There have been some interesting comments and questions about this colorization business. They’ve caused me to mull over the subject, and I realize I could write an essay. Maybe I will, but for now let me address a few points. I am, of course, referring to my bit of recent news that I am assuming the duties of coloring the daily A&J strips, something heretofore done by a third party provided by Andrews & McMeel Syndication. First, this really is no big deal. Most cartoonists already perform this task for themselves, indeed, would have it no other way. It is something I should have been doing all along. No one at the syndicate or elsewhere is making me do this. And I am not disgruntled with the colorization done on my behalf by others. I know there has been some colorful weirdness on occasion and perhaps a day-to-day sameness—think Arlo’s red shirt. However, let me emphasize: this all was on me. I hardly ever communicated instructions to a colorist, and I am a notorious deadline pusher. Rarely has there been much time for a colorist to exercise his chops. In fact, I appreciate all that has been done on my behalf by a long parade of anonymous toilers. Coloring the daily strips simply is something I’ve needed to take on for a long time, and now I have. I’ll talk more about color and its role in a general sense.

Hue, a Mouse!
By Jimmy Johnson
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63 responses to “Hue, a Mouse!”
My computer is in my bedroom and being Linux, it’s always running. I wrote a little shell script once that sets up a one-time job to play Reveille when I need an alarm clock.
temp is dropping fast in Tulsa. It was 52 at 6am. Now it’s 29 with a windchill of 24. At least Weather Underground took the snow showers out of the forecast!
I guess it’s so cold we all retired early….
Because of medical expenses that wiped out our savings, I certainly won’t retire early, if at all!
today’s- great Jimmy! never saw it coming……
lovely shading
So now we know the password!
The temperature in my car dropped from 39° to 34° in 20 minutes as I drove west (into the cold front). The high at midnight was 45° and the low is expected to be 11°. It was fairly heavy rain this morning, so we were happy for the 39°. Possibly get 2″-4″ of snow today and cold to stay through the weekend. Hey it’s winter. El Nino is doing her magic.
Yesterday it was 59° and it was delightful to walk during my lunch hour. Then I missed stepped on the edge of the sidewalk and thankfully did not twist my ankle, but lost my balance and fell to the ground. I was wearing beige pants, so I spent the rest of the afternoon looking like I slip into 2nd base!
Delicious detail today, agreed! How did Arlo ever find out? I don’t know any passwords like that.
Steve from Royal Oak, MI: High in Tulsa was 58 Wednesday with overnight low of 52. Yesterday it dropped from 52 to the 20’s. This morning it was 14. And I thought Alabama had changeable weather. Rodgers and Hammerstein nailed it with the line about the “wind whistling across the plain”.
It’s 65 degrees where Arlo is playing cards.
Love today’s new strip! Great art, color and funny! Total winner.
Anyone else here besides me with three hours credit in college level meat cutting and meat judging?
Home run Jimmy.
Didn’t see the last panel coming in today’s offering. Excellent punch line, or as Batman would say, POW!!!”
Okay, NOW I know why Husband likes to stop at Costco so often on his way home from work. That explains so much!
Went back to check out details. Love the details, tiny amounts of colors that add to design and story.
Like the dirty apron and the steaks, the red bell. Big results from correct use of colors to direct the storyline.
I’ve never known of that in supermarkets. Auto repair shops, now…
Well we got up to 0*
Growing Old:
Actually I’m not complaining because I am a Senager. (Senior teenager) I have everything that I wanted as a teenager, only 60 years later. I don’t have to go to school or work. I get an allowance every month. I have my own pad. I don’t have a curfew. I have a driver’s license and my own car. The people I hang around with are not scared of getting pregnant. And I don’t have acne.
Life is great!
Old Bear: Great attitude, but I have a few more things than when I was a teen. A new hip. Arthritis, no energy and I look pregnant! lol
You are a Bionic Man – $6 million won’t get Lee Majors very far these days.
Are you related to a Seahorse?
This fellow is making a Marble Machine
but enjoy this:
Old Bear, before the jukebox:
neat stuff, fellas!
been two years as of the tenth….sigh!
…and with the ice and snow….definitely a bright sight here in SIN…about 4 inches on top of how much ice??….now, to hope the garage door opens 🙂
Good Morning Llee…. 🙂