A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Is there any other kind?

By Jimmy Johnson

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"
I’m running late today, but I am here! The above A&J from five years ago is a good example of something I mention here rather often. Regardless of what one thinks of the joke itself, it’s a good example of the essential comic strip, one where the words and the art are equally important. Take one away, and the other doesn’t work. No less than Charles Schulz said, it is what makes a comic strip a comic strip.

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461 responses to “Is there any other kind?”

  1. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Not bad, not bad. Jeff Bridges is a better Rooster Cogburn but my John Wayne loving husband might not agree.

    One year we were having our usual “Saltiest Salt” contest so I had idea Mike and another friend should enter as the “Two Half Blind Boat Builders” as one was blind in one eye, the other in the other eye. They forgot to put on their eye patches and still came in second place!

    Love, Jackie Monies

  2. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    I MISS Northern Exposure. Why is it not in reruns somewhere? Or is it?

    Love, Jackie Monies

  3. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Jackie, I got another up-vote for my beard recently. My hair cutter liked it. In return, I liked her cleavage. 🙂

    Yeah, loved Northern Exposure, too…my favorite TV show for much of the time it was on. Seems like it was in reruns on a cable network not long after it ended, but that was a good while back. Could it be available on Netflix or something like that, perhaps?

  4. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Jackie and Ghost: buy these and it can be in reruns whenever you like:

  5. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Jackie, I found an online mention of Northern Exposure being available on DVD, with the caveat that all the music has been excised from the disks due to royalty issues. For me, that would be a deal breaker.


  6. Lilyblack Avatar

    Mark, those photos were taken by a camera and actually developed and scanned into my computer, so that is not likely. I have never taken a “selfie” in my life.

  7. sideburns Avatar

    As far as old TV shows go, I still think that they should put Galaxy Quest back on the air!

  8. Lilyblack Avatar

    Okay, Jackie, this is from my history forum, since you love sailing songs:

    And we won’t give a damn when the gales are done how hard the
    winds did blow,
    For we’re homeward bound from the Arctic grounds with a good ship
    taught and free,
    And we won’t give a damn when we drink our rum with the girls
    from old Maui.

    Rolling down to old Maui, me boys, rolling down to old Maui,
    We’re homeward bound from the Arctic grounds, rolling down to old Maui.

    Once more we sail with the northerly gales through the ice and
    wind and rain, Them coconut fronds, them tropical shores, we soon
    shall see again;
    Six hellish months we’ve passed away on the cold Kamchatka sea,
    But now we’re bound from the Arctic grounds, rolling down to old Maui.

    How soft the breeze through the island trees, now the ice is far astern,
    Them native maids, them tropical glades, is awaiting our return;
    Even now their big…….

    Stan Rogers..

  9. emeritus minnesota biologist Avatar
    emeritus minnesota biologist

    Jackie, I may or may not still have relatives in Monroe or Shreveport, and would rather leave it at that. Please do not look for them or mention that you know of a retired MN prof who has relatives in the Deep South. I have many folks, blood-related and not, whom I love and who love me, near here and from coast to coast. And I have the Village. That’s plenty. Peace, emb

  10. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Jackie, here’s another for your sailing collection:

  11. sandcastler™ Avatar


    Anything you do on the computer leaves an IP address unless you do some fancy routing tricks. Any half smart twelve year old can figure out IP tracking with a few well placed searches.

  12. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    sand, Anonymizer? Tor?

  13. sandcastler™ Avatar

    GR6, not my area of expertise. Just saying, if you present a tempting target, somebody could go hunting.

  14. Lilyblack Avatar

    Sand. Let ’em. Who cares?

  15. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Professor, that is OK, we don’t even look up our own “lost” relatives! The funniest one was when I began doing genealogy to find out our true backgrounds, I stumbled over one of Mike’s cousins who was trying to do same thing, which put me onto the Isleno’s from off coast of Africa lead.

    Turned out he was “lost” as us, thought family was all dead. He was actually over in Baton Rouge, LA and had stopped at Mike’s uncles’ family business in Lafayette, LA because it was same name. Uncle Howard told him “no, don’t have any family alive, we’re the last of them.”

    It was actually his cousin and Mike’s dad’s cousin and there are a LOT of them still alive, including a branch off in Florida. None of whom we have ever met but I notice now they are doing genealogy also.

    I rarely go to Monroe except that we still have property to get rid of and a house I have to clear.

