A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

“I did! I did saw a pudd…”

By Jimmy Johnson

January 9, 2010

My resolution this year is to fix up my work space, my studio. Don’t get excited: that’s my resolution every year. However, I have given the ol’ digs its annual partial cleaning, and if things proceed apace, I might just post pictures. I think what you might find surprising is that the walls include very little cartoon art. I have a Pogo strip by Walt Kelly and a drawing of Alfred E. Neuman by Jack Davis. I have no work of my own hanging anywhere in the house. Perhaps I should hang some A&J art in my garage/shop, to remind me to get back to real work.

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63 responses to ““I did! I did saw a pudd…””

  1. Bob Avatar

    Interesting coincidence – yesterday there was a dead bird laying right outside our back slider door. Funny thing is, we don’t have a cat, only 3 dogs.

    1. Jackie Avatar

      Bird probably flew into glass of door, killing itself.

      1. Bob Avatar

        Possible, but with the door being in a sheltered corner, lower level of two stories, and a dark room behind it, the bird would have needed to be nearly blind.

  2. Ghost Avatar

    What? Jimmy has no “I love me” wall in his studio?? I’m shocked; shocked, I tell you!
    Of course, I’m not really. In fact, that’s what I would have expected.

  3. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    No such thing as free Chardonnay? But what’s a peek between spouses?

  4. Steve From Royal Oak, MI Avatar

    At least Jimmy has grown out of drawing on walls….I can remember getting my bottom swatted for that!

  5. Ghost Avatar

    Re the 1-8-21 real-time cartoon: For some reason, I’m reminded of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition. (Do they still have those?) In the doldrums of winter, they would publish a spread of photos, usually made on an exotic beach somewhere, of pulchritudinous and pneumatic young ladies wearing very skimpy swimwear (and sometimes wearing less than that…much less than that), as a way to brighten the mood of their “readers”. So, perhaps today’s cartoon is Jimmy’s version of that. Not to mention that it includes the implied promise of alcohol-fueled whoopie. (Which, come to think of it, was likely a feature of the SI edition as well.)

    1. TruckerRon Avatar

      The past few years the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition has included said P&P young ladies wearing only some paint. Years ago a company sold printers with an ad that featured such a young lady at various DPI, pointing out that only at the highest resolution could you see her swimsuit was painted on her. The idea, of course, was that quality matters.

  6. David in Granbury Avatar
    David in Granbury

    Interesting that the heading italics put everything on the page in italics. I used an end-italics HTML code at the start of my message.
    For today’s comic, I wondered who mops the bathroom after Janis’ bath? There seems to be a lot of water slopping out of the tub. No sign of bubble-bath bubbles, either. Possibly for the audience’s (Arlo) viewing pleasure?

    1. David in Granbury Avatar
      David in Granbury

      Seems the end-italic code didn’t work– oh well.

      1. TruckerRon Avatar

        A few years ago I did something similar with the bold HTML code. At least italics is easier on the eyes!

  7. JrzyGirl Avatar

    This is EXACTLY why we closed up our cat door. Okay, so the cat door is in the basement, AND it’s two levels up to get to the bedrooms. So, one fine morning, I awoke to find that our boy, Malcolm, had dragged a headless rabbit up all those stairs and was hunkered down in the linen closet, guarding his trophy…

  8. Jackie Avatar

    When I was young I liked to drink “soda pop” wine in the bath tube. We had huge 20 X 20 bathroom with 14 foot ceilings in our little garden district shotgun, a previous owner turned a full sized room into bath.

    I drank Mateus Rose, the cheapest wine we sold and switched to sparkling Mateus when it came out. It was fun, even alone, no Arlo.
    Then I was diagnosed with pancreatitis in my late 20s and drinking stopped.

    Briefly got to resume bathtub wine when Ghost arrived but cancer came about same time. You can’t drink with cancer or shouldn’t.

  9. TruckerRon Avatar

    It would never occur to me to try CPR on a baby elephant!

  10. Ron Penton Avatar
    Ron Penton

    Long time fan, first time on this web site.
    Our local newspaper, the New Haven Register, stopped printing Arlo and Janis on Jan 1.
    I’ve written to the editor to complain, but am wondering if there are more fans in the New Haven area who can join me and help by writing more letters to the editor.
    Write to Helen Bennett at Helen.Bennett@hearstmediact.com

    1. Ghost Avatar

      To everyone affected…please do make your feelings known. Last year, My Small Town in the Deep South three-editions-a-week newspaper discontinued about 75% of the cartoons on their comics page. A&J was one of them, along with a number of old-line strips. The hue-and-cry must have been epic, as the change lasted less than a week.
      Probably not helping the paper’s defense that they were just trying to “improve” things was the fact they also dropped the horoscope. I thought it had been established many years ago that discontinuing the horoscope was the “third rail” of print newspapers.

  11. Ghost Avatar

    Re 1-9-21 real-time cartoon: Although Arlo might beg to differ. Relax, Arlo; Janis’s weight loss wouldn’t be localized to just your favorite areas.
    I think I did OK, weight-wise, during the holidays. Part of that, sadly, was from Jackie and I never finding time to have any holiday meals. Tomorrow is my weekly weight-in day, so we shall see.

