    be safe

    GR….how is Jackie doing? I am faring better..I think

  19. Debbe Avatar

    Steve…I’ve not used an alarm clock in years…but when I do, it has to be a Big Ben. Nothing says good morning like when your husband has to ‘peel’ you and a couple of cats off of the ceiling.


  20. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Jackie is doing better than Ghost. Now I know how much snot a nose can hold!

    An infinite amount apparently.

    I worry and worry and he says ” It is breaking up Baby, I am getting better” and then he keeps on crudding.

    I love this man to pieces even when he refused to seek medical care, even third aid, forget first.

  21. sandcastler™ Avatar

    Those mornings when getting up is critical, I just let our trusty live in Alexa roust us awake. Give her the time and type of wake up music; presto she does it.

  22. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Haven’t used an alarm clock since I got a smartphone. Easier to set and to find a sound that will wake me up without sticking me to the ceiling.

  23. Steve from Royal Oak, MI Avatar

    I use both my smart phone and the clock radio set to the all-news station. I get the sports right away and then traffic/weather by the time I go to my shower.

    I hate being awakened by a ring and if I wake to music, it can be a ear-worm. I have not listened to a radio music station for years as the banter drives me crazy


    Dickens is now officially the Ghost dog. I got up about 7.30 a.m. and went to kitchen. Just now looked in his dog bed and no dog under table.

    Found him in bedroom cuddled sleeping with Ghost! He never got up. Ghost is the alpha dog and he loves Ghost.

    Ghost says Dickens is a total chick magnet of course being so adorably adorable.