The comic strip above is from 2003. Imagine a fifth panel, where Arlo’s sled flies off a cliff and write “2016” on it. There. It’s been updated. I know I haven’t been around much the past few weeks, but I hope it will help when I tell you I’ve been busy coordinating painters and masons and laborers who are working on the parsonage restoration. Those guys start early! That’s right; I’m spending the money you so generously contributed. And working on that book, too! It’s quite a unique experience to have a lot of help for a change. However, I’ve been demoted from architect, engineer and craftsman to “gopher.” But I’m not complaining. Soon, I’ll post pictures and further information about the project. Oh, and… Happy New Year!

It’s All Downhill from Here!
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
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103 responses to “It’s All Downhill from Here!”
I realized today that 2016 was not a total loss because I found a brand of bra in my size that was both pretty, sexy, fit me well and I could afford them. You have no idea how hard 42DDD is to find.
Then I found today there is a 42FFF that meets all the above criteria and fits even better. Of course I bought one to try, along with 42G one to try. The bad part is they are expensive. Knowing Ghost he probably knows all about sizing of said garments and what the sizes mean but I did not.
Of course they are European. American companies don’t seem to have anything to fit but what’s new?
Happy New Year, PST!
It got me again.
Happy New Year, everyone!
Jimmy- sounds like you’re making a lot of progress 🙂
Jackie- that looks really really good. And congratulations on the egg!
Hugs to everyone……….
Hugs to you Llee and everyone else too. I have been ordering all.kinds of vegetables and potato starts so I can bring you veggies this spring.
We may have another egg by tomorrow!
Happy New Year all!
Same to you.
One of the 6 packs I picked up at the nearest municipal liquor store before Christmas was Hey-Hey Polka King Porter, from the Door County Brewing Co., Bailey’s Harbor, WI. No ABV listed*so just went on line. Verbiage about xxx hops and zzz barley, etc., then:
‘ABV 5.3% Recommended glassware: mason jar.’
Haven’t tasted it yet, but am favorably inclined.
Gubmint requires # fat g./serving, and such. ABV or proof, as appropriate, should be on all EOH beverages. Cannot do % RDA; varies too much per individual.
Lovely New Year Day, y’all. We survived all the festive acts that make a Texas New Year an adventure.
Jackie: Yes, I know how to size a bra…inquiring minds want to know.
In this age of ATMs and on-line bill pay, does anyone still write checks? I do; sometimes as many as two or three a year.
One of the weather girls (excuse me…On-Air Meteorologist of the Female Persuasion™) on TWC this morning is wearing a dress with one of those new-fangled asymmetrical hemlines. (Perhaps the fronts of her legs are sexier than the backs?) The other On-Air Meteorologist of the Female Persuasion™ is wearing a sheath dress that is entirely black in back and fuchsia (or whatever) in front.
I don’t get it. If watchin’ girls in symmetrical clothing was good enough for my grand-pappy, it’s good enough for me. 🙂
New year…but same husband eating toast, same silly squirrels in the yard, same dust on top of the bookcases…thank you, God! I think my life is wonderful!
Thank you all for the New Year wishes, and back atcha!
Happy January, folks! It’s a rainy day in Georgia, so I doubt I’ll be getting out, but that’s okay. Dinner tonight will be roasted chicken, rice, blackeyed peas with ham hocks, and sauteed cabbage. Nobody here but me likes collard greens, and I don’t cook them nearly as good as my late mother-in-law did, so I don’t bother.
Hi Ghost Sweetie! Please do give us a bit of notice if you must be gone from the Village, and do be careful. We don’t want to lose you!
Happy New Year to all you regular Villagers and also to those whose names I didn’t recognize—glad to have you check in with good wishes. (Also Happy Birthday to my husband Jim.) Everybody stay safe and stay strong.
Raining in the desert today—always a good thing.
Happy New Year to the Village!
Yes GR some of us still do write checks. I write about 4-5 month for certain bills which cannot be taken care of online. Mostly local providers of services who still do business in the old fashioned time honored way of working on an honor system of payment with the canceled check being the receipt. Works great, and with one provider has for the last 40 some odd years.
Ghost: count me as a check writer – no username/password required, harder to hack, and not that much slower than the new, “improved” chip cards.
Good afternoon, Dickens and I just shared blueberry English muffins for breakfast. I had a Diet Coke and he didn’t. He is curled up in the tray for mail and napkins on table on top of his fleece coat.
So glad to see so many Villagers here yesterday and today. I do worry about so many of you when you disappear. And yes, when I start back traveling my goal is to meet as many of you as I can. You feel like family to me.
Much love for 2017. May what we can control in our lives be the best we can do. What we cannot control may we handle as well as we can, realizing we cannot control it, only our reaction to it.
Re the above, all my life bras have been a source of irritation, literally and figuratively. To reach the age I am and finally find there are bras that fit, are comfortable, pretty, sexy and well made is kind of ironic.
Why have our manufacturers foisted ill fitting, uncomfortable garments on us all these years? I consider it another form of discrimination. I once wenthe to a museum that had a display of historic under garments for men and women shown. Basically only affluent people wore them, the poor did not.
That such garments survived from hundreds of years past is amazing.
Or maybe they didn’t fit and just got saved?
One more 2016 passing of note: William Christopher, AKA Father Francis Mulcahy on M*A*S*H. He was always my favorite character, good for an insightful comment and, sometimes, jocularity!
I think I saw W. Christopher locally in a production of “Church Basement Ladies” [or some similar name]…maybe 2-3 years ago. Does that title sound correct, anyone?
Count me as another check-writer. I prefer not to have financial info in so many potentially hackable places. Writing checks also gives me a feeling for where the funds go, and how much to expect to need for, say, gas this month. In the register I record the CCF of gas used each period. For water, also CCF; for electricity, KWH.
Recently, the gas company’s bill told me we had used 4.4 times as much gas this November as we had in November 2015!!! Yet, their own records said November 2016 was warmer than November 2015, so why would more gas be needed? Consider – not just a tad more usage, but 4.4 TIMES as much.
I phoned in with my numbers and logic, and the woman answering agreed. Company was to send out an agent and reread the meter. The conclusion was that the reading was as shown, and they were not going to adjust anything. So what had happened? I don’t know – perhaps the November 2015 reading had been screwed up.
Jackie, it’s possible that most of those garments are designed by men who never ask the models wearing them if they’re comfortable. Of course, there are lots of dresses and so on that are designed to look good, but also look like they’re torture to wear, so what do I know?
Hope everyone enjoyed their New Year’s celebrations, as loud or quiet it may have been. Warm wishes for each other, and high hopes to the world at large.
Jimmy, some may not call it art, and many think I’m young. But today’s current makes an old dude not from Nantucket *snort* in a very fun way. Cheers.
Ursen, et al, I want to live in your world of bookkeeping (always a fun word to type), but my credit union just had another name change/expensive remodel. And another tattooed across her breastbone (how dare you judge my sororities poor judgement) teller makes me long for days of patience and posting all deposits before payouts. Not to mention passing off an inflated administrative cost onto your customer (sorry, client) by charging for paper statements.
Ruth Anne, am not thrilled with the chip card *delay* that causes the user embarrassment for their questionable improvement.
end grump [I hope]
c x-p, you may have a way to cause them anguish if nothing else. You can make the case that if their numbers are accurate the only reasonable explanation is a leak, causing danger to health and welfare of the community. They must investigate their liability. Unfortunately, that means they could dig up your property and all your neighbors easements. First step would be to see if you are the only one. Local utilities have learned from Verizon and others: overcharge first, argue second, reap profits.