A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

It’s easier than knocking.

By Jimmy Johnson

My vehicle usually is a lot like my office: a mess. Not a disgusting, ewwww-what-is-that-sticky-stuff? kind of mess, but a clutter. I think that says something about me and my disposition. It says I’m a slob but not quite a pig. People don’t believe me when I say it, but I often know where things are. I put them there! Drawers, to me, are black holes. If I put something in a drawer, that is when it becomes lost. Sometimes I rummage through my desk drawers to marvel at the useful things I find there. “So that’s where it went!”

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51 responses to “It’s easier than knocking.”

  1. Steve from Royal Oak, MI Avatar

    Jimmy that is me. I have clutter and my car comes close to being a pig. But I grew up in a pig sty. With 7 kids, my mom did not have the energy to clean up after us. We all turned out pretty good, but I have been in a few of my brother’s homes and one of them should be condemned My sister has a cleaning lady come in and another brother’s wife takes great care in cleaning, but my other brothers have either cluttered or messy homes. Our house has dust and cat hair., but expect for a few spots that I store my junk/mess, it is a clean home. I am very lucky to be married to someone that cares about this.

    We agreed to having a few messy spots for me so that I can find my stuff when I lose it. When my wife loses stuff, it is gone for a while as she has put it in a box or a drawer. One time I found the tv remote in the sewing kit! Oops!

  2. Ruth Avatar

    My dad worked from home and his desk always looked cluttered and messy. It was awash with papers and books but he knew exactly where every paper he needed was. The only times he had trouble finding things were when my brother or I would play at and/or rearrange his desk.

  3. Bonnie from Gloucester MA Avatar
    Bonnie from Gloucester MA

    When I was working, people would walk into my office, look at my desk and just shake their heads. Pile City. But yeah, I knew where everything was. I hate drawers. Black holes, just like JJ said. Funny thing, though. The clutter people and the neatniks seem to find each other and fall in love. Opposites attract! Then the battles begin. *sigh*


    Ghost is a total neatnick and I used to be as well. He will tell you that I have gotten off that train a long time ago.

    We are going to start opening and going through plastic storage bins, my bete’ noire.

  5. curmudgeonly ex-professor Avatar
    curmudgeonly ex-professor

    I tend to prefer lowered local entropy, but am certainly capable of maintaining messes, too. Easily seen from this chair are several cartons of philatelic auction lots still awaiting sorting out – and they are quite a few years old!


    Oncologist says I will lose hair and a breast, so I bhave to buy wig if I want one. I am getting one through insurance, two or three less expensive.

    Dollie Parton anyone?

  7. Ursen Avatar

    Yup clutter is good for the soul. The problem comes when my dear lady decides on a major sort and put away. I’ll be unable to find something where it was supposed to be, ask her where it is, and she says “I can’t remember.” or she doesn’t remember putting it away at all.

  8. Steve from Royal Oak, MI Avatar

    We have rules in my house that even junk male does not get thrown out until I’ve had a chance to look at it. Once I almost threw out a new credit card and another time a rebate check. That is why I have created spaces in the house that might be cluttered, but I KNOW where everything is. If company comes over, I can put it somewhere else. We headed off a LOT of arguments that way.

  9. Jerry in Fl Avatar
    Jerry in Fl

    JJ-I know what you mean. I frequently lose things in my drawers too.

  10. Jerry in Fl Avatar
    Jerry in Fl

    Hurricane threatens NYC. One cat 5 after another threatens US, some causing trillions of dollars in damage and over two months left in the hurricane season. Earthquake in Illinois and a severe quake hits just south of Mexico City. I’m afraid to check the Old Faithful cam.

  11. emb Avatar

    Due about 6 pm CDT, give or take 10 min. Haven’t looked in months.



  12. Steve From Royal Oak, Mi Avatar

    Q: What lies at the bottom of the ocean and twitches?
    A: A nervous wreck.

  13. Nancy Kirk in AZ Avatar
    Nancy Kirk in AZ

    Repeat of posting on old site. Sorry. I’m still on enough pain med that I’m not at my clearest head.

    Good to have your report, Jean. I’ll check in with mine also. Just as I knew, second week after knee replacement is better than first but still not good. Range of motion is excellent but lots of swelling and bruising, ergo still lots of pain. Even though one knows better, one still hopes….

  14. Ghost Avatar

    From the Department of Better Late Than Never: If anyone is interested in knowing what their “pirate name” is…


    Mine? “Bad Butt” Dick Straw. Hum.

    Pirate: “Thar she blows!”
    Politically Correct Pirate: “Thar xe blows!”

  15. Steve Avatar

    Have you tried taking the drawers out and leaving them on a desk or other working surface?

  16. Debbe Avatar

    Good morning Villagers….

    For two days I’ve tried posting, little tidbits, arrghhhhs, and smiles….but I get sidetracked, and meanwhile a couple of hours later….it’s gone!!!!

    Jerry….had to laugh at that one…too funny

    Good news on Jackie and GR

    back later, gators

    GM Old Bear

    And a find howdy do to you Miss Charlotte

  17. Debbe Avatar

    this will make one think before going through their drive thru…..


  18. Steve from Royal Oak, MI Avatar

    I sure got confused for a minute as I got directed to the prior thread and thought “Where did my post go?”

    Found it.

  19. Trapper Jean Avatar
    Trapper Jean

    Oh, I understand about cleaning! I do keep a clean house, though I don’t dust as often as I should, but then as Erma Bombeck said, work like crazy to clean the house, and six months later you have to do it all over again!

    I’m afraid I’m going to have to go back to my knee doctor. Lately when I stand up my knee sounds like there’s gravel in there and the bones are rolling over it. Feels weird when it happens, too.


    I liked Erma’s joke about only ironing the side of the kids’ clothes that showed in school photos.

    Ghost and I are on second housecleaning help since he got here. This one is smart and attractive blonde, old friend of mine. We have great hopes for this one.

    My friend hates her current job. She is assistant manager and has to hire and deal with an ever changing transient fast food employees.

    Ghost suggests I mortgage my house and hire her fulltime which she’d love. And I am considering it seriously.

  21. Steve from Royal Oak, MI Avatar

    Trapper Jean: A popular meme may have had it’s roots with Erma

    Ladies, if a man says he’ll fix it, he will. No need to remind him every 6 months about it!