The comic strip above is from 2003. Imagine a fifth panel, where Arlo’s sled flies off a cliff and write “2016” on it. There. It’s been updated. I know I haven’t been around much the past few weeks, but I hope it will help when I tell you I’ve been busy coordinating painters and masons and laborers who are working on the parsonage restoration. Those guys start early! That’s right; I’m spending the money you so generously contributed. And working on that book, too! It’s quite a unique experience to have a lot of help for a change. However, I’ve been demoted from architect, engineer and craftsman to “gopher.” But I’m not complaining. Soon, I’ll post pictures and further information about the project. Oh, and… Happy New Year!

It’s All Downhill from Here!
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
103 responses to “It’s All Downhill from Here!”
wow 1st post. Happy New Year to JJ and all A&J readers
Happy healthy prosperous New Year to you Jimmy. Also, Happy New Year to everyone here at A&J,com. Hope everyone stays safe tonight
Prosperous? I hope so.
However, I suspect that, for me, 2017 will be less prosperous and more preposterous.
Happy New Year, Villagers! May your year be happy, peaceful, and prosperous!
Thank you for another wonderful year, Jimmy! And I’m hoping for a good year ahead for all the Villagers and lurkers!
Congratulations on nine years cancer-free, Jerry!
Happy New Year JJ and all of the denizens of the Village. May God richly bless your new year.
Good morning Village! I love the retro and it’s perspective on life. It has gone entirely too fast.
Thank you emb for the invitation. We’re I to come north you would have to buy me a buffalo fur coat to wrap around me like a Mountain Man Explorer to survive the weather.
Although I did want to tell my waitreSS that Tulsa classical music performances did not require elegant apparel but I thought that if at her age she was going to first such that I hoped it would be as elegant as possible. Of course the music is the same, no matter what you are wearing.
Thank you Jimmy for so much of what made 2016 bearable not to mention the humor was probably the most educated and subtle in a year of often blatant bad taste jokes screaming at us.
Good wishes and love to the Village and all the Orphans.
Happy New Year to all; best wishes on all your projects, big or small.
Wooeee! Got new batteries in my scales and I am down 12 pounds that I had gained back. Now I must lose all the rest of the regained weight and start on that old entrenched weight that is dug in and barricaded.
I can do this! I should know, I have done it hundreds of times.
Jackie: Relatively frost-free season now typically runs May-Sept, inclusive. Wishing all a safe and peaceful 2017. emb
P.S. Jimmy I am excited to hear the progress being done on the parsonage. Of course, excited by book. I think your book is so much better a legacy, as is the parsonage, than any record I may leave on this earth.
emb I am going back on my campaign to meet all possible Villagers in 2017. Just thinking about that. Thank you for the invitation.
Debbe being in town at her dad’s house made me think of driving there to visit her while I am at my daughters in Illinois. It isn’t so far to Indiana.
Rick, I really thought that I wrote preposterous for a second. Nothing really wrong with that as I have had a lot of fun when preposterous things have happened to you.
I meant to me…Or did I? lol
To All My Friends in the Village (and I’m lookin’ at you, too, Jimmy):
If you’ve been paying attention it will come as no surprise that 2016 has put some significant dings in the usual and customary Ghostly Sangfroid & Joie de Vivre ™. Early indications are that 2017, at least the anterior portion of it, may not be appreciably better along those lines. Should I have to drop off the grid for a while, I will try to provide advance notice, as it seems the last time I did that it caused some minor apprehension in The Village. To the point, as I understand it, sandcastler™ was considering the issuance of a Silver Alert for me. (Really, sand? A Silver Alert?)
Along with my wishes of peace and prosperity for all of you, I add my thanks for you “being here” for me during the past twelve months. Your expressions of concern for me, as well as my knowledge that many of you have dealt with vicissitudes of life that were as bad, if not worse, was of great aid to me. I pledge to deal with the personal tempests I see coming in a way that will allow me to not only survive but thrive. Oh, and to try my best to ride life like 1983 Arlo did.
This is for all of you today…Strength and tranquility to you as you pursue your worthy goals in the coming year. I believe in you. Non deficere.
Damn it Ghost, you are allowed to disappear off the radar, none of us can prevent that, but you have so many here that care about you, as ethereal and wispy as you are. You can’t come into so many hearts, engaging their love without causing fear and concern in their minds.
No one I have ever cared about has ever stayed in my life but that is just a personal observation. You are as real as a character in a book, a movie, a performance, yet we all believe you are real, a human we have come to love and worry about.
So yes, damn it, it isn’t fair. You have a lot of hearts won here.
Happy New Year to you and yours – all of you!
Regarding Janis’ comment, I guess it depends….
GR6, The Desk Sargent wouldn’t issue an Amber Alert, something about the young lady was over 18 years of age. His only suggestion was to issue a Silver Alert since it sounded like you were of questionable mind and character. 😉
Have a Frothy New Year and drive like you want to get home safe.
Roger that. 😀
Michiganders, We survived the game, but you had me worried. It was an exciting game. Now on to the Alabama teams. Good luck JJ. I become a temporary football fan at this time of year.
Being a rainy afternoon in the Deep South, I’d probably be watching the Washington-Alabama game by default, even if I didn’t enjoy bowl, playoff and championship games.
Also, based on a glimpse of them, the Million Dollar Band Color Guard makes me think they should be called the Cleavage Corps.
Well, we didn’t get to 300 posts, but we can still try again. Hope you all have a safe and Happy New Year.
How high can they kick? The women, not the team kickers.