A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Is there any other kind?

By Jimmy Johnson

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"
I’m running late today, but I am here! The above A&J from five years ago is a good example of something I mention here rather often. Regardless of what one thinks of the joke itself, it’s a good example of the essential comic strip, one where the words and the art are equally important. Take one away, and the other doesn’t work. No less than Charles Schulz said, it is what makes a comic strip a comic strip.

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461 responses to “Is there any other kind?”

  1. David in Austin Avatar
    David in Austin

    Lily, be sure the Boss sees today’s rerun of Peanuts on GoComics. 🙂

  2. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Thanks, sand. That’s a lot of (nice looking) Bologna. 😉

  3. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Granny Carol, I have on occasion been out dancing with co-workers (not employees). We always manage to have a very good time, without anyone’s “animal lust” being incited; or without it having any adverse effects on our working relationships.

    Of course, we aren’t exactly teenagers. 🙂

  4. David in Austin Avatar
    David in Austin

    The Baptist prohibition on dancing was reinforced by the association with drinking (absolutely forbidden!) In the 30s-50s, in the south, the most common place to dance was a “dance hall” which also had copious drinkin’. The two together were just too much sin in one place. Sock hops and high school dances that came a little later weren’t really the problem, but were painted with the same broad brush.

  5. emeritus minnesota biologist Avatar
    emeritus minnesota biologist


    Thanks for the dance video. The dance studio that wife and daughter attended has a liturgical dance group, usually of 6-8 members, that has danced at funerals I’ve attended. The ironic thing is that the owner of the studio as well as some of its members are ‘strong’ women but attend a denomination where only men can serve as pastors, church governing boards, and such. If you go to brunch after church any of several local spots and encounter a group from that church, the men and women are sitting at separate large tables. If they put on a fund-raising feed, the women are doing loaves and fishes in the basement.

    I have not seen today’s TIP before:


    I think it’s new. We did this in one room once, an old add-on that we had renovated to be my office. Very impractical stuff, but it was all the rage.

  6. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Even my Baptist friends get a kick out of this one…

    Jews don’t recognize Jesus. Protestants don’t recognize the Pope. And Baptists don’t recognize each other in a liquor store.

  7. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Wow, judging by today’s (8-1-14) cartoon, Janis has developed a real wild streak. By tomorrow night, she may be forgoing the use of a coaster under her cocktail glass and engaging in who-knows-what kind of other wanton behavior. 😉

  8. sandcastler™ Avatar

    Wanton behavior? Is that some form of Chinese food fetish? Maybe involving soy or sweet and sour sauces?

  9. David in Austin Avatar
    David in Austin


    “Why must you take two Baptists fishing with you?”
    “Cause if you take only one, he’ll drink all your beer.”
    [I still attend a Baptist church, but have some issues with doctrine. At best, I’m that horrible (HORRIBLE!) person, a *Moderate*.

  10. Lilyblack Avatar

    Good morning, Villagers. Yeah, I have heard the “dancing-is/was done in Undesirable Places”
    justification, but I have always replied, show me any activity teenagers get involved in (4-H, shuffleboard, chess club) that doesn’t stir their hormones. I am reminded of an embarrassing incident in our high school cafeteria where we were wearing our cheerleader outfits (there was a pep rally that day) and a friend brushed against a boy in the line, and, um, how to put this, he became visibly excited. Giggle city. I am *so* glad* to be out of high school!

  11. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    sand, although I’ve heard of nyotaimori-style presentation of sushi, I have never partaken of such. Nor would I…unless I knew the lady very, very well. Well enough, in fact, that eating sushi would likely not be my priority at the moment.

  12. Village Loon Avatar
    Village Loon

    Mr. Ghost :O

  13. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Lily, I recently overheard a discussion at work about whether the brain controls the genitals, or vice versa. In the case of teenage boys, I don’t believe there’d be much, if any, any debate about how that works.

  14. emeritus minnesota biologist Avatar
    emeritus minnesota biologist

    It’s widely known as testosterone poisoning.

  15. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Unfortunately, some never learn control and that gives the rest a bad reputation.

  16. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Unfortunately, some seem to think testosterone is a vitamin. At least, it almost seems to be being flogged in some TV commercials as such.

  17. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    When I owned a flower shop, most of my employees were females and most served on their church’s altar guild. It made for harmony in doing weddings, as we were strict in following “rules” of church and denomination. We had a LOT of different denominations on staff.

    We were laughing about my Baptist grandmother and another’s Lutheran mother who refused to admit others would join them in heaven. Employee said not only would they have their own clouds, they’d refuse to speak to the others or acknowledge they were there and perhaps build a fence?

    Our generation/age level didn’t seem to have that problem, as we had Methodists, Lutherans, Episcopalians, Baptists, Catholics and a variety of others all working together. Although I had to be persuasive to get the Lutherans to wear a hanky on their heads while setting up some stricter Catholic weddings!

    Love, Jackie Monies

  18. Trapper Jean Avatar
    Trapper Jean

    “He is not pinin’, he’s dead! If you hadn’t nailed his feet to the bar he’s be up sayin’ ‘ello to Graham Chapman!”

    Lily, my sister and I got to go see the final Monty Python show (Monty Python Live-sort of) a couple of weeks ago and that was one of their nods to the late Graham Chapman.

    I do like Northern Exposure, but not as much after Joel Fleischman left. After that the show just seemed to lose something for me. Another show that got all the music changed when it came out on DVD was WKRP In Cincinnati. As I understand it, some of the royalties were too high, and the studio wouldn’t pay that much, so they changed the music.

    Ghost and sand, thanks a bunch. Now I want wanton soup! As for Janis’s behavior, she can be pretty wild and crazy when she wants to be. 😉

  19. emeritus minnesota biologist Avatar
    emeritus minnesota biologist

    Except for female Mennonites, female nurses [we have a substantial minority of males] nurses don’t wear caps anymore. When wife, RN, BSN started out [pediatrics, U. Hosp., Ann Arbor, MI] in ’53, it was Cornell Nursing’s cap, all whites, and a Cornell[?] cape on cool days. Here, locally, we had an LPN who, until she retired, always wore her cap. Fine nurse she was, too. Loved her work, and patients loved her. Still kicking, I think.

  20. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    About the music change on the Northern Exposure DVD’s. According to the Wikipedia article on the show, when the first season was released it cost $60 due to the music royalties, and potential buyers complained of the cost. So the studio replaced the music and dropped the price. Now they squawk about not having the music from the tv run. As David Gilmour said on The Division Bell, “sometimes you just can’t win.”

  21. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Jean dear, go crazy and get just as much wanton soup as you like. 😉

  22. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    emb, I did a double take when I walked into a hospital dining room a few years ago and spied an older nurse immaculately attired in a white uniform dress with pins, white stockings and white duty shoes, and a starched white nurse’s cap. I don’t know if she was the hospital’s DON, or perhaps just an RN who had come out of retirement for some reason.

  23. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    A study shows that running as little as 5 minutes a day can lengthen your life 3 years. If that’s so, I know a certain Munchkin who will probably live to be 190 years old.

    Lookin’ at you, Lily. 🙂

  24. Trapper Jean Avatar
    Trapper Jean

    Jackie, I love “Midsomer Murders”! I must point out, though, that not all the murders are in one town. Within the county of Midsomer are many small towns: Causton, Midsomer Parva, Badger’s Drift, Fletchers Cross, Midsomer Worthy, Midsomer Mallow, Newton Magna, Midsomer Wellow, and Midsomer Morchard, just to name a few. How those small towns last with so many of their people getting murdered is beyond me, though. 😉