    Love, Jackie Monies

  16. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Loved the quirkiness of Northern Exposure and a great ensemble cast. It was briefly in reruns way, way back I am sure and then not.

    Galaxy Quest would be nice to see again too.

    Love, Jackie Monies

  17. Bryan Avatar

    Galaxy Quest, Jackie? Pretty sure that’s on NFlix, or twas a couple months back. Wife and I pop out the DVD of that one ’bout once a year. Sigourney Weaver with cleavage, who’da thunkit?

  18. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    I know, I am going to have to go join Netflix or something because all the mom and pop video stores don’t survive well now.
    The Galaxy Quest was a joke actually, but relevant.

    Husband watches t.v. and I don’t except an occasional thing like Downton Abbey I get hooked on. We also differ on movies, so he will go to theater without me and I would rent and watch videos.

    Northern Exposure was my favorite for years and years. It is strange, ensembles that work so well together almost never achieve that success on their own?

    A crested nuthatch just came by the window. Birds have been busy eating black sunflower seed all day and lots of variety out in yard.

    Love, Jackie Monies

  19. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    I always thought that Sigourney Weaver’s cleavage in Galaxy Quest was a marvel of engineering design and construction. Now I find that the design phase had been in the works since the mid-fifteenth century, so no wonder. 🙂

    Ghost’s TV Critic’s Corner…
    I’ve been using On Demand to watch Michael Bay’s “The Last Ship” in my spare time. It’s a fairly decent post-apocalyptic/action/drama/adventure yarn, even if it is does feature a bunch of squids. 🙂

    The premise/plot is not laugh-out-loud ridiculous…which is not to say it doesn’t have a few holes in it, some of them big enough to sail a DDG through. The characters include a strong, wise and inspiring Captain; a tough and loyal Executive Office; a brilliant and highly logical scientist; a Chief Engineer whose department can work mechanical miracles; and an African-American communications officer. There is also another naval ship, full of evil Russians, that is pursuing them as they go about their mission to save the World. (Wait a minute; if there is another ship, how are they The Last Ship? Oh, well.) They (including, improbably, the Cap’n and XO) sometimes go on missions off the ship, where some of the junior officers and other ranks often get killed or sick or injured. The setup all sounds somewhat familiar, like I’ve seen something similar, but I can’t quite put my finger on it…

  20. Mindy from Indy Avatar
    Mindy from Indy

    Mark in TTown – Cute. I like the rhythm in particular. Almost engerized me enough to pack. Almost. 🙂

    For some strange reason, after arguing with employee A1 all the way to the dentist, my BP was elevated. Since I told them it would likely be up when they took it, I was surprised when they asked me if I’d been to a doctor about “my chronic high readings.” Huh? I helpfully pointed out that every time I came, they took my BP and they hadn’t said boo until then. They took it again, and lo, it was in the high side of fine. They blamed it on switching to digital files. I miss my old dental hygienist.

  21. Mindy from Indy Avatar
    Mindy from Indy

    Ghost – May I just say, “Khannnn!”

  22. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    We’d see a new/minor character and say “Monster’s first gulp!”

    Did everyone else?

    Love, Jackie Monies

  23. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Am enjoying all the Gaelic and Celtic and Scottish and ??? sea chanty and folk music. Am I the only one who sees a similarity to Cajun zydeco music? Am I the only one who might listen to Cajun music? Not like I did, of course, since no one in OK plays it.

    My stone mason is a mandolin player from NC and I am going to have to have him and his group audition for me. I may need to engage him as a musician?

    A lot of our sailors bring instruments and we have impromptu music down at beach and around fires, not just on stage. We have a member whose band is called “Captain Ledge’s” and very talented family group, includes his children. He is an insurance broker, so not his day job!

    Love, Jackie Monies

  24. Jerry in Fl Avatar
    Jerry in Fl

    I began watching “The last Ship” out of curiosity and can’t stop, especially now that it is becoming less unlikely. (A doctor from the US is now in a US hospital and he has the Ebola virus). I recall that anytime Captain Kirk beamed down with a crew member that we hadn’t seen before it meant that the crew member would not be coming back.

  25. Lilyblack Avatar

    Jackie, I was told a few years back that if I listened to “Jolie Blonde” by some musician (I forget) it would become one of my favorite songs and would haunt me forever. I was excited, bought a CD and listened to it. Five or six times. Know what? I can’t even remember the tune. So much for “songs that haunt the soul.” I sold the CD in a church rummage sale.