    1. Ghost Avatar

      Sitting at my desk now, awaiting the arrival of Jackie’s home health nurse, to check her surgical incision. And yes, this is a Saturday.
      God bless our healthcare professionals, not just during the Days of COVID-19, but every day.

      1. TruckerRon Avatar

        Also the first responders, both volunteer and paid, who are willing to take risks to save our lives.

  12. Jackie Avatar

    My surgeon has us coming in Monday to Tulsa (somehow) about suspect area not healing properly as reported by home wound care nurse and computer photo. Home health care also worked on New Year’s day..

    I am impressed by their care and my recovery.

  13. Jackie Avatar

    Ghost has been cooking tasty delicious diabetic meals for me, generous portions that cover all the food groups. I am allowed 1800 calories per day but we are not even pushing limit or close.

    He is using little salt or fats so heart diet being met too Janis not only one losing pounds.

  14. TruckerRon Avatar

    I’m in a different spot in my health journey. These past 11 years since my SCA event I have been repeatedly told my sodium levels were falling (hyponatremia). Since I finally started adding salt to my diet (about a tsp per day) I’ve actually started losing some weight and am no longer having nocturnal leg cramps.

  15. Old Bear Avatar
    Old Bear

    My go to is Dill Pickle Juice for leg cramps –
    couple tablespoons or 1/4 juice glass.
    Preventive or:
    Kills cramps in about 15 seconds – your results may vary.

  16. Jackie Avatar

    The elevated dangerously high potassium levels eleminate many foods entirely like potatoes, tomatoes, legumes/beans, whole grains, vegetables that grow in ground, dark leafy greens, avocadoes and many fruits.

    While in first hospital to have surgery I kept telling them they were feeding me dangerous hogh potassium foods, they said no until they came rushing in with medications to flush potassium out of my body before I had a heart attack.

    Isn’t it hell to reach our ages and have to monitor what we eat so closely? What if we had monitored what we ate as children and young people? Dare I say we’d all be healthy? Or healthier?

  17. Rick in Shermantown, Ohio Avatar
    Rick in Shermantown, Ohio

    My cat usually dragged in parts of mice, usually the head.

    I decided that he was presenting an offering to his god.

    1. Mark in TTown Avatar
      Mark in TTown

      Maybe he was doing it to collect the bounty?

      1. Rick in Shermantown, Ohio Avatar
        Rick in Shermantown, Ohio

        Good one!

    2. Sideburns Avatar

      Back in Southern California, Leo, my current cat, would sometimes catch mice, but he never brought them back, preferring to play with them rather than eat them. I know that since we’ve been up here in Trinidad, he’s caught both mice and birds, as he brings them back inside and either eats them or displays them as trophies.

      1. Rick in Shermantown, Ohio Avatar
        Rick in Shermantown, Ohio

        Do you have any idea why he switched from playing with them to eating them?

  18. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    A little video about interior design fails: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59IV-mXm55U

    It gave me several good laughs, especially the photo of the bathroom with the too-low ceiling and the over 6 foot guy.

  19. Jackie Avatar

    Has anyone in Village experienced today’s snow and ice storm moving across Texas, south Oklahoma, Arkansas and Louisiana? It has just reached the Mississippi River so moving into Mississippi as well.

    1. David in Granbury Avatar
      David in Granbury

      Jackie, we had seven inches of snow in North-central Texas. The roads never became icy as the temperature stayed just above freezing. It was slushy during the three hours that it was snowing heavily since the snow couldn’t melt as quickly as it was falling. (My FB page has a photo of the back yard that a neighbor took from their kayak.). Even though the snow was wet and heavy we didn’t lose any tree branches in my area.

  20. TruckerRon Avatar

    Here was an unplanned cameo which, for Star Wars fans, makes the documentary worth watching:


  21. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Re 1-11-21 real-time cartoon: RIP K.T.
    Janis has a point. If bras were as expensive in the 60s as they are now, bra-burning probably wouldn’t have been a thing. (Note: teenVogue, WaPo, Time, and other publications claim it never was a thing, branding bra-burning a “myth”. Snopes says it sort of was.
    Speaking of a point…lo, after all these many years, I do believe that Janis is displaying a pokie. I guess my “pokie promoting” finally paid off.
    Re 1-11-21 real-time cartoon: RIP K.T.
    Janis has a point. If bras were as expensive in the 60s as they are now, bra-burning probably wouldn’t have ever been a thing. (Note: teenVogue, WaPo, Time, and other publications claim it never was a thing, branding bra-burning a “myth”. Snopes says it sort of was.


    1. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
      Ghost Rider 6

      I have no idea what happened above. I’ll take a mulligan.

    2. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
      Ghost Rider 6

      I have no idea what happened above. I’ take a mulligan.

  22. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    I have no idea what happened above. I’ll take a mulligan.

  23. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Re 1-11-21 real-time cartoon: RIP K.T.
    Janis has a point. If bras were as expensive in the 60s as they are now, bra-burning probably wouldn’t have been a thing. (Note: teenVogue, WaPo, Time, and other publications claim it never was a thing, branding bra-burning a “myth”. Snopes says it sort of was.

  24. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Speaking of a point…lo, after all these many years, I do believe that Janis is displaying a pokie. I guess my years of “pokie promoting” finally paid off. If this one ever goes on the auction block, I will definitely bid on it.