A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Is there any other kind?

By Jimmy Johnson

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"
I’m running late today, but I am here! The above A&J from five years ago is a good example of something I mention here rather often. Regardless of what one thinks of the joke itself, it’s a good example of the essential comic strip, one where the words and the art are equally important. Take one away, and the other doesn’t work. No less than Charles Schulz said, it is what makes a comic strip a comic strip.

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461 responses to “Is there any other kind?”

  1. Trapper Jean Avatar
    Trapper Jean

    Ghost, thank you! I think I will!

  2. David in Austin Avatar
    David in Austin

    A mere eighty-four degrees at 2:30 pm in Austin, Texas on August 1st. I love unexpected cool fronts. It is twenty degrees cooler than most summer days. A couple of years ago we had temps over 100 for most of the summer. Lovely!

  3. Lilyblack Avatar

    David: Amen. This time of year, the North Wind is our friend

    Ghost, I really doubt I’ll reach sixty, or even fifty. Who wants to get old?

  4. Ruth Anne in Winter Park Avatar
    Ruth Anne in Winter Park

    I guess the churches that forgo music or instruments must have to skip over that verse in Psalm 98 telling us to “make a joyful noise” and Psalm 150 that says to praise the Lord with trumpets, lutes, dancing, and loud cymbals, among other things.

    Many years ago, around the corner from where my husband worked in a predominantly black neighborhood, there was a tiny storefront church called simply “Enjoy Jesus”. At least a couple of nights a week he would pass a crowd of people entering the building carrying instruments of all sorts; you could hear lots of singing, clapping, etc. He was always sorry that he was on his way to work at that time (afternoon/evening shift in the film department at a TV station – remember film?). He would have loved to have shown up with his bass, although a stand-up acoustic bass might have been a tight fit!

  5. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Trapper Jean and Jackie, if you like English mysteries, you should try Peter Turnbull. His earlier books are in the vein of the Ed McBain 87th Precinct series, but he has a more recent series set in York. Those are slower paced, more thoughtful, with an interesting cast of detectives. Look for subtitle Hennessey and Yellich.

  6. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Trapper, I was looking at that list last night of all the tiny villages in Midsomer, seemed to be about 50 of them! Still, I told Mike I wondered how a realtor could sell a house there with the high murder and crime rates? I liked the part about them having a murder rate twice that of London and the inspector telling his wife about especially gory murders in each locale when she wanted to move to another village.

    I was wrong too, they are in 17th season with a new inspector and on their fourth sergeant. That is a long run for any television show!

    Husband loves British t.v. and humor, watches a car show where they do insane crazy stunts all the time. And yet, he does not like Monty Python?

    Love, Jackie Monies

  7. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    One of my grandmothers, step one, belonged to a church without musical instruments. The other had instruments but no dancing or wine, as did the first one.

    Since I did read the Bible, I found this strange, as the Bible makes lots of references to music, instruments, dancing and wine.
    One of Jesus’ miracles was to change water to wine.

    So, I was a thorn in anyone’s side, like the grandmother who mostly raised me, as I’d bring up points like that. Most often when she was feeding the pastor or other visiting clergy Sunday dinner! I wasn’t shy about arguing even as a kid.

    Love, Jackie Monies

  8. emeritus minnesota biologist Avatar
    emeritus minnesota biologist

    Jackie: Most of the pastors I purposely associate with would love a kid like that. emb

  9. Lilyblack Avatar

    Jackie: My priest would have loved you. But he is always getting after me for making fun of the Baptists. Go figure

  10. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    I became an Episcopalian by choice but I was actually more of a Anglican. We do have Anglican churches in Tulsa but a far drive.

    Love, Jackie Monies

  11. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    “…I really doubt I’ll reach sixty, or even fifty. Who wants to get old?”

    I used to say the same thing, Dearest Munchkin…when I was 20 and not expecting to make it to 25. I learned it wasn’t that hard to do. I also learned there is a vast difference between “aging” and “getting old”.

  12. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Jackie! You were argumentative as a child?! I’m shocked! Shocked, I tell you! 🙂

  13. Bill in Paducah Avatar
    Bill in Paducah

    So about a week ago I spied a flash of grey as I pulled in to work. Heard a meow that sounded like it was coming from behind our storage unit. Couldn’t find anything. One of our employees heard the same thing while she was taking out trash. Put out a little food, and saw a skinny, dirty frightened kitten. After 10 days of food, sleep and a vet visit, Ludwig, et al, meet Matilda:


  14. Lilyblack Avatar

    Ghost, you don’t understand. I won’t survive anything happening to my adopted family. If they are gone, I won’t have anything left, and I’llI have to do something like join a nunnery, and I won’t last long, there. So, fifty, tops. And I won’t like that.

  15. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Matilda is a sweetie! “Matilda, I cried and cried for you…..” She is a lucky girl.

    Ghost, I saw that coming!

    Lily, I was told in my teens I shouldn’t expect to live to be old, maybe not even my 20’s. I lived my life like that for a long time, never thinking I’d be “old”. And here I am at 70 and don’t know how I got here?

    Told my cardiologist I might have tried to take better care of myself had I known? He said it probably wouldn’t have changed a thing, so who knows?

    Love, Jackie Monies

  16. Mindy from Indy Avatar
    Mindy from Indy

    Aww cute kitty! My spoiled brat is in my lap, she thinks I’m talking about her. I don’t dare tell her otherwise. She’s like that.

  17. Jerry in Fl Avatar
    Jerry in Fl

    70 used to be old. Now I’m 65 and just getting started. Some would say it’s about time.

  18. Jerry in Fl Avatar
    Jerry in Fl

    Beautiful kitty! Does she really have grey eyes?

  19. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Don’t sell yourself short, Lily. You’ve already proved (to me, anyway) that you’re pretty damned tough.

  20. Galliglo from Ohio Avatar
    Galliglo from Ohio

    Lovely cat, Bill! Good for you for saving her.

  21. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    There is a new tortie kitty who has moved in to our porch area. I feed them, of course. I am watching her tail swish outside my office window while she watches birds. She looks young and pregnant, so I think we will have kittens again if she will have them where we can find them. She won’t let me catch her but she is watching me thru window too.

    I used to say I made a payment on my vet’s truck every month!

    Love, Jackie Monies

  22. Granny Carol Avatar
    Granny Carol

    Beautiful kitten, Bill! Almost all of our pets have been “found” ones. Reminds me of our kitty (Tiger, named by my then 8 year old daughter who received him for Christmas). He had the longer hair and looked like a Maine coon and had the personality of a rag doll cat. Hope Matilda will be as much a sweetheart as our Tiger was!

  23. curmudgeonly ex-professor Avatar
    curmudgeonly ex-professor

    Sharing a bit of joy: Last Monday, I told y’all that I had finally located a HS acquaintance not seen for more than 57 years – after 15 years of searching & by some you-gotta-be-kidding stroke of luck:

    A newspaper site offered me a “teaser”, trying to get me to subscribe, and that teaser just happened to be about my friend, with all appropriate data to prove her identity, and with full particulars of her wedding! Thus, I found her married name.

    With the name, I found what seemed to be a current address and mailed a short note Tuesday. She received it today and has already replied by email that she’s delighted to have been found!! I look forward to this friendship, albeit from a thousand miles away, for the rest of our years. That’s a blessing.

  24. Lilyblack Avatar

    No wonder I can buy so many shoes and clothes! I have no cat, my pup is healthy and I have a friend who fixes my MG for free. Life is good…for a while! 😛

  25. Bryan Avatar

    Today’s Dogs of C-Kennel fits quite well with our conversations of earlier this week – Bacon!