My vehicle usually is a lot like my office: a mess. Not a disgusting, ewwww-what-is-that-sticky-stuff? kind of mess, but a clutter. I think that says something about me and my disposition. It says I’m a slob but not quite a pig. People don’t believe me when I say it, but I often know where things are. I put them there! Drawers, to me, are black holes. If I put something in a drawer, that is when it becomes lost. Sometimes I rummage through my desk drawers to marvel at the useful things I find there. “So that’s where it went!”

It’s easier than knocking.
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
51 responses to “It’s easier than knocking.”
Ha, ha. As floodies we have learned the value of each owning a shopping bag of goods. 😉 Life simplified to the Nth.
I was going to ask how recovery was going Formerly Dry, but if that is truly the case that answers that question.
Ursen, slowly getting clothes back from the cleaners. Some have stains from who knows what, while others seem none the worse. MBR, DR, main living space, and kitchen were a total loss. The upper story survived: 2nd bedroom, office, and “den.” 95% of the books, all the artwork were saved, as well as both cats.
The cats have recovered from their arduous journeys across Texas by: rubber raft, boat, city bus, and various cars. Certainly, at some points they questioned their human’s sanity.
Settled today with the insurance company on both cars and acquired a new one. Next up what to do with a gutted house.
Dry Sand, I honestly know what you are going through but then I have seen Houston first hand, just not on this scale. Nassau Bay had three of these one right after the other while I lived there, often same houses.
Some of my friends did not keep their sanity. Tell the kitties you are holding it better than I would.
Why didn’t Ludwig run out to greet them?
Jackie, Ghost would have enjoyed the scenery at Disneyland. It was pretty warm and there were lots of sundresses and tank tops on view. I even saw one woman wearing these:
I’m guessing she was costumed as The Little Mermaid because she also had her hair dyed red.
Hubby and I always said we lived like college students. Never dirty, but rarely neat.
When we went to Disney World years ago, we visited the Little Mermaid and as we left I told my son, that IF I were especially cruel, I would have yelled “Fire! Everybody leave!”
Probably would have been given a lifetime ban for that.
I guess this stuff’s name was too appropriate:
JJ, I think that you put one over on us. I’m referring to the third frame.
Formerly dry, although not in your current position, I have cleaned up areas around the big Potomac flood in the 70’s and know the back breaking work. For all those in the painful recovery steps after the recent hurricanes I still am praying for you.
Third frame in the retro or Th. 21 Sep. ’17? Cannot find hidden meaning in either one.
No, not bad, Mark. The current “leggings” (which I believe may be just yoga pants made of slightly heavier material) worn by many today remind me of the “cigarette pants” of some years ago. Like them, my reaction to leggings-clad persons of the female persuasion seem to all be on one end of the spectrum or the other…either “Wow!” or “OMG, doesn’t she own a full-length mirror?”
Along those lines, we had breakfast in a nearby city after dropping off Totally Awesome Truck for the detailed cleaning owed it since its purchase. Our young server was rather attractive, notwithstanding her pink hair and a single facial piercing. (At least she hadn’t adopted the “face-plant in a tackle box” look of some her peers.) Her attire included a pair of sand-colored jeans of some very stretchy material, which she stretched quite nicely, thank you. She was definitely a “Wow!” in that department. But what earned her a generous tip was not her display of pulchritude, but her sweetness in sending a gratis order of bacon out to Dickens after I had ordered it and showed her his photo. Also, the food was very good, so we will be seeing her again, I’m sure.
BTW, have I mentioned that Dickens is a chick magnet par excellence? Once I was walking him outside a large clinic while Jackie was inside. At least six pharmaceutical reps, in their obligatory eight-inch-above-the-knee skirts and their five-inch-tall stilettos, stopped to chat and to admire Dickens. I found that quite a bit more interesting than reading eight-year-old National Geographic magazines in the waiting room.
I just received an email from “American Stock Transfer & Trust Company”, saying they have received a “cheque” from Ministry of Justice Mr. Maurizio Bartoli “valued $1,940,000 ((One Million, nine hundred and forty thousand,United States Dollars only) bearing my name and email address from “Online National UK Lottery London United Kingdom”. All they need is some personal information from me, so they can send me the “cheque” without any further delay. For some reason, this message was diverted to my spam folder, so I may be too late.
I guess the Nigerian Minister of Finance had to retire from his “job” of sending million dollar “cheques” out to random people and had to turn it over to the “Ministry of Justice”. At least the Ministry of Finance emails I used to get container fewer typos.
This is a heart-warmer. If I live another 10+ yrs., maybe I can welcome her to BSU.
Not sure driving just to see fall colors is good stewardship of resources, but apparently this is the place:,%202017
Disclaimer: Two superb fall color spp. don’t range this far W, sassafras and beech.
Jimmy Johnson – contact me directly so you can help me track down my Kickstarter items. Taking $250 from me, then delivering nothing…is that how you do business?
Either you have tracking number information for me, or you can initiate some other ways of tracking these items. Or refund my pledge.
The map shows 25-50% in our area – It is no where near 25%
Though there is a nice Maple down the block that is turning red.
everything else is green. We will see after tomorrow. Though 90*
is predicted.
Glad Autumnal Equinox everyone.
Here, on the last full day of summer, it’s raining in the valley and snow is predicted above 7,500 feet, which is to say 3,000 feet above my house. The mountain tops should be beautiful tomorrow morning!
I’m sure you’ve all heard about NASA’s OSIRIS-REx spacecraft which is going to fly past Earth on September 22nd. It’s sling-shotting itself toward a potentially hazardous asteroid named “Bennu.” At its closest approach, OSIRIS-REx will be only 10,711 miles above our planet’s surface, well inside the orbit of geosynchronous satellites. This map gives a 2-D representation of its path… just remember that the South Pole extends across the bottom of the map (a Mercatur projection?):
Usually fall colors can appear here as early as mid October and sometimes as late as mid November. However, the persimmon trees along the lake causeways are loaded with fruit.
Llees hometown, Carthage, Missouri has a maple leaf festival all month in October. We had hoped to go but won’t be able to do so.
When are peak leaves predicted this year Llee?
This is our famous and beautiful scenic drive, the Tahlemina National Scenic Byway which follows the crest of the Ouachita Mountains, the highest mountains between the Rockeys and the Appalachians. The road was built just for scenic travel.
This is one of reasons I bought Black Jack, to put the top down and drive these mountains. The drive is right south of me, not far at all. When the foliage peaks Ghost can load me in and we are going!
Scrolling through the Ouachita photos reminds me of the Berkshires of CT and NY, and of NY’s Catskills: modest Eastern style mts, ancient and worn down. Peace,
Ghost, apparently your benefactors have begun delivering their messages through this forum, Emb, retro. All, there has been a 5.5 quake on the Mexican coast on the same fault that runs south of Mexico City. It is also the same one that runs along the coast of California. This fault is having a flurry of what could be a warning of things to come. I’m just saying.